Sunday, July 26, 2009

Know What? I'm In The Mood...!

I mean in the mood for some old time rascal!

Why? Because it's Sunday! Because I like it! Most of all...just because I can, OK? OK!

Hey, my friend, coffee on the patio if you're interested !


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    Wow! In The Mood by Glenn Miller, how fun is that...I absolutely love it!

    My Daddy taught me how to Swing, What do you say to a whirl around the patio before we have that coffee?

    Have a great Sunday, my friend.


  2. Could use some o' that java, Uncle...

    but don't wanna hot spill from all that porch frolic you and lady Felinae are whirling up! ha!

  3. I like Glen Miller. Just what I need, that and the coffee. For as I reply, I still have 6 hours of blogging to do.

  4. g'morn'
    good company, good coffee and In the Mood is a nice way to start the day.

  5. Great choice of music. I grew up listening to my dad's big band music. I still like hearing it. That is real enjoyment. Thanks.

  6. Love that piece!

  7. Hey Felinae...
    I wouldn't mind a fling around the dance floor...err, the patio, this morning! Haven't had a good active swing in a long time!

    You know, just thinking about dancing the swing puts a smile on my face! Better times, I guess!

    Thanks for the visit and the dance, lady!

    Hey Phelan...
    Glad if the music helped a bit to keep the eyes opened! Of course, the coffee never hurts either!

    Good luck on the rest of the blogathon, my friend!

    Hey Nephew...
    We'll try and not take up too much room! You know how it is when you get started dancing, though...just go where the feet lead!

    Hey Vlad...
    Welcome to ya this morning! You know, good coffee, good friends, and good music all seem to just go together night or day!

    Glad you could drop by this morning...

    Hey Rae...
    you know, there's something about the music of those days that is almost magical! Maybe it was the times, or the interaction of the crowds, who knows...?

    Whatever it was, I'm glad we could all share a touch of it this morning!

    Thanks for coming by, Rae...

  8. Hey Molly...
    Glad you liked it, my friend! Good to see you here this morning...and I appreciate you dropping by!

  9. Hermit, you got me all misty-eyed! My grandma - who I spoke of yesterday - taught me how to swing dance to that very song! And then, once when my Dad was listening to it in our family room I asked him for a dance! He sure was surprised! Thanks for evoking some great memories, Treesong

  10. Hey Treesong...
    I sure am glad to have brought some good memories to you this morning. Making people smile or grin a bit and bringing a little joy to them is a good feeling for me.

    Your grandma sounds a lot like my grandma King, who I loved dearly!

    You have a great day, and I appreciate you dropping by...!

  11. Morning HJ,
    That certainly got my toes to tapping! I really enjoy the "Big Band" sounds. Thanks!!

  12. Hey YOF...
    Nothing wrong with a little toe tapping first thing in the morning, for sure! Sort of sets the pace for the rest of the day!

    Wonder what the future generations will look back on to get their feet tapping? I can only guess it's something I don't really want to hear...

    Thanks for coming by the patio this morning, buddy! Always good to see you...

  13. Hey Mayberry...
    Thanks, buddy! I appreciate it and I appreciate the visit as well!

    You have a good one, OK?

  14. Thank you, Mister Hermit, sir, for posting this - it sure brought beck some fine memories! I've always adored big-band music. They don't make it like they used to...

    SHade and Sweetwater,

  15. Hey K...
    I'm glad you liked it. Sometimes the old and pleasant memories should be brought to the surface again, if for no other reason than to remind us of better and more innocent times.

    Thanks so much fot your visit today...!

  16. just dropping by...sure am glad for the glen miller music! my mom loves him! my daughter and i have been listenin to the good old days music with her givin all the comments and stories in the 40's and 50's.she has doris day's voice!(when she was younger of course!) greetings from far-away manila, philippines uncle hermitjim...thanks for a wonderful blog site! you really give that needed lift in an otherwise dragging day. take good care!...sure!would love that coffee with you on the patio!

  17. Hey Womanwisdom...
    I sure am glad to have you drop by today! Always glad to have new company...

    I'm glad your Mom likes the older music and I hope you continue to stop in from in from time to time!

    Grab a cup and pull up a chir!
