Sunday, December 19, 2010

Better Pissed Off Than Pissed On...!

I've heard the old saying "better pissed off, than pissed on" all my life but never really took it to heart until yesterday!

All in all, things went well at the family tree! The only person to get upset about anything was me! I nearly lost it, but was able to control my temper and not cross the line! I know better and thought I was big enough to not let the sloppiness of others get my goat!

I kinda had a strong talk with my oldest about something he had said he would take care off back in November and still hasn't taken care of it as of today! Wouldn't be so bad, except that it directly affects me personally!

Let me explain what this is all about! Sometime early in November, I loaned my oldest my truck until he could find another vehicle to get back and forth to work. The inspection was up to date, new tires and exhaust, fresh brakes...all road worthy! Only thing was that the registration was due to expire December 1.

I reminded him of this several times and even made sure he had all the paperwork and insurance cards in the vehicle. So yesterday he shows up for the family get-together in the truck, I go out later to check the sticker and "GUESS WHAT?" Expired registration! Over a month to get it done, still not done!

I was not...and am still not a happy camper! We will see if the problem gets corrected this week! Hopefully, it will or the Hermit will highly pissed off, as we used to say! That's the meaning of the header!

BTW, the oldest is not a kid, but a grown-up in his late 30's! So this is NOT the kind of thing you would expect from a "grown person" or even a responsible teen!

Sorry for the rant, but I am not happy with the situation right now. I am, however, that the rest of the get-together went well! And that it's over for another year!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit! I have some cookies!


  1. I know what you mean...been there and done that! Otherwise I am happy you got thru the day...and congrats on it being over. *sigh* Mine is yet to come!

  2. Hey Diane-Sage...
    Good to see you! Yeah, I can be thankful that it's over, and I think Mom had a good time, but I know she was tired as well!

    The whole thing is really more for her than anything.

    Good luck on yours, whenever it is!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Been there, done that, too. Glad the day went okay otherwise. Daughter and family coming up tomorrow to celebrate the Solstice on Tuesday. We'll be having a nice bonfire so come on and bring some marshmallows.

  4. HJ it's just a fact that when it comes to your children .That old saying "better pissed off, than pissed on"does not work.Because when it comes to them .both can happen at the same time.So I'll say it again learn to RELAX.

  5. It does not approach me. There are other variants?

  6. Yea Jim,, You buy em books, send em to school and "try " to teach them and what do they do?

    Eat the covers off the books!!!

    Can't your reclaim the Truck? Maybe that would make the point?

  7. Good Morning My Special One,
    Glad Mom enjoyed her party. Sorry about the car. As for me it would be back in my driveway. But we all think different. But you handled it well I think good for you. I called off my usual Eve party this year after much thinking. Some people that used to come can't make it this year and there are others that I didn't care to add to the mix so I just called it off less stress on me.

  8. I really hate to say it, but I know the feeling. Some thought our generation was bad, you know, doing all that "foxtrot" and Jitterbugging. I can't remember, were we that irresponsable, too?

  9. Hey Momlady...
    Glad you can have your big bonfire! Should warm things up for you a bit and make the marshmallows toast just fine.

    You have a great day and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Ted...
    Guess I need to work harder on doing just that!

    Very disappointed, that's for sure...but what are ya gonna do?

    You have a great day, my friend! Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I am trying to do what seemed to be the right thing, and make sure he could get back and forth to 2work! However, I think I must not be doing something right!

    I don't think I can teach responsibility to a grown up! I failed somewhere!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over!

    Hey JoJo...
    I certainly can understand about calling off the party!

    Only reason I haven't taken the truck back, is the fact that I wanted to do what I could to make sure he had transportation to go back and forth to work!

    Can't win, it seems!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I don't think my Dad would have tolerated it for a minute! Maybe I'm just dreaming, but I don't think we were ever like that!

    Oh well, guess things will work themselves out!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  10. As long as you worry about getting back and forth to work why should he? Been there, done that. The only way to get some people's attention is to throw them under the bus and stand back and watch. They ususlly get out kinda PO'ed but generally the better for it!

  11. I don't know what drives us to have children except our desire for frustration. That's all it is. Thanks for the great story and have a great sunday.

  12. I wouldn't know anything about procrastinating. Nope, not a thing. Hush, Mum!

    I'm glad tree things went alright...and yeah, c'mon to Redneck Central and burn stuff with us - it's great fun, and wonderfully de-stressing!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  13. Hey Bob...
    Don't know the answer, that's for sure! Maybe there isn't one!

    Maybe I'm thinking way too hard about this! Just let the Big Guy upstairs take care of it!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    If that's the case, I think we have been successful! Certainly can make us mad, especially at ourselves!

    Bet it's getting a tad cold up there, huh?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey K...
    That's what I should come up there! However, I'd have to borrow back my truck to do that!

    Burn a log for me! Thanks for dropping in and have a great day!

  14. Hang in there, HJ. Yes, it's short-sighted and irresponsible but at least your son has a job and realizes it's important that he be able to get there. There are lot of 'kids' his age that don't have that much going for them nowadays.

    If it was me, I'd give him a week to take care of the problem. I'd tell him the truck is to be back in my driveway Friday evening. If it has a current registration sticker on it by then, he can continue to drive it as previously agreed. If it does not, hand over the keys and he can figure out a new solution to HIS transportation problem. But that's just me.

    : )

  15. Hey H.B....
    That's basically what I told him! Just frost me that I would almost have to threaten him to get it done!

    Think I'm gonna just have to admit defeat and take the truck back!

    I really appreciate the visit today!

  16. Which reminds me, my inspection sticker is out. One more thing to do...

  17. Been there done that too many times.
    Truck in my name, registration and insurance in my name. And if there is an accident, hmmmm? Good thing she lived on the bus line.

  18. I'm really Glad i came across this website.Added to my bookmark!

  19. I am afraid it would be better to go ahead and change the truck title to his name because you can pretty well kiss that truck goodbye---it has probably been permanently adopted....

  20. I thought the party was very nice and everyone (almost) seemed to enjoy ita lot. I love having the grandkids come to my house - making memories for when I'm gone, I guess. Guess it goes back to happy times I remember with all our large extended family. I don't want you to be under pressure too have these "
    things" for me. You do so much for me already - Love you, Mom

  21. I have heard this saying since I was a little kid.

    My thought is, at you at least get a little warm feeling for a minute when ya get pissed on....

    Merry Christmas.

  22. It's a long time to wait for payback, but it comes when our kids have their own children. Then when they come crying to us about how their kids are ungrateful, procrastinate, or whatever, we just laugh out loud! The look in their eyes when they finally "get" what we're talking about is worth it all.

  23. I have been reading your blog for some time, and you have lifted my spirits many times.

    Repossess the truck. Not vindictively, but under the general rule that "Actions (or in this case the lack thereof) have consequences." This one rule, more than anything else I tried, improved my relationship with my children. I gave up lecturing, reasoning, pleading, ... . My life was immediately better and surprisingly theirs improved with time. God Bless.

  24. If that happened to me I'd take a "To hell with it" attitude. Let him get a ticket and have the hassle of taking care of that. In order to get it off his record he'd have to get the registration and then take proof of that to the court. One time, that's all it would take, and he'd learn a lesson the hard way.
