Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Thought Provoking Quote...!

I found this quote in the latest of PTShamrock newsletter.

Some of it sounds a lot like many of the folks I know...so I thought I would share it with you!

"I am not a number, 9 digit or otherwise. I will not comply or compromise with evil in any guise. Somewhere in Hell, Hitler, Stalin and Mao are laughing!

I reject and will not live in a Socialist/Fascist One World Amerika. I reject governmental privileges and benefits I do not voluntarily request.

I will never live for the sake of another, nor ask another to live for my sake. I am a free man, not a subject of any "Caesar"and I will render unto "Caesar" NOTHING.

I am one of the people that the collectivists who control the government best leave alone, assuming they or their minions wish to continue unfettered oxygen consumption.-


Sound like anyone you might know? I thought so!

Fresh coffee on the patio this morning, my friends! Homemade bread and honey on the side!


  1. JUST A THOUGHT For some reason this made me think how dependent we are on others.From birth we could not survive with out others .So its never been just me or you there has allway been someone else .So why don't we try to get along with each other?

  2. Good Morning My Special One
    Good Post and yes it does bring some to thought.
    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful with fresh home made bread and honey mmmmmmm I can bring some fresh ground coffee along. It is quite cold up here in the mountains in the mornings. 45 this am

  3. Mechanic in IllinoisJune 1, 2010 at 7:55 AM

    Sounds like all of us patriots. Live free or die defending our freedom. They have no idea whom they are up against. Thanks for another great lesson.

  4. Hey Diane-Sage...
    I thought it would! Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ted...
    Good question! I don't know what the answer is, but mankind seems to always be in a state of conflict with someone!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I can't believe you are still getting weather that cool there! Man, I'll bet it makes for some good sleeping at night!

    Glad you could come by today, sweetie!

    Hey Mechanic...
    Does seem to describe a lot of folks, doesn't it? Many of those sentiments are held by a lot of us!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Catman...
    I know that you recognize many folks described in this quote, buddy!

    Becoming more and more true each and every day!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  5. Hmm...seems like I just might know a few people that fit the quotes description. ;)


  6. Hey Felinae...
    I kinda figured you might just know one or two!

    Hey, I certainly do thank you for coming by today!

  7. And there are a lot of us.

    See Ya.

  8. Hey Tony...
    How true that is, my friend! How true that is...!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  9. "...unfettered oxygen consumption..."


  10. Hey Cyg...
    Pretty cool way of putting it, I'd say!

    Wish I had come up with that saying!

    Thanks for the visit!
