Friday, February 26, 2010

How About Some Sam Adams...?

No, I'm not talking about the beer this time, but instead I want to discuss the man!

Sam Adams is someone that we don't mention very often. He doesn't come up in many discussions about freedom or politics or revolutionary thought, but many of his quotes are very much in keeping with our views on freedom and liberty!

Read these and see if you don't agree with me on this...

Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.
Samuel Adams

He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life is, or very soon will be, void of all regard for his country. There is seldom an instance of a man guilty of betraying his country, who had not before lost the feeling of moral obligations in his private connections.
Samuel Adams

How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!
Samuel Adams

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams

Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason.
Samuel Adams

Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty.
Samuel Adams

The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
Samuel Adams

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.
Samuel Adams

The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
Samuel Adams

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.
Samuel Adams

Now, it's a very good thing that we still have the quotes and the wisdom of all the wise and brave men in our past to read and ponder! But it makes me question just one thing...where in the hell are the great and wise men of today? Where are the leaders that will stand up for the average American citizen, voicing concerns over the fact that more and more each day, many of our rights seem to be slowly removed by people in power that don't care for the individual, don't care that the voice of the people differs from their actions, don't have a clue about what the people of our country really want, nor do they care!

It's my personal opinion that someone, anyone, needs to step up and heed the call of the People! Someone needs to speak out in a voice that can and will be heard! Someone needs to help the overly destructive forces in power to back off a bit and slow down!

If someone that already has the tools and the access to the proper processes cannot be found, or is unwilling to take up the banner of concerned citizens...then it is up to us, the voters, to find someone to do so. Find them and groom them if necessary to step up to the plate, to join the struggle, to speak for the average man!

I can't help but feel that the time is short to find that someone, to work within the system, to peacefully make the changes that need so desperately to be made!

Make no mistake, some changes need to be made. We all would like to have them made without violence. No one wants a violent end to a problem that might have a peaceful solution ! NO ONE...!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit!


  1. Sam Adams was the father of our country.

    As part of General Thomas Gage's Orders of the Day where Gage sent 700 lobsterbacks to confiscate the patriots' arms stored at Concord, Gage included this order, "...and pick up Sam Adams, he's a rabble rouser." Adams was in John Hancock's farmhouse just north of Lexington on that day.
    Our country was born in a blaze of blood, and its father was Sam Adams.

    Sam Adams, you rabble rouser, I just came for the fried chicken.

    Mountain rifleman

  2. Three cheers for brother Samuel!

  3. "...Where are the leaders that will stand up for the average American citizen, voicing concerns over the fact that more and more each day, many of our rights seem to be slowly removed by people in power that don't care for the individual..."

    I hope I'm raising one...if it's not too late. Certainly I am raising him to think, to speak, to question, and (pain in my arse though it be) to argue.

    I may need medicating when he hits his teens...but I hope the Evil Genius will never fear speaking the truth (uncomfortable though it be) or standing up for freedom.

    And as for the brush fires of freedom, long and fierce may they burn!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Hey Rifleman...
    What we need now days is a few more "rabble rousers" to get things moving!

    One thing you have to say about those good ol' boys...they had some big brass ones!

    God Bless 'Em all! Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Catman...
    Long time, no see! Yep...I think that three cheers are indeed in order!

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

  5. Hey K...
    And a fine job I'm betting that you are doing, my friend!

    It's the little guys like the Evil Genius that may very well be the voice of Freedom in the future!

    Thanks, Lady...for coming by today!

  6. I think the last man who stood up for the people was Crockett. Didn't he say f_ _k you'all, I'm going to Texas. Old Sam Adams was a noted drinker and hell raiser to I have heard. They don't make 'em like that anymore, Hermit.

  7. Hey tjbbpgobIII ...
    He just may have been! Glad I am that he showed up when he did!

    You're right about not making them like they used to! Man, wish we had some of these boys around today! That would be something!

    Hey thanks for coming by today!

  8. Good quotes. You're right. What ideas do you have for FINDING these persons who will step up to the plate? We needed them yesterday! Heck! The day before yesterday. . . . . . . . Marji

  9. Hermit Jim,that was great.I think that burning Spirit of the founders is still very much alive.We have our Rabble rousers,Catman,Michael,Mayb,3%,Shy,Vanderbough good men all yet they are not Politicians.Ron Paul surely is not the only Politician in the U.S who still cares about his Country,let us find the others quickly.I fear if not we will do it the old fashioned way.
    China III

  10. Sounds like a Patriot in the true sense. We need guys like that in this world.

  11. Well, my friend, here's a step YOU can take (and anyone else who reads your blog). Go to and sign up. It could be the start of something big and it sure would let the ptb know that we are fed up.

