Sunday, August 9, 2009

For All My Friends This Sunday...!

I've noticed a disturbing undercurrent in some of the blogs I read daily.

I fear that some of my blogging friends are becoming overwhelmed with all the negative things around us. I fear some of us may be losing touch with some of our dreams.

That's sad...and I don't want to see it happen. I know it's hard, but none of us can afford to lose sight of our dreams! None of us can afford to let our friends lose sight of their dreams either!

I want to offer up a couple of videos that just might help a bit. I want to tell you all, from the bottom of my heart, that all things ARE possible. Don't lose hope, don't let life get you down, don't feel you are alone! None of us are alone as long as we have just one person in this old world that truly cares...just one!

Know this...I would be proud to be that one! Except for just one thing, whether or not you know it, you have many more than one! Believe me when I say, your friends are countless! They really are...!

Now how about we get a cup of coffee, sit outside for a bit...and share a quiet friendly moment!


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    Thank you for sharing these videos, they were beautiful.

    I would love to share a cup of coffee with you, my friend. :D

    Have an amazing Sunday!


  2. Hey Felinae...I'm glad you liked the videos...

    You have a good day also, my feline friend!

    Thanks for coming by this morning...!

  3. Thanks for the inspiration. The videos are moving and touching. I especially like the first one. Nice post for a thoughtful Sunday.

  4. I'm with you hermit, plan for the worst, live for the best and count every day as a blessing to be treasured is how we do it here:)

  5. hi unclehermitjim!

    most inspiring indeed! it's stormy season, and we just got through a terrible typhoon in the philippines up north and floods everywhere. i'm now in one of the provinces in the northwestern part and i saw people watching the big rushing river level almost touching the bridge.
    river waters flooded the whole flagpole/flag ceremony area of the parish school where i visited. fisherfolk are sad because floods will keep fish prices down. farmers feel terrible because land planted to rice are flooded too...a lot of people had to evacuate and move to higher ground...many lost their homes...

    thanks much for your good heart...this world needs more people like you...may your tribe increase!
    by the way, your beautiful piece of land is indeed reward for that big heart of yours!

    would love that cup of coffee on a rainy evening here!

    bless you!

  6. Good Morning my Special Freind, Beautiful way to start the day I also liked the first video.
    It is another beautiful morning here and sitting on the porch having coffee and listening to the birds sounds great. Its so easy to be silent under those conditions.

  7. Hey Rae...
    Glad you liked the videos...

    Sometimes it doesn't hurt to start the day with a positive thought or two. Helps us remained focused for the rest of the day!

    Thanks for coming by today, Rae!

    Hey Molly...
    Sometimes that's all we can do! Just taking one day at a time, being thankful that we can have just that moment!

    I do appreciate you coming by today, Molly!

    Hey WW...
    I am so sorry to hear about the floods there in the philippines. I am saddened by the thoughts of all those people without homes now.
    I hope that you and your family are all OK...and will be thinking positive thoughts for all the people of your area!

    Thanks so miuch for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Glad to see you this fine morning, sweetie!But then I'm glad to see you every morning!

    Sure is nice to have you drop by for a cup of coffee and a visit, Lady!

  8. the family's OK unclehermitjim! manila isn't hard hit...tho mom's getting her joints aching because of the cold coming in from the monsoons in the southwest...

    yes, it's really difficult being homeless, local gov't's doing all they can...thanksmuch for the positive thoughts! great energy! we need that!

    may i have another cup of that great coffee you have there?

    bless you!

  9. Hey WW...
    You tell your mom that I'm sending her a big hug to help keep her warm and I hope her joints stop aching soon!

  10. Fear and negativity are easy - they're large, easy to grasp, and they cling. More elusive are love, hope, and compassion. They require tenacity, will, and wit - and a willingness to let go (not so easy).

    Hope springs eternal, Mister Hermit, sir...hope springs eternal. Smallest of Pandora's gifts, yet most powerful, there is always hope.

    Lovely videos, sir - thanks!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  11. Hey K...
    Spring eternal, indeed it does! All that stands between us and the edge of the cliff sometimes...

    I know first hand just how hard it is to let go of all negativity...been there, doing that!

    Thanks for coming by, K, and for the comments!

  12. ...the dream's still there Jim,but not as frequent,being tempered i guess,by the constant bombardment of nightmares...i will have The Dream,as long as i have The Breath...

    ..."last nite i dreamt i was a butterfly,or was it the butterly dreaming he was me?"...does anyone know the original/rest of it ??????

  13. Hey Ken...
    The important thing is to keep it going in some way...

    “I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?”

    Chuang Tzu quotes (The most significant of China's early interpreters of Taoism, 389-286 BC)

  14. ...thanx Jim...

    ...yep,definitely hero

  15. Hey Ken...
    No problem, buddy! I appreciate all the kind words this morning!

    Now, where was I supposed to send that check?

  16. I'd like that cuppa, Uncle, but we're gonna have to sneak it in b'tween rainings!

    Thanks for the uplifts; dreams are intact...

  17. Hey Cyg...
    All we can do is keep them intact...

    Thanks for the visit.

  18. Thanks for that little kick in the ass Jim and bit of encouragement. Some of us needed that. Myself for one. I did'nt give up, but it wants to take a little longer than normal I guess.

  19. Hey Hermit...
    We all need a gentle little push from time to time! I'm guilty myself as well...

    When you want something to happen now, it always seems to take a lot longer!Guess the old adage of "A watched pot never boils..." is true!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, buddy!

  20. Beautiful and true words, my friend.
    There should be more in the world like yourself.
    Thanks for the kind words and inspiration.

  21. Hey Maitreya...
    Glad you like the ideos, my friend! I'm pleased to share them!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  22. Good positive notes to live by Hermit. I need to interject some positivity into my own blog I think. I still think its up to each one of us to prepare because there isn't anyone or anything we can count on to save us from the trials ahead. But our preparations in themselves will actually lead to positive ends. How about stopping by for a bowl of stew with me if you like.

  23. Hey John...
    I think it's important to intertwine a little hope and positive thinking into the daily grind...if for no other reason that folks sometimes just need a little bit of a break, a chance to adjust!

    One smile can wipe out a lot of frowns...

    Thanks for coming by!
