Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Scare Up Business...!

I guess that when times are hard, you find a way to attract more business.

This might just be taking it to a whole new level, though!

I found this story in the Houston Chronicle and thought you might just find it interesting. If nothing else, it's a good marketing ploy!

GALVESTON, Texas — People visit Galveston for the salt surf, hot spots along the Great Texas Birding Trail and for one of the country's largest collections of historic architecture.

But one group says this island city also could conjure tourists with something less tangible than beaches, birds and bricks.

Members of Southern Paranormal Investigations, equipped with an array of gadgets, went ghost hunting Saturday night in the J.D. Rogers building, which houses Bistro Le Croy on Galveston's historic Strand.

About 30 customers paid $10 to watch the live and interactive ghost hunt over dinner and drinks. The hunt was broadcast on the bistro's big-screen television and around the world on the Web.

Members of the group said they hoped the investigation would renew interest in The Strand and Galveston's history and attract tourists mesmerized by things paranormal.

Jennifer Hanson and Jennifer Parker, founders of the group, said money from the event would help the organization continue probing for contact with the other side.

Hanson and Parker started Southern Paranormal Investigations in 2007 after they met at a paranormal interest group meeting in Alvin. Both said their group always wanted to conduct an investigation in the J.D. Rogers building and others nearby because the buildings were a source of many reports of paranormal activity through the years.

"There have been reports of entities that look like Civil War soldiers here," Hanson said.

She said the building was a morgue during the 1900 Storm.

Many visitors, business owners and workers in the building also claim to have seen the ghosts of a woman and a boy dressed in Victorian clothing, Hanson said.

Daryl Olson, son of the owners of the J.D. Rogers building, was visiting from Los Angeles and said almost all the buildings on the block were haunted.

A girl named Annabelle haunts the Nichols building next door, Olson said.

The Nichols building, made up of lofts and banquet space, can be reached by connecting stairs from the J.D. Rogers building.

"The first night I stayed here, I heard a little girl crying," Olson said. "So we had some psychics come through here, and they all said her name was Annabelle."

In a small office in the Nichols building, Olson pointed to a daguerreotype photo of a young girl in a frame hanging on the wall. The girl was dressed in Victorian clothing, had blonde hair and big eyes. "That's Annabelle," Olson said.

He said the picture was there when his parents bought the building and that psychics said it was Annabelle.

Back in the dining room of the bistro, Joshua Christie, 22, a student at Texas A&M University at Galveston, was sitting at a table with friends enjoying a beer.

"We're all fans of the TV shows like 'Ghost Hunters,'" he said, referring to the Syfy channel production airing on cable TV.

He said he expected to see ghosts in the J.D. Rogers building.

"It seems like a creepy place," Christie said.

At the table next to Christie, the Dorsetts, a family of four from Friendswood, were eager for the investigation to begin.

Amanda, 10, said she had encountered paranormal activity on one of the family's previous trips to the bistro.

She said she saw a door open by itself in the corner of the building's atrium. Her sister, Drea, 12, said pictures they took in that same corner contained floating orbs.

About 10:45 p.m. after setting up the J.D. Rogers building with cameras, voice recorders, electromagnetic meters and leaving marbles, a skate board and a tea set for child ghosts to play with, the team from Southern Paranormal Investigations turned off the lights.

Inside the bistro, the big-screen TV projected shots of rooms in the building that were thought to be haunted. A few minutes later, what looked like a small circle of light darted by the camera set up in the building's atrium.

"Did you see that?" a diner yelled.

It was clear that a lot of others had seen it, whatever it was.

Now, my friends, let's see if we can "scare up" a fresh cup of coffee, OK?


  1. My dad died. I found his Ruger Single Six. I asked aloud, "Dad, where is the magnum cylinder?" and immediately thought "It is in the top drawer the dresser."
    It was there. Hmmmmmmm

  2. A I posted a bit ago: Just because we do not understand something does not mean it is not true.
    I'm a believer and experiencer.

  3. I have a friend who's part of a paranormal investigations group...and funny coincidence, she and some others were visiting Galveston when I was in Houston last year. I wonder if they found anything...

    As for me, there never seem to be ghosts about when I am. I think it's a conspiracy. I grew up in an allegedly haunted house, but the spook was never around when I was home. I was gyped! Same thing for every haunted place I've ever been - I show up and the ghosties go on vacation. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to haunt someplace myself, ninety years or so...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Good Morning My Special One,
    I love these stories. I used to get that channel for the Ghost Hunters or what ever they are called. Most of the stuff they found was just cold air and damp spots. Oh well its fun all the same.
    So yes lets see if we can scare up some fresh coffee. :) and no I haven't made the bread yet. lol

  5. Hey Vlad...
    Just goes to show that we shouldn't ask questions that we don't expect to get answers to!

    trange things do indeed happen!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Anon 7:57...
    There are many strange things in the world that we cannot explain. I think the best thing is to be open minded about them all!

    Thanks for dropping by today.

    Hey Momlady...
    Thanks...I appreciate that! Also appreciate the visit...!

    Hey K...
    Maybe you could get a job as a GhostBuster! You know...just sort of scare them away?

    I have experienced a couple of things, but I've talked to others that have some really strange stories to share.

    Guess that some folks are just more receptive than others, huh?

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey JoJo...
    Ghost stories...or stories of the unexplained are always entertaining, to say the least!

    Better get busy on that corn bread, sweetie! I'm looking forward to a report on how it turns out!

    Thanks, my girl, for coming by!

  6. I bought a three storey victorian house that was supposidly haunted. The room where they said the ghost live was always cold. It was november when I bought it. I solved the cold ghost room problem by closing the top of the window sash that had fallen down. The room warmed up and I guess the ghost left. LOL
    I used to scare people by turning on the whole house fan and telling a story about how the doors would begin slamming and sure enough they would and people would get so scared. I had fun.
