Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Natural State...I Think!

I finally found a song that could just be a theme song for my life as of late...!

See if any of this rings a bell with you. I'll bet more than one of us can find something here we can identify with.

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and go to the patio for a bit...and don't worry! I remembered my britches!


  1. LOL!

    Uncle Hermit, that was funny, Thanks for sharing it.

    I think if my coffee cup ever starts dancing around like that, that'll be the day I give up coffee. LOL!

    Have a great day!


  2. Hey Felinae...
    I know what you mean, for sure! I hate to think that's what my cup does when I'm not looking...but you never know!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. I would like to watch it again but I forgot where to find it.

  4. Hey Judy...
    I'd help, but my memory went on a vacation...or at least it seems that way!

    You have a good day, my friend! Thanks for coming by...!

  5. Mister Hermit, sir, that was awesome!

    Sometimes I'm in the middle of cooking, open the refrigerator to get an ingredient...and...umm...

    Wait, what?

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who may have a functioning oven after all!)

  6. Hey Vlad...
    Glad you liked it. Thanks for coming by, Vlad...

    Hey K...
    That happens to us all, probably more than we like to admit!

    Hope the oven is in good health after all! I see bread in the future !

    Thanks for the visit, K...

  7. Mornin Uncle Hermit! Thanks great song!

  8. Hey Scout...
    Thanks, my friend! I'm glad you could drop by today!

  9. LOL That was great my Special One,
    It is getting worse all the time. I caught myself putting the coffee creamer in the cabinet (not the powder kind). Scarey no wonder my kids don't want me taking off in a MH there afraid I'll get lost and never come back.(isn't that the idea)? Going back this morning to check more stuff out on the MH with a friend who nows MHs.

  10. Hey JoJo...
    Glad you found someone that can go and check the MH for far as the putting things in the wrong place, I wouldn't worry about it! That is, as long as it isn't anything important!

    Your right! getting lost is the whole point of having a MH!

    Thanks for the visit, sweetie!

  11. Hey there Jim!
    Yesterday, I found my little's play high heels in my salad spinner. Now I don't think I put them there...but yah just never know!

    Oh and btw, I might have remembered my britches, but it's waaaaaaaaaaaay too hot to wear 'em today! hehehe

    Is your turlet smokin' yet?!

  12. Hey Cath...
    Better check all the appliances for any other foreign objects...they may be hiding here, ya never know!

    No smoke signals from the toilet or faucets yet! Hope it's not flammable smoke!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!
