Sunday, August 16, 2009

Understand The Numbers...Then React!

Don't believe in numbers that someone else makes up!

Before you react, understand what the numbers really mean, just so you don't over react! Sometimes things are not as bad as they seem...and sometimes they are! It's up to us to understand all the figures before we make up our minds.

Here is an example...

A blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says "Two Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident."

The blonde starts sobbing "That's horrible!!! So many men dying that way!"

Confused, he says, "Yes dear, it is sad, but they were skydiving, and there is always that risk involved."

After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, "How many is a Brazillion?"

See what I mean? Don't get upset reading figures and numbers unless you really know what they mean! Better yet, never trust what you hear on the "MEDIA" as the truth!

Be aware, but stay the old saying goes "Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see!"

Now, my friends, let's have some coffee on the patio...


  1. HEHEHEHE Now that's a great start to the day!
    Have a good one, Jim!

  2. morn'n
    only two of us up?
    buncha sleepyheads out there

  3. Very funny and I will take your advice. I have one question - why is it always a blonde? LOL I guess I am just curious. Maybe I will have to become more informed on that. Have a great day my friend.

  4. Good one! :^) The joke and the sage advice.

  5. Hey Cath...
    Glad you enjoyed it this morning! I sure am glad you could drop by!

    Hey Vlad...
    Guess everyone is getting a slow start on today! We'll have to drink all the coffee ourselves!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Rae...
    You know, that's a good question! I really don't know why blomdes always get to be the focus of these stories...

    Looks like I should investigate it a bit...might be a post in there!

    Thanks for the visit, Rae!

    Hey Mo...
    Glad I could entertain a little this morning...

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  6. G'mornin', Mister Hermit, sir.

    Good one! Sage advice, too.

    I have banana bread today! Would you mind if I just sat in the corner and dozed, though? not enough sleep...sigh...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  7. Hey K...
    I don't mind a bit if you want to doze in the shade...we do that a lot here in the deep south!

    It might get a bit warm, though. Right now it's 86 degrees at 9:20 so you see what I mean?

    Banana bread sounds just fine to me...I like it!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. Good morning Special One,
    Funny, always a good way to start the day with a laugh.
    I bought the Class C, they are going to get a few things fixed and they came down on the price too. Hope to be on the road in about 2 weeks. New camera in hand.
    Don't worry will have lap top too.
    Now for some fresh ground coffee and a seat on the patio if I can stay still.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    Great news about the Class C...can't wait to see some pictures of it!

    Boy, you are just getting all fixed up now, aren't you? You lucky rascal!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  10. Hahaha! Well I was going to sleep after I finished this coffee .... that joke just finished the coffee for me ... all over the floor!

    "noticing you all watching"
    "Mops up the liquid"
    "Apologises for the mess"

    Thanks for the belly laugh before bed .... Enjoy your day!


  11. One very interesting thing is when we have seen the news it may reflect the half truth of what has happened, but then you must put in the rest of the truth to come up with the solution to the problems that the news stations are delivering.Be creative folks!

  12. Good advice & I had to laugh at the blonde joke. Thanks HJ.

  13. Hey Missi...
    Sorry about the spilled coffee! I'm glad I could give you a good laugh to rock you to sleep!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Mattias...
    Being creative is probably the best way to get an accurate picture of what's going on. It couldn't be any more off the mark than what is being reported, that's for sure!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

    Hey Jesse...Always a pleasure to see you, buddy!

    I do appreciate you dropping by today...!

  14. Hey Hermit...
    Glad you enjoyed it, my friend!

    Thanks for coming by...!
