Monday, September 14, 2009

Cleaning Up After Yourself...!

OK...the weekend is over, you've visited about 7,643 different sites...some which have tried to give you a bad case of the "BIG NASTIES" otherwise known as Spy ware. These little devils can be a royal pain, but they can be stopped. If you do happen to pick up one anyway, they are fairly easy to remove.

Now, after a fun filled weekend of surfing sites, game playing, fighting with the unwanted ads and spam, watching all the YouTube presentations, reading all the jokes, looking at all the pictures in your know, all the average things that fill our time on the weekends and load us down with a extremely large number of temporary files we know we have to rid our PC of, it's time to run our "Clean Up" program and do away with all the potential problems.

You run it, the temporary files are removed, the trash is emptied (sort of like the chores around the house, huh?) and we can greet the start of the new week with a clean slate and begin all over again! Right?

Not so fast, boys and girls, we're not through yet!

Did you wipe down your screen and your keyboard yet? You did...? GOOD! However, since the whole purpose here is to get everything all spic and span...did you know that the screen needs to be cleaned from the inside from time to time? It's not an easy task to do, so being the nice guy that I am...I have decided to share my special "INSIDE SCREEN CLEANER" with you! I hope this helps!

Now that the cleaning is all done, we can move on to the important things! So, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit...OK?


  1. Too Cute, Uncle Hermit:D

    The little guy is doing a good job too.

    I would love to share a cup of coffee with you, my friend. I happen to have a cinnamon crumb cake to bring along. :)

    Have a good day!


  2. Hey Felinae...
    Glad you like it...! I'd love a piece of your cinnamon crumb cake...thanks!

    Thanks for stopping by as well!

  3. hahahaha! that is really a perfect cleaner!!! and he's a cutie too! thanks unclehermitjim, you really made my monday happy!

    now we're having sunshine, after weeks of rain! the skies are gray though, but at least it's smiling...

    warm hugs and smiles...


  4. Hey W.W....
    I'm glad you are getting some sunshine...and that you enjoyed the "screen cleaner"!

    I certainly appreciate you dropping by today!

  5. Morning Jim! What a little cutie patootie...
    I wasn't surfing the web this weekend, we were up north breathing all that clean air! Oh and we dug up 30 lbs of baby potatoes...yum! lol
    Have a grand day, my friend!!

  6. I loved it. That was so cute. My screen is much cleaner now too. Thanks.

  7. ok, you got me with that one! What a great start to a Monday work day! You've also gotten me hooked on The Colony! Bet you and yours have gotten some ideas from this show, huh? Can't wait until the next one!! Thanks for both...
    Love and Hugs -

  8. Good morning my Special One,
    Couldn't get the little guy, maybe because all my virus stuff is running right now. I will try later.
    So right now we can just kick back and enjoy some fresh gound coffee on th patio.

  9. Cute, Mister Hermit, sir!

    ALways nice to start the mroning with a smile. Thanks!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey Cath...
    I sure do envy you with those new potatoes! I could use a mess of them right now...

    So glad you could drop by today, my friend!

    Hey Rae...
    He does a good job, but mine gets a little smeared after him washing it!

    Oh, what we go through with our 'puters, huh?

    Thanks for the visit this morning, Rae!

    Hey Sis...
    I think it's a great way to see in action some of the scenarios that the preppers all talk about...sort of makes it more real!

    It does give me some ideas that I might have to try! I'll have to nuy thios one when it comes out o dvd...

    Thanks for the visit today, sis!

    Hey JoJo...
    I hope you can see it is really good for a grin!

    Glad you dropped by this morning, sweetie!

    Hey K...
    Glad to make you smile this morning, my friend! That makes me happy! I hope you have a really good day!

    Thanks for coming by!

  11. Thank you - just sat down after an hour's worth of cleaning! including the outside screen of a million fingerprints and the keyboard of cookie crumbs - really needed the laugh.

    Forwarded it to the kids - maybe they'll get the hint.

  12. Hey Bellen...
    I sure am glad to see you this morning! Hopefully, passing this on to the kids will get the results you hope for...but past experience tells me not to count on it!

    All we can do is try, right?

    I certainly appreciate you taking the time to drop by today, my new friend!

  13. My screen just got worse it seemes. Have to go back there so he can do a better job :-) :-)
    How cute wasn´t that puppy :-)
    Have a great day now!

  14. Gary Near Death ValleySeptember 14, 2009 at 2:02 PM

    Thanks for the inside screen cleaner, now thinking about the inside of my glasses. My little "runt 3 month old Chihuahua 'Maggi' ((short for Maggi-Nificent)) could almost fit inside my screen.

  15. Hey Christer...
    It does seem to get a little smeared on the inside, doesn't it?Oh well, guess you can't have everything...

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Gary...
    Can't ever tell, it might help some...

    Maybe a little bacon grease smeared on in the right spot would help get the licking started, but with a smaller dog it might just take a longer time, ya think?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

  16. **BIG SMILES** Im so glad I stopped by today for a screen clean with my coffee ... I wish I hadnt packed my phone cable .. I could have shared the cow I keep that cleans the inside of my phone screen with you.

    Have a great day
    Keep smiling

  17. Hey Missi...
    So glad you could stop by today! I really want that cow! Can't have too many screen cleaners, ya know?

    Guess you are about ready to move, huh?

    You take care, and I appreciate you coming by, Girl!

  18. I'm in a nasty mood today Jim; I need a hot babe naked cleaning the inside of me. Told you I can be bad.

    Delete if you wish.

    see Ya

  19. Hey Tony...
    Guess we all have those kinds of days, buddy!

    May need to take another trip to the range...

    Thanks for the visit!

  20. I recently had to reformat my hard drive to fix a problem with mine after I downloaded a virus by accident.
