Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sometimes Stupid Hurts...!

Just when I think I've seen and heard all the stupid things that folks can do to one another or themselves, something else comes along!

I'm beginning to think that there is an abundance of folks out there dedicated to blowing their most important parts completely away!

I don't know about you, but this makes me hope that stupidity is not catching!

Bar shooting may be from gun in pants

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - A shooting at a Grand Rapids bar may have been caused by the victim's own carelessness.

Around 2 a.m. Sunday, police were called to Julian's Two on South Division on reports of shots being fired, but found nothing when they arrived.

A short time later, a man showed up at an area hospital with a wound to his groin. Police believe the man accidentally shot himself in the scrotum.

The wound is similar to a wound for someone carrying a gun in their pants.

The investigation into this incident continues!

Now this is a case where I would suggest that this idiot needs to watch a few more action movies where the gun carriers...both good and bad, stick their guns in their pants in the back, not the front!

Of course, a class in gun safety would have helped a great deal! I mean, it's obvious that common sense is not showing up at all!

I don't know...maybe these guys deserve what they bring on themselves! I'm just thinking that this is a solid case for having the right equipment for your tools, especially if those tools are capable of removing your manhood!

Lord save us all!

let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! Oh, you're not packing, are ya?


  1. I'm not sure if I should stop laughing or not.

  2. Hey Phelan...
    What else can you do but laugh?

    Glad the wedding came out OK, and I'm getting a real kick out of the pictures! Looks like one that won't be forgotten for a long, long time!

    Thanks so much for coming by today, my friend!

  3. I still say there should be some sort of test along with your gun licensing exam to see if you're smart enough to safely handle a fire arm. ( IQ test ?)

    You ask if I was packing? Well, if I am and you have to ask, I must be doing it right huh? :-)

    BTW, you and your guns ( If handled safely) are welcome here anytime

  4. And when you are born stupid, its for a long time. Dang, what a shame, probably going to leave a heckuva scar, but who's going to want to look at THAT one? :^)

  5. Sounds like something Barney Fife would do.


  6. Some people just don't have the balls to be smart...


  7. Mechanic in IllinoisNovember 2, 2010 at 9:50 AM

    We need to start a bullet proof jock strap company, sounds like we would make a mint. Thanks for the great info.

  8. Hey Ben...
    A smart test to apply for a permit is not a bad idea! But some of these folks are the type that have to study for a blood test, so I don't know if they would take it!

    Most of them are not suppose to have a gun anyway!

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

    Hey Anon 7:30...
    Like you say, not a scar someone will want to show or explain!

    Scary stuff!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Andy...
    I think Barney would be smarter than that! If I remember correctly, Barney carried his one bullet in his shirt pocket and not in his gun! Good idea, that!

    I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey AV...
    This kind of action is almost a guarantee they would have 'em for long!

    Thanks for dropping in, my friend!

    Hey Mechanic...
    Judging from some of these news stories lately, that's not a bad idea! Might make us some money!

    I do thank you for coming over today!

    Hey Catman...
    He probably was trying to get his gun to shoot those pesky pink elephants!

    Definitely not a safe guy to be around!

    Good of you to drop in, my friend!

  9. Too funny. A properly used holster would have been a good idea. Or leaving the gun home--might depend on the state, but here it's against the law to be carrying and drinking at the same time . . . Well, at least that might take care of him passing his dumb genes on to anyone else. :)

  10. One time Barney was trying to play a mob thug and he put his gun, with the bullet in it, in the back of his pants. When he tried to pull the gun out, he shot through the butt of his pants.

  11. Hey Angela...
    Guys like this are probably the reason for the law, don't you think?

    Let's hope he removes himself from the gene pool before it's too late!

    Hey Andy...
    At least he had the gun in the back!

    Ol' Barney...he was a true character!

    Thanks again for coming by today!

  12. "Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid." - JW

  13. Hey Bob...
    That is so true! Let's hope that it's at least not catching!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

  14. Good Morning My Special One,
    I think the word might be OUCH.
    What a dummy but booze, stupid, no common sense = OUCH.
    Coffee sounds great right now.
    And no I don't pack so were all good. :)

  15. In your case, packing is OK! We want the ladies to be covered...and besides, they have more sense than most men!

    Coffee coming up! Thanks for coming by today, sweetie!

  16. When I'm packing, I keep it in my purse. Just sayin'. This guy probably deserves what he got, and it doesn't include investigation into stupidity!

  17. Another night in the ruts huh?


  18. Hey Marjie...
    Most of us that handle guns know better than this, but that's why the word stupid was invented...for those others!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey China...
    Sad part is, this guy probably doesn't see anything wrong with how he handles his weapon! That's what makes him so dangerous!

    Now I remember why I gave up going to bars!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!
