Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good News And Bad News...!

My eyesight has been getting worse and worse here lately, so I decided it was time to go get an eye exam.

Good news is...I got in the Doctor's office without any problem. Bad news is...cataracts in both eyes. Right eye is really bad, he said. If not taken care of pretty soon, it could be so bad in a couple of months that I may not be able to see out of it!

So, it looks like I'll be contacting the hospital and getting some idea of what the next step is going to be. I want to go through the V.A., since they are already taking care of the problem with my heart and have all my medical history right at hand!

Let me just say that I have complete faith and confidence in the folks at the V.A. and they have always treated me right! This is NOT what I wanted to hear or to deal with, but it has to be done...that I do know!

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to cut this one short today and go hide in a corner for a bit while I feel sorry for myself.

Actually, even though I might want to do just that, I actually need to put certain things in order...just in case, ya know?

I'll update things a little more as soon as I know more. In the meantime, coffee is fresh. Let's get some and go sit in the sunshine for a bit, OK? Nothing like some morning sun and some birds singing to make things seem better, know what I mean?

The roses smell really good from the patio as well!


  1. Thank goodness for modern medicine. While cataracts sound scary, there is so much that can be done for them these days. I was just diagnosed with one last month - I was shocked but it helped explain some sight issues. It is still small but knowing it is there bothers me... I thought that I would have to be older to have cataracts...

    Thinking about you here, H.J.!

  2. Hey 2Tramps...
    Kind of comes as a shock, doesn't it? I guess I was just thinking I needed new glasses, and not really expecting the other!

    Guess it just shows how quickly we can change our way of thinking and how unprepared I was for this to pop up.

    It will be nice to be able to see clearly again, thou

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!gh!

  3. Take care of yourself and your eyesight, Jim. We'll keep you in our prayers!

  4. I'm sorry to hear that, Jim! But it is amazing what these Doctors can do these days...
    I'm guessing, your eye will be as good as new.
    We are very thankful to one hospital up here who just saved my mother's life. Still in there for her 3rd week, but alive!
    And you know what...I think we all need to do more of that "sitting in the sunshine with the birds singing". Life is too precious to be going 100 miles an hour every day of our lives...
    Hugs to you, my friend!

  5. First off I am glad you and the VA get along so well, I know others who don't!

    About those cataracts I am so glad you found them Now While they can do something. With today's modern advances in surgery it should be a one day procedure to get them removed ( or what ever your Doctor recommends)

    All I will say is GET them taken care of . You know the alternative and you DO NOT want that, trust me. My Mother put it off and now is totally blind in that one eye. ( The other cataract was removed with a simple in and out office procedure)

    All the best Jim. I'm Thinking about you from here.

  6. My condolences with the diagonosis, but it sounds like you caught them early - should be minimal backlash. Good thing you took the time to get them looked at - blindness is not a good alternative.

  7. Good Morning My Special One,
    You are going to be so happy you took care of this. I have many friends who have had this done this year alone. And are so thrilled to be able to see so well now. Of course the thought of any kind of surgery is scary. With all of your friends here keeping you in their hearts and prayers you can rest easy love. I also have them and when I get back I will most likely be ready to have them removed.

  8. Hey WWRWH...
    I sure appreciate the kind thoughts this morning, my friend!

    I'm sure that things will work out...the good Lord willing!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Cath...
    I am so glad to hear that your mom is getting along better.

    Right you are about medicine being much better now days, and I'm sure that everything that needs to be done will help me a bunch!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Ben...
    I sure am glad to see you this morning, buddy!

    Are ya getting all rested up from yuour trip to west Texas?

    Hey man, I do appreciate you dropping by today. Thanks!

    Hey Anon 7;07...
    We all have to do what we can to stay as healthy as possible. I appreciate the visit and the kind thoughts this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    I am gla you came by today! Nice to see my favorite sweetie every morning!

    Gotta take care of things like this so in case I want to take a road trip to your neck of the woods! Can't ever tell...!

    Thanks, girl, for coming by!

  9. Uncle Hermit,
    I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always, but with just a little extra this time around :)

    I agree with what others have said previously, with today's technology the procedure should be quick with a speedy recovery.

