Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How About Some Fried Guinness...?

How did I ever get started on this booze rut I'm in?

I'm really not sure, but some of these recipes looked so good...I couldn't resist! First of all, being from the South, I love fried food! Just about any fried food! I'll admit that there are a few fried things that I won't eat, but over-all, if it's fried, it's good!

This is a new one for me, though! I have never heard of anything like this before and I'm sure that many more haven't either! Check this out!

Will Fried Beer Take the Prize at the State Fair of Texas?
August 31, 2010 at 1:01PM by Eric Burkett

China has xiaolongbao, succulent steamed dumplings that burst with a small flood of rich pork and crab broth when you sink your teeth into them. Texas has deep fried beer.

It took Mark Zable three years to develop the recipe – he won’t divulge the secret for successfully frying a liquid – but his entry is among eight vying for glory at the Sixth Annual Big Tex Choice Awards. For the past five years, scores of hopefuls have entered their recipes for everything from deep fried butter to deep fried lattes, as well as deep fried peaches and cream and chicken-fried bacon, in an all-out effort to capture the crown at the State Fair of Texas.

Zable’s creation features beer – Guinness, to be specific – secured away in a ravioli-like envelope of pretzel dough. The whole concoction is then deep fried for about 12 to 15 seconds and – voila! – you have yet another source for alcoholic input.

Deep frying cooks the beer dumplings all the way through but doesn’t burn off the alcohol. Anyone planning on indulging in Zable’s entry this year will have to be at least 21 years old, according to the Toronto Star.

Zable came up with the idea after pondering – bored – over a menu of deep fried appetizers one evening but even after consulting with a food scientist, it wasn’t until earlier this year he finally hit upon the right combination of, well, whatever the right combination is to successfully fry beer. Actually, he didn’t come up with the idea himself, he admits. His 4-year-old did.

Zable, who took over his father’s Belgian waffle stand at the fair 15 years ago, has “been a Big Tex Choice finalist twice before, but that doesn't cut it,” said the Dallas Morning News. “He yearns for the trophy, an Oscar-like award with a Big Tex head.”

"I really, really want one of those trophies this year," he said.

The competition this year, as always, will be heart stopping to the say the least. Zable will be going up against deep fried frozen margaritas, fried lemonade, fried chocolate, and deep fried club salad, among many others. Judges will announce the winning dishes over Labor Day.

You just have to love the State Fair! Where else but in Texas would you find "fried beer"?

Let's get some coffee and sit on the patio, my friends. Sorry, no fried beer here this morning!


  1. Hey, those guys at the Deep Fryer at the State Fair are nuts. First off why ruin a good beer with grease? and second, they waste all the good grease when you could be making Fletcher's Corn-dogs :-)

  2. What if the judges are all teetotalers (why isn't it spelled tea?). Hey, speaking of tea, maybe we could fry up some green tea. . .

  3. Hey Ben...
    You just never know what these guys will fry up next! Every year they try and outdo each other for the strangest and most unique foods!

    Maybe they have a little too much time on their hands, ya think?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Very good questions! Once again, I have no answers to either of them.

    I hate it when you do that!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  4. Good Morning My Special Friend,
    I will pass on the fried stuff but coffee on the patio is something I will not pass up. Please pass the pot. Looks like a great day out there.

  5. Hey JoJo...
    That's alright, sweetie! I'll eat your share of the fried food for ya this morning!

    Just because I'm such a nice guy, ya understand!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

  6. ...mornin'Jim...said it before,and i'll say it again,GodBlessTexas...if ol'Mississippi wasn't my birthplace,i'd adopt Texas fer sure...

  7. Hey Ken...
    Texas would be proud to have ya, buddy! We all appreciate your kind words this morning...and I appreciate the visit!

  8. I would think in Texas fried rattle snake would rule. But then with beer being the breakfast of champions, I guess that would rule. Thanks for the great information.

  9. Hey Mechanic...
    Believe it or not, not many folks here have ever tasted fried rattlesnake! But, then again, probably haven't tried fried beer either!

    Think I'll stick to my coffee!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  10. No big fan of beer here, so I'll pass, although it would be most entertaining to watch people try to eat their beer. Now, what happens at the drunk driving checkpoint? "Honest, officer, I didn't drink any beer. I might have eaten a couple dozen fried beers, but they're small, really!"

  11. Just catching up a bit on blog reading, HJ. Fried beer seems like such a waste of good beer and the oil to fry it in. I'm not a big fried food fanatic or beer drinker, but mixing them just doesn't seem like a great idea. DO you plan to try any?

    Enjoyed the post of your family pics!

  12. Having fried icecream in my time, I can understand the fascination. Teetotal appears to have entered the language about 1830s and the "tee" refers to the letter "T", not the drink tea, being doubled to emphasise total. Have a good day HJ.

