Monday, August 3, 2009

A Good Way To Start The Day...!

I thought that we would start the day off with a man far wiser than myself.

Not only was he wiser, but he could tell us all the common sense things we needed to hear and make us grin at the same time! I mean, how could you NOT like Mark Twain ? He didn't like congress, didn't trust the newspapers, and didn't care for politics in general! Ya know, he sounds like my kind of man...!

I think one reason he was so popular in his day, was that people could see the honesty behind the humor he shared! He spoke TO people, not AT the politicians of today! That same quality is visible today in his many quotes, for those of us willing to see them!

No matter if you call him Mark Twain, or Samuel Clemens...he was a very entertaining man and very, very wise in the ways of the world. At least, that's my opinion!

Now, my friend, let's have some fresh coffee. Maybe we can share a few smiles at some of Mr. Twain's quotes...


  1. Good Day to you Uncle Hermit.

    I agree with you, Mark Twain was a very wise man and a spectacular author. I have read a few of his works.

    One of my favorite quotes by him is this one

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

    I just find that quote funny and oh so true.

    I will gladly share a cup of coffee with you. :D


  2. Hey Felinae...
    true man of wisdom, judging from his writings. I enjoy reading his books as they are filled with a lot of humor.

    He was indeed NOT a fan of politicians...especially congress!

    Thanks for coming by for a cup this morning!

  3. Morning Jim;

    I really liked the quote about quitting smoking. Fits us right?

    See Ya

  4. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir.

    One of my oldest (in every sense of the word) and dearest friends has often reminded me of Mark Twain. He (my friend) even wrote a story using one of Twain's characters, and did it so seamlessly, many of his readers didn't cotton on until the end. A dry wit, a well thought out opinion, and a ready tongue are a combination to be treasured, I think.

    I love the one about truth - I'm honest because is suits me, and because I can't be bothered to lie and keep up with the fabrication.

    As for praying for the devil, well...done that. In more ways than one. Because if we cannot forgive and seek healing for those who've done us wrong, well...we're in a sad sate.

    I adore the one about the first of April - I'd never seen it before, but I won't soon forget it!

    Thanks for the grin, sir - I hope your day is a good one!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  5. Another Great Post my Special One,
    It must have been magical to sit on that grand porch and learn from this man.
    Lets sit out on the patio and have some coffee and you can read to us and we can discuss Mr Twain.

  6. Hey Tony...
    Yeah, it does fit may of us! Had the same problem I have, it seems! Only his was cigars, mine was cigarettes!

    Thanks for coming by, Tony!

    Hey K...
    A good many quotes from the man hit home today. I guess it just goes to show that the truth is always the truth!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, K...

  7. Hey JoJo...
    We probably would have been amazed at how much we were alike.

    I don't know about my reading out loud to you...that might be a mistake!

    Hey, glad you could come by today!

  8. Mark Twain said that if you feed a starving dog it will not bite you; and that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

  9. Hey Vlad...
    That certainly rings true for me...True indeed!

    Thanks for thevisit today...

  10. I don't think your reading to me will be a mistake. You have lots of wisdom in your words so you will be great reading from Mr Twain.
    And Vlad that is so true.

  11. Always enjoy Mark Twain--when I remember to read him! Great post--thanks for sharing!

  12. Hey JoJo...
    Watch it! You're gonna make me blush, you rascal!

    Maybe that's what you were shooting for!...huh?

    Hey Marie...
    Mark Twain is always a good read, for sure!

    I go back and read him at least once a year! Always enjoy his work!

    Thanks so much for dropping in!

  13. Sometimes I think Will Rogers was Mark Twain reincarnated.

  14. Hey Catman...
    Good very well be, as they both had the same opinion of govenment and bankers!

    I listened to some old Will rogers on you tube yesterday...and it's great stuff! Very funny and so true!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

  15. I enjoyed the video very much - thanks Hermit Jim!

  16. Hey Anon 5:14...
    Glad you enjoyed it! Happy that you could come by today!
