Sunday, September 13, 2009

Remember All The Silly Songs...?

You know, as I was growing up, I can remember a LOT of silly songs that were getting air time!

The thing is, no matter how silly the lyrics were, they all seem to have a certain something that kept popping up in your mind. I'd be willing to say that if I heard the tune today, even without the words I would be able to tell you what the song was!

I'll bet that you have songs like that, bumping around in the attic of your mind...c'mon, admit it! You know you do!

Let's put on a couple of the silly songs from a long time ago, and see if you remember them!

How about this one?

Or maybe this...?

There are so many more, but I don't have enough space to put all the ones I I'll let your memories take over! We could spend all day doing this...know what I mean?

Let's get some coffee and sit out in the rain for a ain't too bad! We can hum some of the old songs...!


  1. Mornin', Mister Hermit, sir.

    I grew up listening to Tom Lehrer - Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, The Masochism Tango, and a whole bunch of others that still make me laugh so hard I nearly embarrass myself...

    I have a fondness for Ray Stevens, too...The Streak, It's Me Again, Margaret...

    Cool tunes, Mister Hermit, sir - that auction one wore me slap out! Thanks for the smiles!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    Some of these songs are just too good to forget...

    Ray Stevens was one of my favorites as well!

    Wonder why we don't have any songs like these anymore?

    Thanks for the visit...

  3. thanks for lil jimmy dickens, unclehermitjim! it's a great rainy sunday evening we're having here. but we had some sunshine earlier though. it's the monsoon/typhoon season and we had 3 storms in a month!everything's drenched. farmers are sad about the ricefields, but looking forward to a good early november harvest!

    i have a friend who came back from working abroad. he decided to come home and return to working the palay fields and some mango trees his father, (who just passed away last year) left him with. he comes from the island of mindoro. this island, that takes about an overnight via ferryboat from manila, yields a bounty of good sticky and fluffy rice, mangoes, calamansi (phil.lemon), lanzones (a native exotic fruit that's sweet-sour to the taste), and much more vegetables! since it's a volcanic island, it's soil is very, very rich.

    oh well, i wish i could get an island for my self...anyway, i have 1700 islands to choose from! ha ha ha! i'm wishing...wishing....and while i'm dreaming, let's have that good coffee you have...

    have a good sunday, unclehermitjim!

  4. Yes I have loads of them in the back of my head :-) I even have the auctioneers song too :-)
    Have a great day now!

  5. Hey WW...
    Sounds like your fried is going to have his hands full...

    I think that living on an island would be fun, but I don't guess I'll ever find out! I'll have to settle for living in the country...but that's not a bad thing! It certainly beats living in the big city!

    Hey, thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Christer...
    Glad that you carry around some of the old songs in your mind. I think that we all do...

    Good to know that you even have the auctioneer song! That's a real oldie, for sure!

    I appreciate the visit today, buddy!

  6. Good morning my Special Friend, The only song I remember is Chug a lug. I guess he played on all the stations.
    We had quite a bit of rain last night also with all the great stuff that goes along with it. They are predicting more for this afternoon. I say bring it on we need as much as we can get.
    Good fresh ground beens this morning to share.

  7. Hey JoJo...
    My gypsy friend! I've been wodering wht the weather was doing in your neck of the woods!

    So where are you going on the next trip? Got big plans...or are you just going to play it by ear? Either way, I know you'll have fun!

    Thanks for coming by, sweetie!

  8. Next trip will be near a lake, not sure which one yet, Patagonia or Roper lake sounds good.

  9. Gary Near Death ValleySeptember 13, 2009 at 9:48 AM

    Our memories of songs we used to hear, sing, and even sometimes play, are treasures to be held until the ole jute box quits playing on this side. Thanks for the songs,,,and to remind us that the past still lives on,,,Gary

  10. Hey JoJo...
    Be sure to take your fishing pole...nothing like fishing in a calm lake, then having the fresh caught fish for supper that night!

    Hey Gary...
    I was actually amazed at how many of the older songs were still listed on YouTube...guess there are a lot of folks like us that remember the good old days, huh!

    I sure do appreciate you dropping by today!

  11. Ok I got 1 out of 3...Chug-a-lug. The other 2 I never heard before. I love the songs from Roger Miller and I know them quite well.
    As I was growing up...the silly songs of my time, we called them "bubble gum" music. As always thanks for the memory well from one of them.
    Have a rockin' day eh?

  12. It's been awhile since I heard two of those songs. It was good to hear them again. It does get me thinking of some more.

  13. Hey Diane...
    Some stay with us for a while, don't they?

    Thanks for stopping by, my rocking friend!

    Hey Hermit...
    Yeah, they start rattling around in there, bumping up some more as they go. Before long, you got a whole list going!

    Glad to stir up a few memories, my friend!
