Thursday, October 7, 2010

Now That's Some Costly Donuts...!

We all know that politicians can spend a lot of money, but this is bad...even for them!

I would imagine that the most embarrassing thing about this is the fact that the book keeper had to explain that the $5 million reportedly spent for donuts was just a clerical error! Pretty bad when folks might think you actually spent that much money in just one small town donut shop, don't you think?

$9 million at Applebee's? Just a mistake, GOP says
Associated Press
Oct. 6, 2010, 7:38AM

ROUND ROCK — Republicans must love doughnuts — or so it would seem from a glance at the latest finance report filed by the Republican Party of a suburban Austin county.

But Williamson County Republican Party officials say it’s only by a clerical foul-up that it reported spending $5,272,010 at Round Rock Donuts on Sept. 20 and $9,082,010 at Applebee’s restaurant in Georgetown on Sept. 8.

Party Treasurer Jon Jewett said that in the Applebee’s case, the date was entered as expenditure. He told the Austin American-Statesman the party dropped about $60 that time. He said he doesn’t know how the mess-up happened with the doughnut expenditure, which he said should have been $13.99.

Jewett said he’ll file a corrected report with the Texas Ethics Commission.

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want this book keeper anywhere near my taxes! I'd rather do them myself!

Now, my friends, how about some fresh coffee on the patio? Sorry, I couldn't afford any donuts this morning!


  1. And we wonder why Washington can't balance the budget? :-)

  2. You have to wonder if the bookkeeper was on some kind of "medication" when entering the figures, 'cause I don't see where you can get those figures from $60.00 or $13.

  3. Morning HJ, maybe you should ask the GOP guys if they have any leftover donuts. And, yes we are having a great time on our Maine road trip. While the colors are sparse in some places, the adventures are wonderful - small towns and friendly folks.

  4. If you've ever had a Round Rock donut you'd understand how someone could even think about spending 5 million on them. It's one of those things that people actually make trips from all over the US to get. Better then Krispy Kreme. Yes, really. And I'm not saying it because I grew up eating Round Rock donuts (and cookies, bread and other pastries from the bakery).

    And, unfortunately, Round Rock is no longer a small town. It's gotten too big. The little city I grew up in in now just a part of the greater Austin sprawl. And what a shame.

  5. Where was this guy when I was getting my pay check? To see some mind boggling numbers, visit This is in real time!

  6. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 7, 2010 at 9:13 AM

    I think I'll start selling pork fat. I bet both parties will buy from me. I hope they use the same bookkeeper. Thanks for another great lesson.

  7. Good Morning My Special One
    I agree with Momlady. How did those figures change like that? Oh well thats politics for you. Coffee on the patio to relax before I finish getting ready to go home. That road trip through Maine sounds wonderful, it is a beautiful place.

  8. I wonder who got paid off. Probably figured no one would ever look there.

  9. Hey Ben...
    You have to wonder just what kind of mistake can make $5 million out of $13.99?

    Like I said, I don't want this guy doing my taxes!

    Thanks, buddy, for the visit!

    Hey Momlady...
    Sounds like some serious "medication", doesn't it? Now days you just never know!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Beatrice...
    Been my experience with any politicians, that even if they had some left over...they wouldn't share!

    Thanks so much for sharing the pictures of your road trip...and for coming by today!

    Hey Czardastx...
    Funny that you grew up in Round Rock...I was born in Georgetown! Of course, back then both were fairly small towns! Heck, I can remember the main intersection in town had four streets coming together!

    Sad how much that area has changed over the years!

    I sure do thank you for coming by today!

    Hey Fred...
    I could have used his math to pay me as well! Never seems to work out that way, does it?

    i really appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    Seems like there would be a good market for it! Politicos don't seem to have a problem spending other people's money!

    Maybe that's what they use to fry the donuts!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Who knows how they come up with those numbers? I think all politicians use a "special" government math to cook, I mean Keep the books!

    You be careful on the trip back home, ya hear?

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey Catman...
    Sorta makes you wonder, doesn't it! I'm sure that they figured the records in Round Rock and Georgetown were almost invisible!

    Wonder just how incompetent these guys really are?

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping by today!

  10. We shouldn't be so hard on those poor politicians. You know they have trouble reading (the bills they vote on) so why do you think they can do math?

  11. Hey Dizzy...
    You make a very good point, my friend! Guess we are being too hard on them!

    After all, why should they be forced to spend like the rest of us? Everyone knows they are "special", right?

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  12. I bet the bill at Applebee's was mostly booze.

  13. Hey Andy...
    That's probably a pretty safe bet!

    Thanks for coming by today!
