Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Surrounded By Negativity...?

That's where I have found myself as of late...and that's not good!

At time like this, it's very important that you find some way to remove yourself from anything that isn't positive.

Believe me, a negative atmosphere will only attract more negativity! I know, because I have been there, my friends.

It took me a long time to discover just how true that is...and how to correct it. One thing I found that worked for me was to surround myself with calming sounds. Nice music, nature sounds, and then one day...I tried wind chimes!

The musical sounds produced by wind chimes is so pleasing, it makes you want to sit and listen for hours! It certainly forces you to slow down the mind and to relax.

I found a video of what is reported to be the world's largest wind chimes, and the sound from them is absolutely beautiful! To those that can't view the video, I'm sorry. You just can't imagine what you're missing, in my humble opinion!

Take a look...!

Now do you see what I mean? Friends, videos are nice, but there is nothing like the real thing! If you can find a place that has a display of chimes...take the time to go and listen. It just might be the best thing for your mental attitude.

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit...we can listen to my chimes!


  1. Yes, H.J., you are right - those wind chimes sound lovely. No chimes here at Tramp's Camp. The winds that blow here would take them down and deliver them to the neighboring acreage! But thank you for reminding me how tranquil they can sound.

    Tramp #2

  2. Hey Tramp...
    These weigh about 350 pounds...so I don't think they will blow far!

    They do have a nice sound, don't they?

    Probably could here them over at the neighbor's...

    Hey, thanks for the visit today!

  3. I love wind chimes and have several in trees and on the porch. I have never see any that big! I want to go get in Papa Bears scrap pile and make one!

    Than you for a tranquil moment this AM!

  4. Good Morning My Special One, Oh how I love wind chimes.I have serveral in different sizes. The video was great and I will go back and and watch and listen to the others also.
    But first I will sit and have some coffee with you all.

  5. Morning Jim;

    It's always nice to have something that gives one peace, and reaxation. Mine is the woods and listening to nature.

    Wind chimes would do for the house.

    Nice post as usual. Coffe is good to.

    See Ya

  6. Hey MamaBear...
    The pleasure is all mine, my friend!

    We should all try and find some peace and quiet during our day...as it really does make a difference in how the rest of our day goes!

    Hey, thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    I figured that you would like the wind chimes, my friend! Nothing like sitting there, listening to them singing quietly in the breeze...

    I sure am glad you could come by thi morning, sweetie!

    hey Tony...
    Nature is the best, for sure! Those wind chimes are for the times we are stuck in the city, where we need all the help we can get to stay calm!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

  7. Nice, wonder what they would sound like in 15-20 mph wind?

  8. Thanks Uncle Hermit,

    I too love the sound of wind chimes. Thanks again for sharing the video. :)


  9. Hey Bob...
    I have a feeling that you would be able to hear them in the next county!

    Certainly would make folks sit up and take notice, that's for sure!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

    Hey Felinae...
    Good to see you again! Been too long...but it always is!

    I'm glad you like the chimes...and also glad you could come by today!

  10. Good morning, Uncle Hermit.

    We've talked @ length about thoughts helping us create our universes; glad you found some calm!

    We've got a wooden "chime" in our tree out front-- that, two suet cakes, and a seed feeder. Many a moment of peace these have given me, watching my feathered cousins keep busy...

    Have a great day, my man!!!

  11. Hey Cygnus...
    I know what you mean about getting some calm from watching Mother Nature at work/play!

    Need a lot more of that sort of thing here lately!

    Thanks for coming by!

  12. Speaking of wind chimes. I have made a couple and bought some, I stumbled across an ole web link that gives you more information than you might ever need on how they work and how to build one even.


  13. Hey Ben...
    That is a very interesting web site you gave the link to! Thanks for that!

    Chimes have gotten so expensive in the stores, I've considered making some myself!

    Hey, buddy, thanks for coming by today!

  14. wind chimes - I love them and have many. It is restful to sit and listen to them in a gentle breeze. When the windows are open I sleep better hearing them in the background. It is soothing for me.

  15. Hey Rae...
    So many things can make a natural sleep enhancement! Running water of a brook, wind chimes, crickets at night...these are all sounds that I like!

    Unfortunately, here in the city, most of the time I have nothing to hear but screams, barking watch dogs, sirens, and low flying helicopters and planes...that sort of thing.

    Someday, though, I'll be far away from all of this!

    Hey, I sure do appreciate you dropping by today!

  16. Lovely, but I imagine it would take quite a wind to get the clapper going. I have a lovely handmade wind chime on my porch that sounds like a temple gong. It is quite calming. Enjoy the sound of yours. Nothing like nice chimes to calm the soul.

  17. Oh, Mister Hermit, sir, they're lovely!

    I enjoy sitting on Mum's porch and listening to the various chimes singing in the breeze...but none are like the ones in the video.

    Thanks for the Zen moment.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  18. I wanted to have a look at that Jim, but I'm one of those guys that needs a quicker, less expensive web connection. I'm gonna work on that one when the house is done.

  19. Hey Momlady...
    You could always have the grandson come over and swing on the clapper! Bet that would do the trick!

    Someday you'll have to post a clip of the sound on your porch!

    Hey, enjoy the time on the water, my friend!

    Hey K...
    Momlady said that she had several chimes around...and I think that's cool! I'll have to come see them someday!

    Enjoy the time away from home...and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Mark...
    Believe me, I know what you mean! Been there myself!

    Getting the shelter up first is the most important thing...

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

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