Monday, November 1, 2010

Lock Up The Women, The Kids And...The Goats ?

We all knew that there were a lot of sickies running around, but this story proves it!

At least, the family turned this particular S.O.B. in to the cops! Of course, in the infinite wisdom of the courts, a slap on the wrist was in order!

Our legal system has almost become a joke, folks! But most of us already knew that! This is just one more example of how the courts are making the streets so much safer for all of us! I know I certainly feel safer, don't you?

All I can say is...better keep those fire sticks locked and loaded...and close at hand! Who knows when this goat loving fool may show up at your door! He might just decide to switch to dogs and cats!

Ferndale man pleads guilty to sexually abusing goat

A Ferndale man pleaded guilty Monday, Oct. 25, to first-degree animal cruelty for sexually abusing a goat at a property near Enterprise Road at Willeys Lake Road in May.

Whatcom County Superior Court Judge Charles Snyder sentenced Gary A. Veldhuizen, 27, to one month in the custody of the Whatcom County Jail.

Veldhuizen has no prior felony convictions and was facing a standard sentencing range of one to three months in jail, according to state guidelines.

A family member caught Veldhuizen having sex with the animal on May 6 and contacted Whatcom County Sheriff's deputies, who arrested Veldhuizen.

Believe me, folks, I don't make this stuff up! You can read the original story right here!

It's getting to be that I don't even want to read the news much any more! I almost don't want to know about these people, but there are just so many of them around!

Let's get some coffee and talk about what kind of justice is appropriate! Got a rope?


  1. SICKO!!!! Nutter him with a dull axe! Locking him up in some jail won't do him any good!!!

    But you watch, some bleeding heart watch group will step into the middle of it and want to have him committed to get help.

  2. Better a goat raped than a woman? Ummmmm, guess not. Ewwwwww.

  3. Hey Ben...
    What got to me was only getting a month in jail! How wrong is that?

    Makes me mad! But what can you do?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    It's a shame that we have so many of this type running loose today! But the courts are letting them back out on the streets, along with rapists and killers and child abusers and all the rest!

    Scary for sure!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. This bothers me. I have 5 goats.
    I love my goats, but I would rather it be a goat than a woman or girl or a child.

  5. Hey Andy...
    I'm certainly with you on that! Bad enough to hurt an animal, but to harm a woman or child...!

    Too many bad guys in the world!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. The courts are so stupid these days. Coddle criminals, and then we'll have more criminals, because there's no down side to lawbreaking. Unless, of course, it's DUI, for which in some places the sentences seem harsher than armed robbery. Something is just plain upside down here. I'll get off my soap box now, so the rest of your guests don't leave because the nutter is ranting!

  7. Hey Marjie...
    Believe me, you re only saying what most others are thinking!

    I was always taught that things were either right or wrong, and the parents and courts decided what punishment was fair!

    Now days, parents have no say...and the courts are too concerned with hurting some ones feelings!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. Just like that old joke....

    "Don't worry. He's my daaaaaaad."

  9. Hey Catman...
    Scary, for sure! Don't want this guy anywhere near any of my family or livestock!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mayberry...
    You and Catman are thinking along the same lines, it appears! Makes me grin a little!

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping by today!

  10. Ferndale where the men are men and the goats run scared!


  11. Hey China...
    Good place to be far away from! Maybe it's something in the water!

    Thanks, China, for coming by today!
