Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just How Limber Can You Be...?

You know, one of the first things you notice disappearing when you get older is the ability to bend the way you used to!

These ladies, back in 1944, do some bending that I don't think I was ever able to do...even in my very best year!

I'm not sure...but I don't think the human form was ever meant to do some of this stuff! If I were to try ANY of it, I can only imagine how my poor body would feel the next day!

One thing about it, this is what you could call a great workout! If it didn't kill ya first, that is!

This was made the same year that I was born! Wow...! No matter when it was made, it is amazing to watch, don't you think? Wears me out, to see those girls exercising so hard!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit! Gonna be back in the 90's today!


  1. Ah, supple, I think is the word. I guess if they got married there were three very happy young men out there. It hurts just to think about it.


  2. Utterly amazing! Double-jointed they are. Argentum speaks from the viewpoint of a man. Have often wondered if the male brain is capable of any thought other than sexual ability.

  3. That hurts just watching it.
    Anonymous: I like to eat to.
    Coffee is good today.

    See Ya

  4. Yea, What "Did it My way: said!! My back hurts just watching that!!

  5. I have seen this before and am just as amazed the second time 'round. BTW we were born in the same year. A good one that.

  6. OH MY Good Morning My Special One,
    I think I hurt something just watching that. I might have to go back to bed. LOL
    Yes the temps were in the low 70s two days ago yesterday was 87 and today we may see 100. I really should be on the road. Oh well I will leave on the 17th no matter what
    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful.

  7. I'll send this link over to my chiropractor. Amazing. I can't even imagine bending around like that.

  8. Mechanic in IllinoisMay 5, 2010 at 9:52 AM

    Reminds me of my younger days when we used to sit and watch the cheerleaders practice. What a bunch of young horndogs. Thanks for another great lesson.

  9. Hey AV...
    It seems to me that it took a lot of limbering up to do this routine!

    Heck, I have trouble just bending over far enough to touch my toes!This sort of puts me to shame, to say the least!

    Thanks so much for coming over today!

    Hey Anon...
    It's amazing to me to watch this! I have only seen a handful of people in my lifetime that could flex like these girls are doing!

    I think that women must be more flexible than men, as I don't remember any men ever doing something like this routine!

    I appreciate the visit today...!

    Hey Tony...
    It would come in handy when working on the car, I guess! I'd have to lose the pot belly before I could ever even think of attempting any movement along these lines!

    Going down wouldn't be the hardest part! Getting back up would be!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Ben...
    Ya know, I don't remember EVER being that limber...even in my younger days!

    Pretty darn amazing, that's for sure!

    Hey, thanks for dropping in, my friend! I appreciate it!

    Hey Momlady...
    I didn't know about us being born in the same year! That's pretty cool, although I had you figured for a lot younger!

    Right you are about it being a good year, though! At least, it was for me!

    I do appreciate you coming over this morning, friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    I know you are ready to get going on your new adventure! One thing about it, it should be a lot cooler where you're going...right?

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Mo...
    Good to see you again! I'm thinking this type of exercise should be good for his business, that's for sure!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  10. Hey Mechanic...
    I guess we all went through a little of that in our younger years!

    Amazing just what the human body can do, if properly trained! At least, some of them!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  11. Hermit Jim, You said that you had trouble reaching over and touching your toes. Dang, I haven't been able to do that for years, but I can still reach my knees. I am not overweight, at 170 lbs and 5'-11", but just stiff, I guess.

  12. Hey Dick...
    Guess it all just comes with the age! I don't remember just how limber I used to be...but I do know that it had to be more than now!

    I can still bend over far enough to get things done, but I have a limit on how many times I do that in a day!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit!

  13. Oh heck, it's easy; providing you don't have any bones in your body! LOL.

  14. Hey Bob...
    I don't think that I could even FALL into those positions! I do know that I hope I never do...!

    I'm still blown away by this!

    I thank you, sir, for coming by today!

  15. Wow! Simply astonishing.

    It reminds of the contortionists at the circus. B's refuses to watch acts like this, she gets "creeped out" by them.

    Thanks for sharing the video Uncle Hermit. Have a good day!


  16. All I could think of while watching this, was that these girls are probably somebody's grandmothers... and I wondered if they're still in that fine a shape! Maybe they're now entertaining the residents of their nursing homes???
    You know, I "used" to be limber, and my family called me the "family mountain goat" 'cause I would climb just about anything, slither through spaces that humans weren't meant to slither through, would bite my toenails just because I could and would relax with my legs around my neck... and I just never set still!
    Nowadays, just tying my shoes takes effort. :( Ahhh, the sweet bird of youth has definitely flown the coop here! ;)
    It's 4:25 am here, so could you please pass me a cup of that coffee? After watching that video, I sure need it!

  17. Hey Felinae...
    Wonder why she get's creeped out? Must be an age thing for her as well!

    Pretty amazing stuff, considering!

    Good to see you seems like it's been a while, but that's probably just me!

    Hey Tatersmama...
    Good to see you today! I was happy to hear you enjoyed your trip back home...and that you might be thinking about coming back!

    Anyway, I'm glad you're back...and glad you could drop by today!

  18. Hermit,
    for the last two weeks have not seen the links you post to the list.

    there is a blank space but no link, nothing.

    Yours is the only blog with this,
    What do I do?
    se,e e

  19. Hey Anon 5:24...
    I don't know what to tell you about the links not showing up. Have you tried using a different browser?

    No one else has mentioned this to me, so I have no idea what it is!

    I'll see if all the settings are still set up as I had them! Thanks for calling my attention to this!

  20. Jim I was born the same year they put down Bonnie and Clide which was ten years earlier.those girls hurt my eyes just looking.

  21. hey Ted...
    it's amazing what history has passed in our life time, isn't it?

    Makes me wonder what we yet may see in the next few years! Lord only knows!

    Thanks for coming by today!