  12. The peaceful solution is prefered, but don't turn your rifle into a plow.

    See Ya.

  13. Baby Sis (Texas Red)February 26, 2010 at 7:39 AM

    Bubba -
    I agree with the Rabble Rousers, and say let us all become VOTERS! We can compain all we want, but unless we are actively, even in a small way, willing to follow our words with actions, then we are just spitting in the wind. Voting is one way of letting the PTB know what WE really want.

    Next Tuesday is the first chance this year. Even if you don't usually vote in primaries, do so this time. It's time to get off our soapboxes (not you, Bubba) and let our voices go beyond the normal range.

    Big hugs -

  14. May I add my voice to the 'get out and vote" comment. All too often I hear someone raising hell about the way this country is being run, and when I ask them about voting they say "why bother? It doesn't do any good". If we could just get half of the potential voters to register and then to acturally vote, we could get rid this crap we have in office now!!

  15. Hey Marji...
    You are sure right that we could have used them day before yesterday! I'm thinking that the present PTB in charge have, if nothing else, pointed out the need for organized voting and resistance in the same old way of doing things!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey China...
    I , like you, just know that some where in the Washington crowd there must be a free spirit willing to stand up and say what we all think!

    Let's hope that they show up before much longer! Even peace loving folks can bristle when pushed far enough!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:19...
    There were so many patriots in those days...surely some of that feeling must have carried over to the hallowed halls in D.C.!

    I can only hope it did!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Your DD sent me that link this morning, but I appreciate you sending it again! I lose things a lot more than I used to, ya know?

    Thanks for coming over today, my friend!

    Hey Tony...
    Right you are! Gotta have both to get by! Can't plow with a gun, but can't hunt with a plow!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    How right you are! Time to change from Soapbox to Ballot Box...and stand and be counted! I think it's time that the silent majority to quit being so silent!

    Enough noise can be made at election time to send the message loud and clear...that folks have had enough of "business as usual" and it's about time that some of the folks presently in charge to see that not as many of us are still willing to just stand by as they think!

    Every vote DOES count, for sure!

    Thanks for the reminder...and for coming by today!

    Hey Bob...
    Right you are, my friend, right you are! I used to be just as silent and lay about voting as anyone...but in my later years, I have seen the importance of voting and in speaking up!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  16. ...time for peaceful resolution has passed,we are only a generation or two away from being nothing more than a passage in a (re)written history book...
    ...i say lets drop some hammers before i'm too old to fight...

  17. Hey Ken...
    I think the next year or two will show us the way to go. Slowly but surely, some of the PTB are getting the message...others never will! Those are the ones that we need to remove, the others!

    By soapbox, ballot box, or ammo box...we will have change and sanity brought back in to play!

    That, of course, is just my opinion!

    Thans, Ken, for stopping in today!

  18. Thanks for those. You're right, I never heard or read much about Sam Adams.
    Well, Ron Paul is our only modern day in KY, Debra Medina is running for TX governor,and there are a few other liberty candidates running in different states. Hopefully they'll garner the public's votes. I'm watching up here in IL.

  19. The problem is the people viewing FOX are also the people that vote and they believe what they are watching is factual.FOX (NEWS CORPORATION) is more interested in controversy than truth.Remember in the olden days the snake oil salesmen.FOX is the modern day version or I should say the NEWS CORPORATION.Think !! They own the WALL STREET JOURNAL & DOW JONES .As an American that bothers me that a snake oil salesman like Rupert Murdock (an Australian) could control and manufacture the news that we rely on every day.THINK AMERICANS from FOX what do you hear fear,hate,uncertainty,frustration,the negative list goes on and on.

  20. Hey Gen...
    I'm hoping that the upcoming elections will prove to the PTB that a lot of folks are fed up! Some politicians are going to have to change or find a new job!

    It's frustrating for us, but I just have a feeling that slowly things are going to start changing!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Anon 5:51...
    So true that many Americans are totally into the media for what they consider to be the "Truth"...

    An old saying comes to mind here that "only believe nothing of what you hear, and half of what you see!"

    Apply this to all the News, especially from folks like FOX!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  21. I agree with the others that Ron Paul is one of the few modern day politicians that will stand up for the average man. I also agree we need to get off the couch and vote out the blood suckers. Thanks again Jim for a blog that gets us going.
