Monday, November 2, 2009

A Song For G.I. Joe...!

Yesterday I made mention in passing of a time of "real heroes"!

Real heroes should never be talked about "In Passing" and I realized that later. I'm ashamed that I didn't catch it sooner, or I would have said more about them!

However, to solve the problem, I've found a group that can say more about the "real heroes" than I ever could...

I really don't think I need to say anything else, do you? I didn't think so...!

C'mon, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee! God Bless All The Heroes...!


  1. That was nice Jim! Thanks

    I picked these guys up at the Phoenix airport back in 2004 and the guys give the bass singer a hard time when they get a chance. The guy with the long beard let me take out GWBushes white house cowboy boots and I checked em out pretty good. He said he wore em when he played for Bush but they were 2 sizes too small.

    anywayz I really like those old oak ridge boys and they are real normal nice guys too.

  2. Morning Jim;

    What better way to start the week. God Bless All The Heroes!

    Have to go back and play it again. One of the best.

    I'll take that coffee now.

  3. HJ I'm not American, but every war has its heroes, sung and unsung. I'v just posted about another type of hero, I think you might just be one of them. Better have a check and see:

    Nostalgia at its finest.


  4. Whooops, how'd that get there twice, damn gremlins at work! Sorry.


  5. Hey OGT...
    Always interesting to meet some of the guys we see from time to time, and find out that they are just real people like us!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Tony...
    Glad you like the video, my friend!
    Coffee is ready and waiting for you!

    I sure do appreciate the visit today, Tony!

    Hey A.V...
    I do indeed fit into that group of people! I was born in 1944 when my Dad was overseas in the navy...and, in fact, he didn't even see me until I was 18 months old!

    There are many unsung heroes from every country, I'm sure! It is the duty of each and every one of us to make sure that they are never forgotten!

    Thanks for the links...and the visit!

  6. WOW that was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. Thank you MY Special One.
    Pulled in yesterday afternoon to warmth and sun. Pulling out again next Monday for another week but much closer.

  7. Hey JoJo...
    There's just no keeping you pinned down now, is there?

    That's good, deserve to have some fun, that's for sure!

    Glad you have a chance to warm up a bit...and glad you are enjoying the MH.

    I sure appreciate you coming by today, dear one!

  8. Never heard that one, HJ....see, something new every day.



  9. Hey OM...
    Good to see you again! I'm glad that you liked the music...and certainly glad that you came by today, my friend!

  10. Sorry, but that video can´t be shown in Sweden by some law. Ownership things it said when I tried to watch it. But I bet it was a real good one!
    Have a great day now!

  11. Yup, same here in Canada Jim...can't be viewed!! I'll find it somewhere today and have a listen though...
    Have a grand day!

  12. Hey Crister...
    Sorry, I didn't know that it ws not showing up in Sweden! You might look under Oak Ridge Boys on YouTube...and see if it is there!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

    Hey Cath...
    I'm so sorry that you can't get it in Canada! I wonder why that is? Oh well, we tried, huh?

    Thanks for coming by today, girl!

  13. I got that in my email the other day and passed it around. Good stuff...
