Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mother...!

Today is my Mother's birthday! In honor of her special day, I'm playing a song from one of her and Dad's favorite bands from their day...!

Take time to listen to a bit of music from a simpler time, a more honest time, a time of real hero's!

Good music, huh? That's because my folks were good people! My Mom still is a very special lady...and I'm sure that my Dad, where ever He may be, is looking down at Mom and smiling. He may like this song as well...and if so, that thought pleases me to no end!

Happy Birthday, Mom! May you have many, many more! I love you...!

Now let's get some coffee and sit outside...we can make a toast to my Mother's special day!


  1. You are a wonderful son and I imagine your mother is very proud of you. This was a lovely tribute to her on her birthday. Happy Birthday Jim's Mom!!

  2. Hey Rae...
    Thank you for the kind words and the birthday wishes for Mom...

    Thank you also for coming by today, my friend!

  3. You are very sweet to do this for her-she must be one class act!
    Happy Birthday, Jim's mom!!

  4. I hope your mom has a wonderful birthday. Enjoy the coffee.

  5. Happy Birthday Hermit's Mom,, and what a great choice of music..

  6. Please convey my salutations and felicitations to your mother. May she enjoy many more birthdays with you (and keep you in line)!!

  7. Hey Sue...
    I have to admit that she is a pretty special lady, indeed! She still sews, quilts, and she and my baby Sis recently joined the D.A.R.

    Hey, I sure appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey Kris...
    Thank you, my friend! She is in North Carolina visiting with my big sis, but comes back to Houston Tuesday! Guess I'll have to bake her a cake!

    Thanks for the visit today7, Kris!

    Hey Momma...
    I'll be thanking you for her! Nice of you to come by and offer your good wishes this morning, lady!

    Have a good day, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Ben...
    I kinda figured you might like that music, my friend! It's a shame we don't have bands like that any more, ya know?

    Hey, I appreciate the visit, buddy!

    Hey YOF...
    Keeping me in line hopefully will be a full time job for a while! At least in my imagination...!

    Thanks for the kind words and for the visit today!

  8. Happy Birthday, Mamma HJ!! Jim, what a nice post. I hope she has a wonderful day. How lucky you both are!

  9. Hey Ginger...
    I'm glad you enjoyed the post! I'll pass on your birthday wishes to mom when she gets back from the visit with my sister in North Carolina! I'm sure she will appreciate it!

    I thank you so much for coming by today, my friend! Good to see you again!

  10. Please extend my heartfelt wishes that she has a happy birthday, and many happy returns!

    Also, thanks for the Glen Miller...I grew up listening to big band music and still enjoy it.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  11. Uncle Hermit,

    What a wonderful post in honor of you Mom. She sounds like a wonderful person.

    Please wish Mama Hermit a very Happy Birthday and may she have many more to come.

    Have a great day!

  12. Hey K...
    I'll certainly pass on your good wishes to Mom, just as soon as she gets home.

    I still like the big band sounds myself! Nice for a change, once in a while!

    Hey, thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Felinae...
    Thanks for the good wishes to Mom. I'll pass them on to her.

    Thanks for coming by today, girl! I appreciate it!

  13. Happy Birthday!!!
    I do hope you are having a fabulous day!
    Oh and thanks for raising such a fabulous son...he's a real sweetie!

  14. Happy Birthday Mama Hermit - its my nephew's birthday as well, just turned 17. I hope the day went well and the birthday was not too sweet, moist and flavorful.

  15. My respects and best wishes for
    a happy birthday to your mother.

  16. Hey Anon 5:33...
    I'm sure that Mom had a good day with my sister in North Carolina...and I thank you on her behalf for the kind wishes!

    As for me, I do thank you for coming down today!

    Hey Vlad...
    Thank you for the kind words, myu friend! I'll certainly pass them along!

    As always, I thank you for your visit, my friend!

  17. I was at the SLABs , so I have to wish your mom a belated birthday