    Take care my friend,


  10. Thankfully cataracts is easy to fix! It just takes minutes to change the lens and nowdays You are allowed to go home directly.

    So the news isn´t as bad as You feel it is :-) But it´s never fun to have to get news like that anyway.
    Take care now and have a great day!

  11. Hey Felinae...
    I sure am glad you came by this morning! I appreciate the good thoughts, for sure! Always nice to have friends looking out for ya.

    The procedure seems to be straight forward enough, just a matter of finding out who is going to do the procedure for me. I'm sure things will work out OK...

    Thanks again for coming over!

  12. Hey Christer...
    Shouldn't be a problem, I'm thinking! We'll just have to wait and see!

    Glad you could drop in today. I appreciate it, buddy!

  13. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 27, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    Jim,you have 2 things going for you.First the best modern medicine in the world and second best support from all your friends. Good luck with this and take care.

  14. Hey Mechanic...
    Boy, isn't that the truth? I thank God every day for the friends I have made over the Net...they're just like family to me!

    Certainly glad we have the standard of medicine we do in this country! Certainly could be worse...and I don't use it very much, so I'm glad it's as good as it is when I do use it.

    Hey, thanks for coming by today and for the good wishes!

  15. While not good, cataracts are better than other eye problems! Easily fixed these days. Good luck Jim, you know we're pullin' for ya.

  16. Hey Mayberry...

    Everything handled on an out patient basis, so can't be much easier...that's for sure!

    I do appreciate you coming by today buddy!

  17. Jim, the thing that has delighted me the most following cataract removal is the change in my perception of colors. The first morning after the surgery, I went into the bathroom to change the bandage. The sink was the brightest white I'd ever seen. It took me awhile to figure out that the development of the cataracts had been so prolonged that I had not noticed that my world had changed from bright colors to everything seen through a tobacco- colored haze. The trees and grass have been especially beautiful this spring.
    The procedure took so little time that I didn't even need to be hooked up to my CPAP machine.
    There are some restrictions right after the surgery, but you definitely don't have to lie flat on your back with head restraints for days afterward.
    Jim, just remind yourself to keep breathing regularly. I'm hoping you'll discover, as did I, that it's really no big deal. skeptic

  18. Hey Anon 7:40...
    Someone else had mentioned that the colors became a lot brighter for them after the procedure!

    Good to know...and I'm looking forward to being to see3 clearly again! Makes you realize how much you take things for granted!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  19. Hey Jim,

    I recently had the second eye surgery for cataracts, my left eye this time. You will be amazed at how well you can see after, and you will be very glad for doing it. The surgery is a breeze, honest! It's over before you know it and very little if any recovery. You will just have to wear very dark and very big dorky looking sunglasses for a day ;)

    Not just the colors, but everything will be super bright and vivid after.

    The best of luck, everything will be fine!

  20. Hey, Mister Hermit, sir - hugs! I drove my ex-mother-in-law to her surgeries, and she did fine. She said it was wonderful, the difference it made.

    If you need someone to drive you, I know where you live (now why did that sound ominous?)...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  21. Hey Lydia...
    Good to see you again, my friend! I thought you must have gotten married or something! Not that that's such a bad thing...

    Thanks for the information about the procedure and also for the visit! Sure glad to see you again!

    Hey K...
    I'm sure that everything will work out! As far as knowing where I live...you're right about it sounding a little ominous! I don't know why!

    I do appreciate the offer and I thank you for coming by today!

  22. Well I don't know anything about eyes Jim, but I do hope everything goes well for you.

  23. Hope everything goes well Jim; which I'm sure it will! My Dad and uncles all had lots of procedures done with the VA and they always did a great job. Best wishes!

  24. Hey my Friend, after moving back to Colorado and while I still have insurance I wanted to get new glasses or contacts. Well I was told I have cataracts.....I was scared sh**less about the surgery but yanno what, It was the easiest thing that i have ever had done and the plus side? I dont have to wear glasses at all now....perfect 20/20 vision....cept for reading I have to wear reading glasses and youll never believe the things that you didnt see before, damn near a miracle.

  25. Just read this blog today. Will keep you and your eyes in my prayers! I have cataracts in both eyes but not 'ripe' enuf to do anything yet. Still see pretty well. Take care, my friend.

