Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh, Sure ! Blame The Husband...!

We all have to learn to take responsibility for the mistakes we make!

If Mom is having a yard sale, and takes off and leaves Dad in just know that something bad is going to happen. This holds especially true, if Mom doesn't leave specific instructions about the things she does NOT want sold!

You know how this works, right? If you don't sell something, you're in trouble! If you do sell something and it turns out to be the wrong're in trouble!

Some days it doesn't pay to chew through the restraints! Here's what I mean...!

Grandma's ashes mistakenly sold

Published: Oct. 14, 2010 at 1:38 PM

FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla., Oct. 14 (UPI) -- A Florida woman said a potted violet containing her grandmother's ashes was mistakenly sold at a yard sale.

Piper Gaffrey of Fort Walton Beach said her husband was running the sale before she arrived last week and she soon found the potted violet holding the ashes of her grandmother, Marjorie Potts Gaffrey, who died in February at age 99, had been sold, the Northwest Florida Daily News reported Thursday.

Gaffery said she posted a message on her Facebook page asking whoever purchased the flower to take good care of it and she was surprised to receive a message in return from the buyer.

"Fortunately, it was (bought by) someone who knew me," Gaffrey said. "I was just glad to have her back."

My first question would be "Why is the violet planted in Granny's ashes?" Must not be that dang important to the lady if she is using grandma as fertilizer!

Maybe this is a new trend in showing respect for those that have passed. If it is, I must have not received the memo! Somehow it just doesn't seem right to me, but what do I know? I'm just a country boy at heart! The least they could have done, is to spread granny through-out the garden instead of keeping her in a potted plant!

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside while it's still cool! OK? OK!!


  1. Ummm.....

    Ever think maybe the husband did it on purpose? I mean, how could you not know what was in that thing...

  2. I once met a man who wanted to fertilize a hemp plant when he died.

  3. Hey Catman...
    Why would she have granny and a plant in the same pot? I haven't figured that one out!

    Hey, buddy...I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Kelle...
    I guess if you gotta might as well be useful! I thing I would want to fertilize some hot peppers or okra instead!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. I have a few special plants that I have inherited from family members who've passed on. I have a vine from my g-grandma, a different vine from my grandma, and a rubber tree that was an arrangement at my mother's funeral. No ashes, and I think that would be a little creepy, but some people do make emotional attachments to plants. Maybe the violet was one that was well-tended.

  5. I´m thinking in the same way here :-) Why on earth does she plant a violet in the ashes :-) :-) Why put out the ashes outside in the first place, did she think the ashes needed fresh air? :-) :-)
    I know I shouldn´t laugh about this, but I just can´t stop :-) :-) :-)

    Have a great day now!

  6. Hey Calandrea...
    Creepy is a good way to explain it. Somehow putting the ashes in a pot with a plant is almost a guarantee that something is going to happen, thanks to Mr. Murphy's Law!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    I was wondering the ame thing! Who knows just what this lady was thinking? Not me, that's for sure!

    Can't help but laugh at it as well! This will probably be one of those stories told at home for a long time!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  7. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 17, 2010 at 12:06 PM

    Any ashes I save will be used for catlitter. At least the cat gets to use them. Thanks for another great lesson.

  8. Hey mechanic...
    Now see...I think that is a pretty practical use for 'em! Not sure just how the cats would react, but it is a practical use none the less!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  9. When it comes to our final resting place, we are all fertiliser really. Ever noticed how the biggest trees grow around the cemetery...

