Saturday, September 26, 2009

Once Again, I Lied...!

Once again, I am guilty of posting something that turned out to be less than factual...or as was pointed out to me by a reader, it was "BS"!

To mislead anyone was not my intent, nor has it ever been. All I ever wanted to do was to pass on what I thought was a small tidbit of history. However, I did not check the information for accuracy as the reader put turned out to be all BULLSHIT!

So, consider this my official apology for telling you a lie! I am , therefore, posting this information that I found on Wikipedia. If this turns out to be a lie...I am NOT the one to blame!

USS Constitution is a wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate of the United States Navy. Named after the Constitution of the United States of America by President George Washington, she is the oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat in the world.[Note 1] Launched in 1797, Constitution was one of the six original frigates authorized for construction by the Naval Act of 1794. Joshua Humphreys designed these frigates to be the young Navy's capital ships, and so Constitution and her sisters were larger and more heavily armed and built than the standard frigates of the period. Built in Boston, Massachusetts at Edmund Hartt's shipyard, her first duties with the newly formed United States Navy were to provide protection for American merchant shipping during the Quasi War with France and to defeat the Barbary pirates in the First Barbary War.

Constitution is most famous for her actions during the War of 1812 against Great Britain, when she captured numerous merchant ships and defeated five British warships: HMS Guerriere, Java, Pictou, Cyane and Levant. The battle with Guerriere earned her the nickname of "Old Ironsides" and public adoration that has repeatedly saved her from scrapping. She continued to actively serve the nation as flagship in the Mediterranean and African squadrons and circled the world in the 1840s. During the American Civil War she served as a training ship for the United States Naval Academy and carried artwork and industrial displays to the Paris Exposition of 1878. Retired from active service in 1881, she served as a receiving ship until designated a museum ship in 1907. In 1931 she started a three year 90-port tour of the nation and in 1997 she finally sailed again under her own power for her 200th birthday.

There is more, but if you want to read it, just go to Wikipedia and do so! As for me...I'm done. I just wanted to set the record straight! Having done that, I'm going to have some more coffee!

You are welcome to join me if you want...! Your choice!


  1. You did not lie. You admitted
    that you made a mistake. 'S'OK.

  2. Hey Vlad..
    Thanks, buddy! I appreciate it!

  3. As vlad says, You didn´t lie and You admitted that You made a misstake. But the story is fun to read anyway :-)
    Have a great day now!

  4. Hey Christer...
    Thanks, my friend! I do thank you for coming by also! Have a good day!

  5. I'll join you for some coffee, Jim! I enjoyed the posts anyway, and the corrections too! There is so much crap on the 'net everybody I know has sent or forwarded something that turned out to be false.

  6. Hey ER...
    Good of you to say so...and I do appreciate you coming by today!

  7. Well I Never LOL
    Good Morning my Special One, When it comes right down to it it wasn't your lie. But it was so much fun to read and you did correct the mistake.
    So I am sending you a big fat sugar hug to make you feel better.
    Now lets enjoy our morning coffee on the patio. The mornings sure are great these days. I was so cold last night I had to turn off the cooler. ITS GREAT!! Haven't used the a/c all week.

  8. When I read the title I thought you were gonna retract the bit about margarine. It's less than factual, but who cares, It's not butter. That and it stays soluble in the blood fer a long time...
    I must have missed any mistakes with Ole Ironsides.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    it wasn't on purpose, but my mistake just the same! Gotta own up to it!

    I need to be more careful!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, sweetie!

    Hey Dragon...
    I did take out a complete paragraph from te post about margarine...and add the link to Snopes that said it was an untruth so I figured that should suffice!I even put it in red!

    None the less, I will be more careful in the future!

    Thank you for coming by today!

  10. ...forgive my 'mornin mind' but...which parts were less than accurate ???
    ...anyway,i liked yer version

  11. Hey Ken...
    It was colorful, if nothing else! Still, I felt the only proper thing to do was to tell the correct story for those that didn't like the first version!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, brother!

  12. Well, I am not going to get in an aurgement , but one of my Great many times removed was G. Washington's first commissioned Navel Officer. and here it the link .

    His cousin at the time was down in what is now S. Carolina as the first governor of that state.

  13. Hey Ben...
    Thanks for the link! That's pretty interesting stuff. makes you realize just how much about our history we don't know, doesn't it!

    I never cared much for history when I was in school, but it seems like the older I get, the more I enjoy learning. Wondewr why that is?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, Ben!

  14. Incorrect or not, my husband, a former Navy guy, thought it was hilarious.

    BTW, we visited the USS Constitution in Boston Harbor a few years ago - it was tiny compared to today's ships. My father flew from Florida to Boston just to see the ship's annual turn around. It's impressive to see what our forefathers dealt with for our freedom.

  15. Hey Bellen...
    I'm glad your hubby enjoyed it. It's always been my goal to make people smile a bit. If I can make someone's day a little brighter, that makes me feel good!

    That must have been an enjoyable trip to the Constitution! Here in Texas...we have the Battleship Texas that is open to go on board and visit. Below deck, it is so small it's scary! Gives me a new respect for Navy guys, for sure!

    Thank you for coming by today...!

  16. OH didn't! I tried to put a you-tube video from 3 Dog Night...LIAR just for you, but no avail. But I did have a good time listening to that I thank you for the LIE! *wink*
    Talk wiih ya later and have a good one!

  17. Hey Diane...
    My dear friend, it's the thought that counts, and I appreciate it a lot! I really do!

    I haven't heard that song in a long time, so I'll go listen to it now!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by and I do appreciate the fact that I have you as a reader and online friend!
