Sunday, August 2, 2009

May We Always Be...!...

I've been thinking about the fact that I am so caught up in all the bad news and the pitiful state of affairs around us as of late, I was forgetting to enjoy the good things of life.

Dwelling on the negative aspect of life will only serve to make you old...old before your time! I don't want that! None of us want I went and found a song from the past that reminds us of that fact!

We must always try and remain young at heart! Always...!

Now let's have some coffee, my friend...and help each other think young thoughts!


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    I could not agree with you more. I think it is important to be young at heart.

    I have often been told I have childlike qualities, not to be confused with childish.

    I still love to play in rain puddles and walk in the rain. Just last week I was out for a walk with my daughter and the sprinklers were on in the park. We joyously ran through them, giggling like crazy.

    So yes, I think I can say that I am still young at heart and hope to remain that way. :D

    Now I would love to share a cup of coffee with you and help you to think young thoughts.

    How about I bring along some soap bubbles for us to blow while we think?

    Hugs to you

  2. Hey Felinae...
    Certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a little or a lot of youthful play...

    Part of the problem now days is that anyone wanting to act playful is considered silly!

    Funny, but I was just thinking about turning on the sprinkler in the back yard next to the nephews garden, and sitting in a lawn chair under the water!

    I like the idea of soap bubble blowing...haven't done that in a long time!

    OKI, coming up! Now where's my bubble wande?

  3. good day unclehermitjim!

    know what i really love to do? here are some i'd like to share with you:

    play with those little tadpoles that go wiggle wiggle in puddles of water! (i love frogs!, oh by the way, i was teaching biology in a science high school before i got involved in NGO work)

    then, i still do collect little rocks and stones when i travel to the islands and gather them from beaches and rivers...

    then, i like playing an old childhood game called locally, "piko" , its the native version of hopscotch.i do that in the summer with the neighborhood kids where i and my daughter teach them the value of the game and "chalk pavement art"...

    and i still do a lot of drawing, and painting like a child does...

    young at heart i sure am! don't feel i'm almost half a century old! complete that young at heart feeling, let's have that coffee!...

    bless your youngheart, my friend!

  4. Hey WW...
    The activities that you mention are activities that would seem to be calming to the soul.

    I feel that anything that puts a smile in your heart is worth while...

    Our real age doesn't matter as long as we continue to stay young thinking, my friend!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Mr. Jim,
    This is so true. If you're prepper minded, the news screams at you every day. But no need to lose the joy today. Thanks for the reminder.

    Enjoy your coffee... or chocolate milk. And have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. Morning Jim;

    68 going on 30. I never want to grow up.

    See Ya

  7.'s all in the imagination,i think i still have 'my' imagination,i very easily 'get lost in playing'...ask the Mrs,she yells at me and the boys for playing all the,those lil plastic lightsabres break alot oh shtuff...

  8. Yup have to stay young at heart to survive this world anymore. Speaking of bubbles I saw a 1/2 gallon size in Walmart I was so tempted to buy it. Can you see me sitting out on my porch in this 55+ park blowing bubbles.LOL They already think I'm nuts.
    Maybe I will go get some on my way over to have coffee and we can fill the place with bubbled, I bet the roomies would love it too.

  9. Start to look for more good news and you will find them somewhere:) The News Channels are making a living on bad news.We must live in reality, but should also try to focus on good things even during tough times.

  10. Hey Catman...
    Hopefully some that I will follow my own self! Sometimes I think I need to just lighten up a bit and quit taking myself so seriously, ya know?

    Hey, thanks for stopping by buddy!

    Hey Kris...
    Boy, you are so right about the Prepper mindset!
    We have to keep looking out for the bad things coming...but I guess we have to try and keep a hopeful mindset while doing it!

    I got coffee in one hand, chocolate milk in the other! I am good to go this mofning, my friend!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

    Hey Tony...
    68 going on 30 sounds about right to me! Someone once said that "going older is mandatory, growing up is not!"...I think I have to agree with that!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey Ken...
    I think it's a good thing that the boys can help keep that ol' imagination of dad's working overtime! Mom may fuss a bit, but I bet she really loves it!

    Thanks, Ken, for dropping in!

    Hey JoJo...
    Bring on the bubbles!! Over here, they already KNOW I'm crazy (by their standards) so bubbles will make no impression at all!

    It would be a lot of fun, I'm thinking!

    So good to see you this morning, sweet thang!

  11. Hey Mattias...
    Haven't seen you in a long time, my man! You're right! We do have to look for some kind of good news daily to help maintain our sanity!

    I guess it's all in how we look t things sometimes!

    I sure do appreciate you taking the time to come by today!

  12. Mister Hermit, Sir, you are delightful - you've posted one of my favourite crooners! I have his Christmas album - and I don't even celebrate Christmas!

    As my Mum often says - I may grow old, but I'll never grow up.

    Like Mizz Felinae, I still stomp puddles, play in the rain, and draw on the pavement with chalk (although I never played hopscotch as a child...deprived, me).

    I like bubbles, too...the Evil Genius and I have wiled away many an evening hour blowing bubbles and watching them float on the wind...or stampeding through a cloud of them to see how many we can pop.

    There's a park not too distant from here where they have a fountain for kids to play in - and I will join him running through it. Some of the grown-ups stare, but I don't least I don't have a face like a cat's ass from disapproving of other's behavior!

    Thanks for the reminder, Mister Hermit, sir...being young CAN be a state of mind.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who is just fine with being child-like, filled with wonder at the world, filled with love, hope, and trust in the better nature of her fellow humans)

  13. Hey K...
    I'm so glad you enjoyed the song and the singer!

    I think that having children around can remind us that we can enjoy ourselves by using our imagination.

    If we could only hold on to some of the magic of childhood as we grow older!

    Hey, thanks so much for coming by today, my lovely friend!
