Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Touch Of Brain Fog This Morning...!

Here is a fun way to spend a little time this Sunday morning!

That is...if it doesn't drive you crazy like it did me! At least, driving me crazy is always a short trip!

Here is a little 'test' that is (supposedly) part of a second grade computer class in China . Some figure it out right away.

Others report having to work on it for a week (or more) to solve it. Click on the test below …

Frog Leap Test

Too early in the morning for this sort of stuff! I'm gonna have some more coffee...want to join me?


  1. I got this one last year and it almost drove me mad until I figured out how easy it really was :-) :-) :-)
    A good way to start the morning :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. I'll be joining you for that cup of coffee. :D


  3. What is great is that if I do not concentrate I still mess it up!
    Maybe I need more of that coffee.

  4. Hey Christer...
    It can make you crazy all right! I haven't done it yet...but I'm just a poor old man! (just kidding!)

    Hey, thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hedy felinae...
    I sure am glad to see you here! A special cup for you this morning...and thanks for dropping in!

  5. LOL! Hi Uncle Hermit,

    I am back, I showed it to B's, my daughter, and she got it! Boy am I feeling a little silly right about now.

    Christer was right, it is pretty easy.

    I'll still have that coffee though beause those little frogs drove me nuts! LOL!


  6. Hey Rod...
    Doesn't take a lot of work to mess it up...I know, I do it regularly!

    Thanks for the visit!

  7. Hey Felinae...
    Well, at least I won't be alone in the crazy house!

    Funny how kids can get it right away!

  8. Good morning my Special One,
    I think mine is broke! it only lets me move it twice. lol
    I need more coffee too I think.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    Mine's been broke for a long time now...I just don't tell anyone! were talking about the frogs? Sorry...!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, Sweetie!

  10. I am too old. I had no luck. I need to get my 4 year old granddaughter to show me how it works.

  11. Hey Rae...
    Kids seem to pick up on it very quickly! Guess it's old folks like me that struggle with it!

    Hope you enjoyed it just a bit!

    Thanks for coming by today...!

  12. Hmm...sleep deprivation must be good for something, Mister Hermit sir, because I managed to do it in less than a minute. Thanks for the fun!

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who is going back to bed, now)

  13. Hey K...
    See? I just knew that you would plow right through it!


    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  14. Hermit, if your like me and have insomnia at times or all the time.

    you need to take some magnezium and zink. and get to bed at a decent time and you will notice you will feel better.

    Sleep when your tired, eat when your hungry, play when your bored, and work hard when they quit for lack of payment!

  15. Hey Off Grid...
    I've been staying up late (or early) all my life, except o the days when I had to work at dawn!

    Kinda got used to it, I guess!

    Hey, thanks for the advice and for coming by today...

  16. Wow, not so easy, took me about five, if kids can do it two, i guess I just flunk 2nd Grade.


  17. Hey AV...
    You wouldn't be the only one, my friend! Plenty of company!

    Good to see you again...!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  18. Huh...I wasn't thinkin' I was smart...I figured it just meant I'm childish! :-D

    Wanna blow some bubbles??

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  19. Hey K...
    That sounds like a perfect way to start the day this Monday! Blowing bubbles is a good pastime, I'm thinking...
