Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nothing Like A Good Nap...!

When the weather is brutally hot, when you've been working way too hard, when the kids are running you crazy, and when life in general is kicking your butt...maybe you should try taking a nap!

Mother Nature, as always, shows us how much smarter than us she really is! When the animals get enough to eat, and it's too hot, and they just feel a bit lazy then they kick back and crash for a nap.

Medical studies have proven that naps are healthy. Naps increase your mental capacities, lower your blood pressure, take care of some of your stress, and help your whole system recharge! So, what's not to like?

Want to know just how comfortable a good nap can be? If so, just take a look at these examples!

All we have to do is to follow nature's lead, and we'll be better off because of it! Learn to slow down, smell the roses, taste the coffee, count the clouds, and just relax and take it easy from time to time...nature does!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit! Afterwards, we can all grab a nap!


  1. Thanks, H.J., for the reminder to take life a bit easier. The hammock will be visited by me - it is going to be a lovely day and I know that I will need that nap!

  2. Hey 2Tramps...
    Nothing like a nap during the day to make the mind really appreciate the remainder of the afternoon!

    Especially nice if yo can get a gentle rain shower on a tin roof to sing you to sleep!

    I'm yawning just thinking about it! Thanks for coming by today!

  3. ...nap is a four lettered word in this household...i've only had one in the three wks the young'uns have been back in school... least the chores and stores are gettin' done...

  4. Hey Ken...
    I'll try and sneak in an extra one for you from time to time!

    Believe me, I don't mind a bit!

    Hey, thanks buddy, for coming over today!

  5. I´ll take a nap in a while now, I´m at home with a colod today. Nature always shows us what´s best for us but we seldome care :-)
    Have a great day now!

  6. Hey Christer...
    sorry to hear that you have a cold, but I think that a nap may be just what you need after a good pot of tea!

    Hope you get better very soon, my friend! Thank you for stopping by today.

  7. And it's so true. I try to take a nap everyday, sometimes two. It's a habit I got into when I lived in Bolivia. Lunchtime was 12-3, eat, siesta, shower and back to work refreshed until 7pm. Wonderful habit, I fully recommend it.


  8. They do look comfy, don't they, Bubba? No nap for me today - my baby girl just called and seems to be in labor with her baby, so I'll go and be grandma today, hopefully. I'll keep you posted! Have a nap for me, too!

    Big hugs -

  9. I agree, Jim, a nap is a good thing. When I can, I try to get about a half hour nap, but it seems that only happens rarely.

    Are you happy today, I didn't ask any questions you couldn't answer :-)

  10. Good Morning My Special One
    Thanks for the cute pictures they made me smile. The weather is so beautiful just have to stay out doors so no naps here.
    Congrates to Baby Sis on the grandbaby

  11. Some very good photography. The animals have always seemed smarter than humans or at least acting on their instincts make them appear smarter seems to me. Since I have to drive to Charlotte to pick up "the girls" and rush back to Greensboro to get J., maybe I will go take a nap now.
    Love ya.

  12. Hey AV...
    I sometimes wonder if maybe we shouldn't follow the lead of other countries when it comes to our work schedules!

    The naps seem like a good idea to me!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Hope everything turns out OK with Heather!

    Glad she is having a boy! We need some more males in the family tree!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I reckon that a short nap is better than none! Sometimes it's hard to find the time, but it is wso worth it!

    I sure do like mine!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    It is getting that time of the year where the outdoors is looking better and some spots!

    Still way too hot here to spend much time outside without playing under the hose!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

  13. Hey Sis...
    Seems like your day is pretty well laid out for ya! Lots of running around!

    Are you glad to be back home? Always nice to get home after a time away!

    Thanks, B, for coming by today!

  14. Sometimes the cats let me take a nap with them on the bed. We need to take their advice and take a nap everyday. Thanks for another great lesson.

  15. That's what my dog is doing today, too!

  16. Yep, nothing like a good nap. I usually try to put "dibs" on the Sunday afternoon nap, but sometimes hubby sneaks into the bedroom and falls asleep before I get there! Then who's going to keep the kids from killing each other? I've let him know I'm on to his tactics, but I guess he needs a nap every now and then also. Thankfully, the kiddos are back in school now, so I've got my choice of most weekday afternoons if I need it. :) Thanks for the smile today!
