Wednesday, October 6, 2010

They Live Among Us...!

This is a true story, folks!

Believe me, I couldn't make this stuff up, even if I tried! Besides, some times the truth is a lot stranger than anything I could come up with!

It's bad enough that folks like this are allowed to wander around free, without a keeper...but even more scary when they can so easily get hold of fire arms!

Man shoots self after spotting skunk

Published: Oct. 4, 2010 at 3:19 PM

SARASOTA, Fla., Oct. 4 (UPI) -- Police in Florida said a man attempting to take care of a skunk on his friend's property accidentally shot himself in the hand and face while loading a rifle.

The Manatee County Sheriff's Office said the 31-year-old Sarasota man was at a friend's house Friday night and attempted to load a .22-caliber rifle after they spotted a skunk in the yard, the Bradenton (Fla.) Herald reported Monday.

Police said the man, who did not know there was already a round in the chamber, had his right hand on the barrel when he accidentally hit the trigger and a bullet injured his fingers and lodged itself in his left cheek.

The sheriff's office said the man's injuries did not appear life threatening and he was alert when they arrived on the scene.

Man, this story is scary on so many levels! I can't even begin to count the number of common sense and safety violations this guy is guilty of! Worse, his friend probably just stood by and watched the whole thing!

The safest one in this whole story was the skunk! With hunters like this guy and his friend around, I think the skunk and his animal buddies are all guaranteed a long and happy life!

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside on the patio for a bit!


  1. You could say He "skunked" himself! LOL, yeah, it's still pretty early and I ain't on my best form yet.
    Thanks HJ. Some people just naturally need a keeper.
    See Ya,

  2. Good Morning HJ - just another example of how people do really dumb things, then wonder what haooened...enjoyed yesterday's ramblings - they really made me laugh. Road trip in Maine is still going great. Lots of small towns here and we're stopping in many.

  3. Stupid!!! First misteak,, a 22 is not what you use for skunks.. Get a 12 GA!!!

  4. Good Morning My Special One
    Lucky shunk. This is one of those people who have no business owning a fire arm. I know some one like that. Shot off a gun in the house because they THOUGHT it was empty. I sure was glad they weren't looking down the barrel.
    Refill on that coffee please it sure is chilly. Lots of rain these past few days.

  5. Hey YOF...
    A keeper is certainly needed by so many now days! How this guy has managed to NOT kill himself long before now is beyond me!

    Down right scary, that's for sure!

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

    Hey Beatrice...
    I'm glad you guys are having a great trip! I'll bet the fall colors there are amazing!

    You just be safe, my friends, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Ben...
    Sort of makes you think, doesn't it? Don't think the skunk is in too much danger of being shot!

    Let's hope this guy doesn't hurt someone else besides himself!

    Thanks for dropping in, buddy!

    Hey JoJo...
    I'll just bet it's chilly there in the mountains! Probably quite a bit warmer back in Phoenix!

    Are you getting all packed up yet?

    Ypu've had quite an adventure this year, huh?

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  6. He received justice! I say let the skunks live a happy live too.

    Don't think I've told you before: I "really, really" like your blog.

    If you get a chance, glimpse my new family addition. I brag. What a milestone this is for me!

  7. If only we could get more politicians to do this.

  8. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 6, 2010 at 10:23 AM

    First I'm with Catman about politicians only they need to use a high powered rifle. Next the guy did not follow the first rule in handling guns, always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Thanks for another great lesson.

  9. Hey Sissy...
    I'm sure glad you enjoy the Blog! I went over and took a gander at the newest family member...very beautiful indeed!

    Hope everyone is doing well! Thank you so much for coming over today!

    Hey Catman...
    I'd be happy except for one thing! How could they ever tell that there was a skunk around?

    Thanks, buddy, for the visit!

    Hey Mechanic...
    If it's OK...I'd rather not let politicians handle any fire arms! They do enough damage without guns!

    Why would this fool ever put his hand in front of a gun, loaded or not? Beat's the heck out of me...!

    Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  10. Who's dumber: the dipshit who left the rifle loaded, or the one who shot himself trying to load a loaded rifle? One of life's great mysteries!

  11. Sometimes you shake your head in wonder, don't you? There sure are some dumb people out there - and we now know for sure that there's a lucky skunk too!

    I think even my 11 year old grandson knows how to handle a gun better than this... and I know for a fact that my kids were taught better than this when they were very young.
