Monday, July 27, 2009

How About Something Completely Different...!

I know that I'm just an old Hermit type, but I do read...A LOT!

Sometimes when you read, you run across an author or a piece of writing that stays with you forever! Such was the case when I met Robert Frost!

Each time I read his works again, it's like reading them for the first time. I always see something there that I missed the time before.

So much of his writings are of special interest to those of us that like simple things in life. The beauty of nature, the simplicity of country living, the honesty in a spoken country parable. I thought we should have a listen just to start our Monday, OK?

Simple beauty...what a way to start the day! What makes it better is to share it with my friends!

So let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit...just to share some time together!


  1. Lovely, Mister Hermit, sir. I adore Frost - and, having lived in a tiny New England town, know about those walls that tumble themselves down. I once wondered if it was because they were lonely, and wanted to feel the touch of their builders...much like humans seek the touch of their maker, that great Presence in the void.

    Sense tells me it was more likely frost heaves, but my sense has long learned to hush itself in the face of my whimsy.

    Unlike Frost's unnamed Something, I loved the old stone walls that rambled through the woods, forgotten by their makers but defining, still, those long-ago lines of who belonged where.

    My childhood was punctuated by those walls, climbing them, exploring their roughness, the moss growing over them, trees sometimes growing through them...magic...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Good morning, Uncle Hermit,

    Robert Frost is one of my all time favorite poets.

    In high school one whole quarter of my English class was dedicated to poetry. That is where I discovered Mr. Frost.

    My all time favorite is Nothing Gold Can Stay, followed by Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and The Road Not Taken.

    Thank you for sharing this one for us to enjoy.

    I would love to spend some time sharing a cup of coffee with you.

    Have a wonderful Monday!

    Let me take this opportunity to thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and visit/follow my blog. :D

    Hugs to you

  3. Hey K...
    The beauty of the stone walls and fences standing silently for years and years...are things to be enjoyed merely because they are there!

    Taking time to look at and actually see and appreciate the things in front of us...that should be our daily quest!

    Hey, thanks for stopping in today, K...

  4. Hey Felinae...
    It was my pleasure to add your blog to my roll and to sign up as a follower.

    Robert Frost spoke for the regular folks more than any other, I believe. He still does even in this day and time, but people don't seem to haver the time to listen to his message anymore!

    Thank you so much for stopping in, Lady!

  5. I am 76, and may soon be able to enjoy all my favourite movies and books for the first time every month. I will wake beside a strange, beautiful, hottie every morning. It's my old wife, of course, but I won't know that. tee hee hee

  6. Thank you for the reading. It is a good way to start a Monday. There is something to be said for living a simpler life close to nature like Robert Frost describes in his works. Life is just too darn complicated and personally I think a hermit life would be so much better.

  7. What a way to start the day, with such beauty. Thank you my friend.

  8. Hey Vlad...
    Sort of gives us older guys something to look forward to, doesn't it?

    Guess it's all in how you look at it!

    Thanks for the visit this morning...

    Hey Rae...
    Someone told me that when we get too busy to watch the clouds overhead gently go by, then we should slow down!

    I guess we all hope for the simpler lie at some point.

    Thank you for coming by today!

    Hey Bullseye...
    So good to see you this morning, my friend!

    Certainly never hurts to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings before some body finds a way to mess them up!

    I appreciate the visit this morning, buddy!

  9. Good Morning Special One,
    Beautifull, to hear early in the morning with a great cup of coffee.
    and good friends.

  10. Hey JoJo...
    When I'm old and feeble, will you come over and read to me? That would be nice!!

    Hey, it's good to see you here this morning, sweetness!

  11. My Special One,
    Of course I will anything for you.

  12. I have never really been into poetry before, but this I listened to 4 times. Very interesting and a lot of truth.

  13. Hey FCH...
    Hopefully this introduction to Robert Frost will lead to you reading some of his work...he wrote some very beautiful and timely pieces.

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!
