Sunday, December 6, 2009

My "Don't Want Any" List...!

You know, being from the south...I like food!

I especially like fried foods and grilled foods! And's gotta be spicy hot! I mean, that may be just a Texas thing but hot sauce doesn't last long in my pantry.

Now even though I do admit to loving fried foods, there are some things that I just don't want to eat, fried or not! Now, I have to admit that the list of fried foods I won't eat is a very short one...but there are a few things on it. Here is an example of what I'm talking about!

I don't know...but this just seems to make me shudder when I think about it! Kinda like caviar (fish eggs)...

I know it may be a silly hang up, but that's just me. If I didn't know what they were, it would probably different! Just one of my personal "don't want any" list!

Anyway, let's get some fresh coffee and sit at the patio table for a bit. Just don't bring any turkey fries, OK?


  1. So, no deep fried battered butter?

    Pass the coffee on over HJ...and shame on you for not sharing that snow with me...all I got was nasty cold wind and a chance of rain on Tuesday!!

  2. I am with you on that. just because you can stick it in your mouth doesnt mean it is food. Some people think differently I guess.

  3. Just no accounting for taste.
    I don't have enough balls, if that is what it takes, to eat turkey testicles.

  4. Yuck. One day I was looking at weird videos about what people eat to show the kids when they complained about broccoli and a stumbled on this one from China...

    Now, enjoy the coffee:)

  5. Umm...waste not, want not?

    I'd rather want.

    I have a policy, Mister Hermit, sir, evolved over many years of eating things because it was polite - I no longer consume innards (and critter wedding tackle counts as innards).

    My grandmother despaired of me because I wouldn't eat caviar. I know some folks like it...but it was just plan nasty to me, and it was one of the rare things I would not eat no matter how threatened or cajoled I was - and I once ate sheep's eyes! The texture/flavor combination gives me the willies, even today.

    Fun way to start the morning - I think I'll go wash my mouth out with some tea!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. On a summer's eve at my aunt and uncles's "plantation" in Virginia we had the results of my uncle's neutering of some of the cattle he raised. Even the young man(who lived on a sheep farm in New Zealand) staying with them for the summer didn't want to know what he was eating.
    That was the first and last time, but, at least I can say I've had 'em.
    Do you have any hot chocolate?

  7. Morning Jim;
    Sounds like Army food to me. Guess it depends on how hungry one might get. lol Hope I never get that hungry.

    See Ya

  8. ...nope,not for me,i don't eat filters,pumps,or 'storage' facilities...if i ever git "that hungry"(MYway's comment)i'll eat


  9. Turkeys have testicles? Who woulda thunk it?! In my younger days, I tried just about anything that was placed before me (food wise, no blushing allowed)... fried rattlesnake, fried alligator, etc. I think things must be deep-fried to disguise them. I have fond memories of eating things at the hunting lease that would have made my skin crawl back home. What is it about being in the hunting cabin that makes it OK to eat strange food prepared in crusty cookware and eaten with not-so-sanitary utensils? It seems to apply to the deep-fried principle, too. But, as I get older, my willingness to experiment with food is diminishing. All I can say is, "EEWWWW!"

  10. Good Morning My Special One, I'm with you, I don't try things just cause someone says they are good for you or just plain good. Nope not that one. YUCK! Of course if it would cure this nasty head cold I just might try it. .... No never mind :P

  11. I think I'll pass as well. Poor turkeys!

  12. Hey Momma...
    Sorry about the snow! I sure would have given you some if I could have! Now frie butter, fried cheese, an fried brea I'll eat! Kinda like them!

    Hope you get some snow soon! Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey OGT...
    Guess all folks have a different view of what makes "food"! I just want to know up front what it is...

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Vlad...
    I know I don't have the gumption to eat them either! Don't even want to try!

    Thanks for dropping in today, my friend!

    Hey Kris...
    I could have gone all day without watching that video! Makes me want to walk funny!

    Wonder how much they have to pay this guy to eat this stuff? Whatever it ain't enough!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey K...
    SHEEP'S eyes?? That's pretty gross to me as well! I'm with ya on the fish eggs! Used them as bait, but never eaten them!

    I think I'll have to go along with you on not eating the innards...sounds like a good rule!

    Thanks, K, for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Hot chocolate coming up! You gotta watch those Virginia farmers alright!

    Sometimes it might be better NOT to know...

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today, dear lady!

    Hey Tony...
    I have to agree with ya on that, buddy! Lots of other things I would eat before I'd eat this!

    Hope none of us ever get this hungry!

    hey buddy, Thank you for coming over!

    Hey Ken...
    "filters, pumps and storage?" I like the way you put that! And it works for me!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey Ginger...
    Don't know what causes that mentality to kick in, but it seems to be fairly common!

    Must be an age thing, because I agree with you 100% on not experimenting with food anymore!

    So good to see you here again...and I appreciate you coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    I think the first alarm bell goes off when someone says..."it's good for you!" Tha's when I pass for sure!

    Sorry you have a cold, sweetie! Hope you get better soon!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rae...
    Kinda makes you sad, doesn't it? Hope all the removal is done after they are put down!

    Lots of us are passing on this one!

    I sure am glad you could come over today!

  13. LOL Hermit, I'm with ya, disgusting! So much other good stuff we could all be eating.....

  14. Oh now Jim. Rocky mountain oysters are great! I have had them and sheep and pig even horse and I would try turkey also.
    Used to be a big thing after you branded and cut calves to have a feast of them after wards.

  15. Hey Mmpaints...
    I think you're right! All the veggies would be the first to go before I would go for these!

    Somebody can have my share!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rod...
    I know that a lot of folks have eaten them and like them...but sorry, I just can't bring myself to do so!

    I'm just a wuss about some things, I guess!

    Tnakns for coming by, buddy!

  16. Adding those to my list now brother. Hate to find those in my stocking. LOL !!

  17. Hey Bullseye...
    Now that's a revolting thought! Turkey fries as stocking stuffers!

    Kinda makes your skin crawl a bit, doesn't it?

    Hey, my brother, I sure appreciate you coming by today!

  18. HJ, when I was growing up, back in Tennessee, we had a saying and it went like this,'when it gets down to the nuts and the guts, it's time to kill another hawg'. I have a friend here in Al. whose father had lost his ability to eat normally and was fed through a tube in his stomach. He was an affectionado of the bull testicals so much that his son would prepare the testicles and push them through the tube, so I suppose it's not just the taste is it?

  19. Hey TjbbpgobIII...
    Now I haven't heard that saying before...but I like it! It makes perfect sense to me as well!

    I'm not sure if eating through a tube is in my future or not...but I would have to really want something to have it go directly into my tummy!

    Taste to me is all important, followed by smell, then by texture! Spoiled,I guess!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  20. Okay, I've had mountain oysters and they weren't 'too' bad... but I draw the line at eating poultry wedding tackle.
    That's just ermmm... ICKY! {{{{shudders}}}
    Now it's got me wondering about those little fried balls they have at KFC (is it popcorn chicken?) What if they're actually chicken testicles???
    Please warn me of the subject matter the next time okay? Dry retching on an empty stomach is no way to start the day! LOL!

  21. Hey Tatersmama...
    Have to admit you made me chuckle with this one! You also now have me wondering about the KFC thing!

    I'll stick to the good old basic hamburger...!
