Monday, December 7, 2009

A Day To Remember...!

Just a reminder to take some time today to reflect on the events of December 7TH, 1941.

On that day, as I'm sure you all know, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, virtually destroying the majority of the American fleet. The United States and Japan were not at war at the time, and the attack was unprovoked.

For the most part, until that moment, the people of the United States pretty much held an isolationism point of view when it came to world politics. The Japanese changed all that by the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Thanks to their actions on that day, the American people became more united, stronger, and more determined than ever before that they would never let anything like this happen again!

Another reason for me to reminisce on this day...if my Father had lived, my Mother and Father would have celebrated their 66TH wedding anniversary today!

This is a story that would sound like a work of fiction, were it not true! In 1943, my Father had been in the navy for around 2 1/2 years. He had written to my Mother several times, but she was engaged to another young man. One day in December, 1943...My dad showed up at the Western Union office where my Mother worked here in Houston. Somehow, even though she was engaged to another, he convinced her to go out on a date! One date, their first date...and the only one needed! They were married the next day!

Mom and Dad enjoyed a 4 day honeymoon before Dad had to board the train back to the coast to board his ship! Such was the course of true love in times of war!

Although these two events don't really have a direct effect on one another, they do have something in common. What they do show, without a doubt, is that the unexpected things in life can test us, can unite us, and can be the basis for a strong future!

Just as this great nation was tested and made stronger by the war, the wartime union of my Mother and Father laid the foundation for a strong family!

Even though my Father is no longer with us, his presence is still felt in the strength and the family traditions we celebrate to this day.

Let us remember on this day that the sacrifice and dedication of many, many individuals and families was the cost our nation paid for peace. May the people of this nation never forget that, may our leaders never forget that either!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit at the patio for a bit. We can toast to all the heroes in our lives...past and present!


  1. Hey Diane...
    Thanks for the AMEN, my friend...and thank you for coming by today!

  2. What a great story about your mom and dad. I bet they liked to share that one over the years. Your dad must have really made an impression on your mom.
    This is truly a day to remember our heroes and I wish that we could all pull together again as a nation like we did after Pearl Harbor.

  3. Good Morning My Special One, Your Father must have been a great man, to love someone that much and for you to always talk about him with such love. Give your mom a big hug and kiss for me today. Your Mom has to be a great lady also.
    And yes I will remember all our hero's today as well.

  4. And had I stayed married this would be my 40th anniversary. Alas this date was not a good one for marriage in my town. The couple who married right after us in the same church didn't stay together long either. And yes, I remember this day as being infamous. My dad fought in the Pacific and luckily survived, else I wouldn't be here. My thanks to all who have served and serve today to make sure we keep our freedom. If you served, Mr. Hermit, THANK YOU. Now on to the coffee, please.

  5. Bubba -
    A day for remembering on many levels, and another day to thank a vet! So, thanks to you!

    And don't forget that Mom and Dad had met many years earlier - Grandma King took her baby boy to visit Grandma Vaughn and the new baby girl when Mom was just a few days old! I think that would be a long term relationship - he, he!

    More mud on the way, but this time from rain. Crank up the gingerbread oven!

    Hugs -

  6. Hey Rae...
    I guess it's lucky for me that he did impress her, huh?

    I do believe that the oly way we can get through the coming storm, is if all of us become united again and face our problems as a solid front.

    Thank you for stopping by today.

    Hey JoJo...
    You know, we often mention around Mom's that there is not a picture of them together...that Dad isn't touching her in some fashion! His arm around her, them holding hands, something like that!

    Thanks for helping us to celebrate the true heroes...and thanks, sweetie, for the visit!

    Hey Momlady...
    Those were hard times, emotionally and spiritually for a lot of people! Always sad when marriages don't last, but at least some good things remain of your time together!

    Thank you so much for coming by today for a cup!

    Hey Sis...
    I'm doing my best to make this last batch of gingerbread last! It sure goes good with coffee, I'll tell ya!

    Hey, I really appreciate you coming by today! You have a good one...!

  7. Hey, Mister Hermit, sir - my Mum was married to my father on this day, as she mentioned above...and my cousin is celebrating her first anniversary today!

    I'd like to go to Pearl Harbor one day, if only to honor the fallen.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  8. Hey K...
    A good day for anniversaries, I guess! Seem to be a lot of them in our little circle of bloggig friends and family.

    I think a trip to Hawaii would be a good thing...and the trip to the memorial at Pearl Harbor would no doubt be worth the trip!

    Hey, thanks for the visit friend!

  9. You really outdid yourself today!!!I"ve been to Pearl Harbor - did you know oil is still seeping up from the ship, or at least itwas when I was there.
    A Navy boat takes you from Oahu out to Pearl - quite an experience!

    So was being married to your dad!!!! I still miss him= = =
    Love you - Mom

  10. I loved this post!
    My dad transferred off the Arizona to the Chester, just one week before Pearl Harbor, but his cousin was still on her when she went down. My dad never forgave himself...

    God Bless all those men and women - past and present.

  11. Hey Mom...
    I'm glad you enjoyed the post! I've never been to the memorial at Pearl Harbor...but if I ever go to Hawaii, I'll be sure to visit...

  12. Hey Tatersmama...
    I'm afraid a lot of servicemen carried some quilt, as though they thought they should have been there! That's a sad thing, and so unnecessary!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  13. Dear Hermit, You are such a source of inspiration, wisdom and humor. Thanks for a great story and thanks for stopping by my blog. Wishing you well my friend! treesong

  14. Hey Treesong...
    Thank you so much for the very kind words today!

    Believe me, visiting your blog is a personal pleasure to me! I always enjoy it...

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!
