Saturday, September 12, 2009

How About Some Fried Butter...!

Ready to gain a few more pounds? Then today's post should do it, for sure!

I was reading about some of the goodies offered at the Texas State Fair. Now, as you may or may not know, Texas is real big on fried food, ANY kind of fried food! Even though that statement may apply to most of the south, I think this will make you agree that just maybe Texas is number one in the fried food category!

Let me give you just a sampling of some of the goodies you can expect from the creative minds of these cooks!

  • Green Goblins: Cherry peppers stuffed with spicy shredded chicken and guacamole, battered, deep-fried and topped with queso.
  • Twisted Yam on a Stick: A spiral-cut sweet potato, fried on a skewer, then rolled in butter and dusted with cinnamon and sugar.
  • Fernie’s Deep Fried Peaches & Cream: Served with a side of vanilla buttercream icing for dipping.
  • Texas Fried Pecan Pie: A mini-pecan pie battered, deep fried and served with caramel sauce, whipping cream and chopped candied pecans.
  • Country Fried Pork Chips: Battered, thin-sliced pork loin deep fried and served with sides of ketchup or cream gravy.
  • Sweet Jalapeno Corn Dog Shrimp: Shrimp on a stick, coated with a sweet and spicy cornmeal batter, deep fried and served with a spicy glaze.
  • Fried Peanut Butter Cup Macaroon: A peanut butter cup wrapped inside a coconut macaroon, fried and then dusted with powdered sugar.

Then, of course, there is the topic of the day...FRIED BUTTER! You can read all about this beauty and the rest of the story right here! I have to warn you, prepared to garnish a few calories along the way! Just don't say I didn't warn ya!

Now, my friends, if you're full of the snacks...let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit!


  1. ...YESSSSS !!! where has this State Fair been all my,even i would draw the line at fried butter(maybe)...

  2. I can feel my cholesterol and sugar levels rising just from reading your post. Good thing the fair only happens once a year. Can you imagine what everyone would look like if they ate that on a daily basis.

  3. ...and the prepper in me says where do I get a #10 can of that?!
    Have a grand day, my friend!

  4. Hey Ken...
    Some of it sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Just wouldn't want to have it on a regular basis...

    Thanks for the visit this morning...

    Hey Rae...
    I think it's fair to say that it wouldn't take too many helpings of these goodies to put on the pounds!

    Might be fun to try a few of them, though...!

    Thanks for coming over today, Rae!

    Hey Cath...
    Man, you could make a fortune selling this stuff canned, don't ya think? Talk about comfort food!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  5. I can honestly say that I don´t think You can find any of that over here. But that Texas Fried Pecan Pie sounded delicious!

  6. Wow, Mister Hermit, sir - that's a heck of a way to start the day!

    I think I could maybe TRY some of those things, but I don't know that I'd want more than a bite or two before I was done.

    And now...I am off to the Yellow Daisy Festival, where there will undoubtedly be fried things on sticks with salt or sugar galore...mmm...clogged arteries...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  7. Good morning my Special One, Well of course the Fried Peanut Butter Cup sounds great and the Twisted Yam on a stick might be good with out all the butter. I wonder how many people take Crestor in the State, lol Well if you go you be careful of how much you eat of that stuff but of course you have to taste it for me too. :)

  8. I wouldn't eat the fried butter although fried is my food group of choice but I would knock someone over to try the fried peanut butter cup macaroon thing lol.

  9. Hey Christer...
    Probably a good thing you don't have many of these foods there in might start talking with a Texas accent!

    Pecan pie is pretty good, just about anyway you can fix it, although I have never had it fried before!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...!

    Hey K...
    That's probably all it would take to get a good idea of what you were missing out on...and to decide whether or not to continue to miss out on them!

    There might be some really nice eats at the festival today...maybe you'll get some idea's to share with us!

    Thanks so much for coming by...

    Hey JoJo...
    You know, the yam does sound pretty good, doesn't it? I might have to try that recipe at home!

    I'll try them for ya, if I get to the fair...but I don't think I'll be going this year!

    I sure am glad you could come by today, sweetie!

    Hey Worn Out...
    I have to agree that the PB cup sounds pretty good! But then, I really am a big fan of peanut butter anything, ya know?

    Amazing what folks can come up with, isn't it? Way too much time o their hands, I reckon!

    Thanks so much for stopping by sure to come back, OK?

  10. Woooo! our county fair is this week; wonder what they will have! lol! probably nothing that sounds that good! the green goblins are what sounds really good to me!

  11. Hey Edifice Rex...
    It does sound pretty good, doen't it? We make a little snack called a Mexican Hush Puppy...starting with a jalapeno pepper, you slice it long ways, stuff it with pimento cheese, the coat it with corn bread batter and deep fry it! Pretty good!

    Hey, I appreciate you stopping by today!

  12. Thanks, Jim. This will get Tramp #1 to clean the smaller deep fryer for sure! He gets excited about deep frying treats as the weather cools. And these ideas offer some possibilites that are thankfully smaller than a turkey!

  13. Hey Tramp...
    Sure hope he comes up with something tasting pretty good! I've found that nearly anything fried is worth eating...well, early everything!

    Tell him that you want something sweet...and see if he can get really creative!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today...!

  14. Deep fried twinkies is the state fair favorite in this area. A local reporter thought they'd have a laugh at all the unhealthiness until she took a bite...later wrote an article on how to make that goodie at home.

    The only thing that jalapeno pepper treat needs is to be wrapped in bacon before deep frying...mmmmm....

  15. Hey Stephanie...
    I hadn't even thought about wrapping it in bacon! Thanks for the idea...I think!

    I sure do appreciate the visit today...

  16. I think I am liking your state fair, Uncle Hermit.

    Those green goblins got my attention for sure.

    Have a great day,my friend.


  17. Hey Felinae...
    You know, a person could take all these recipes and modify them to something that nearly anyone would like!

    The nice thing about a hobby like this, is that you could always eat your mistakes!

    Hey, girl, I sure appreciate you dropping by!

  18. Hey there Mr. Hermit...what can I say that hasn't already been said by your blog posse eh?
    I would try a couple of the mmmm deep fried goodies...but the butter...NOT!
    It's time for lunch and no fried anything.

  19. Hey Diane...
    Maybe we could come up with a deep fried something more to your liking...

    I know! how about a deep fried SPAM recipe...I like spam, so I'll be the tester as well as the cook! if it turns out OK, I'll save ya some!

    I do appreciate you dropping by today!

  20. I don't know, but I think that guy is on to something with that fried butter thing. I would definately give it a try. It can't be any worse than butter on bread, and butter on fresh baked bread is pretty darn tastey. I just would'nt want to make a meal out of it.

  21. Hey Hermit...
    They say that it taste like a buttered biscuit and that's not bad! I wouldn't mind trying one myself!

    besides, anything that's fried can't be bad, ya know?

    Hey, thanks for the visit, my friend!
