Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's Not Safe Anywhere...!!

Now it seems that you can't even enjoy yourself in the "crapper" any more!

Seems to be some fool lurking just around the corner to try and ruin your day! Here's what I mean!

Man to be charged with toilet paper assault

By Associated Press
Story Published: Oct 15, 2010 at 2:30 PM PDT

A Massachusetts man is facing an assault charge for allegedly hitting a town hall custodian on the back of the head with a roll of toilet paper because he was angry the cleaning man was whistling while he worked.

(0)FRAMINGHAM, Mass. (AP) - A Massachusetts man is facing an assault charge for allegedly hitting a town hall custodian on the back of the head with a roll of toilet paper because he was angry the cleaning man was whistling while he worked.

Framingham police say 55-year-old Allen Kerner was in town hall Wednesday using the bathroom. The custodian, who didn't realize anyone was in the restroom, whistled as he replenished toilet paper rolls.

The custodian told police he was in a stall when he was struck. Kerner yelled at him about whistling and fled. The custodian pursued him, and Kerner was apprehended by police outside.

Police tell The MetroWest Daily News that Kerner will be summoned to court to face an assault and battery charge. A phone number for Kerner could not immediately be located.

See what I mean? If you're not safe in the john...then where are you safe? I tell ya, this whole world is going down the toilet more every day!

Coffee on the patio this morning, my friends! Let's just watch out for flying TP rolls!


  1. Let's just hope it was Charmin... because it's softer than regular toilet rolls! ; )
    But seriously, what kind of issues does this man "have" that he starts throwing things when he doesn't like something?
    Geez... I would be tossing TP all day if that were the case!

  2. So one can´t feel safe even in the toilet any longer :-)

    But I´m sure glad that it only was toilet paper he got hit with! You never knows with people now days.

    Have a great day now!

  3. What a crock !!! Someone has some serious issues huh?

    In this case I'm glad the police were able to nap the toilet paper molester, Good thing he didn't have a gun with him huh?

    THAT guy has to have some serious issues don't ya think?

  4. Assault and battery? Yes I can see pressing charges but those seem pretty stiff! I hate whistling too, but I wouldn't throw something at someone!

  5. Hey Kate...
    Guess we know where to go when we run low on tp, huh?

    People like this scare me! Good thing they weren't in a brick yard!

    You have a great day and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    I hope you don't have as many of this type where you live! We do seem to have more than our share sometimes!

    You stay warm, my friend...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Ben...
    Sounds to me like this guy needs to attend an anger management class!

    I do hope he doesn't have access to a gun! Crazy...for sure!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Gal...
    The guy seems a bit over the edge! Maybe they are using the stiff charges to get the guy some help!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  6. I was just talking about the lack of real communication on my blog this morning and here is this story which seems to really sum it all up. People simply do not know how to decently connect anymore. (not everyone, just the majority of the morons!) :)

  7. Hey Kelle...
    Does sound like this guy was pretty close to the edge, doesn't it?

    You know, there seems to be a real breakdown in mental health in this country as of late! Wonder why?

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. HJ you do come up with some of the most crappest stories I will ever hear!

  9. hope you take that the right way

  10. Hey Ted...
    There are just so many "Sh**heads in the world now days, I feel the need to share the stories about them when I find them!

    Don't worry, my friend! I wouldn't take it the wrong way...and even if I did, I wouldn't throw a roll of TP at ya! I need it too much!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  11. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 16, 2010 at 11:18 AM

    Maybe Kerner was in a crappy mood. He'll have plenty of time to use the rough jail paper. Thanks for another great lesson.

  12. Hey Mechanic...
    I'm not even going to ask how you knew that the jail house paper was rough!

    If he thinks he had privacy issues or noise issues before...wait until he does a little time in the pokey!

    That will send him right over the edge!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  13. Hey Friend Jim!
    It's been a while. I was just roaming around a bit while the grandson was off with his ma and pa, and went to see blondie, and of course there you were on the sideline...
    I've missed coming here and enjoying that cuppa with you. Hope you are doing well.
    As for the post, how sad is it that the man was in such a state of mind that someone whistling while they did their job was aggravating enough for him to assault them?
    Take care my friend,

  14. Hey Cat...
    What a pleasant surprise to see you hear today! I think about you and the family fairly often!

    I certainly hope that all is good in your world!

    It was really nice of you to drop in for a visit today! I appreciate it. my friend!

  15. Kennedy Assault Toilet Paper Law of 2010

    Toilet paper shall not have more than 10 sheets per roll.

    There! That will limit possible injuries!

  16. Hey Catman...
    Whew...thanks, buddy! Glad you could step in and come up with something when we needed it the most! After all, we certainly don't need a sudden rash of TP caused injuries showing up!

    Wonder if plans are in the works for a government agency to control the type and size of rolls available in the market! May have to have a license to buy in the future!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  17. I enjoyed your comments more than the story itself, LOL
    Thanks for the laugh Jim :)

  18. Hey Blondie..;.
    Sometimes the comments I get are a lot of fun to read, that's for sure!

    I'm really glad you could come by and visit for a bit, my friend! We've been hanging for a long time, haven't we?

    Congrats on the three year anniversary, Love! Many more, I hope!

  19. Just read this late tonight, HJ, and it really gave me a good laugh. Imagine what the guy would have done if there was NO TP available and the custodian came in whistling...maybe he would have been hit with a shoe?

    Sorry I missed the earlier blog post about the Slinky toy. Some days I fall behind trying to keep up with reading and posting. Enjoy your weekend!

  20. Hey Beatrice...
    Not to worry, my friend!I'm just glad you were able to find time to come by!

    It is a funny story, isn't it? Glad there wasn't any need to use anything harder!

    Many thanks for coming by today!
