Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Crazy Kind Of Crafting...!

You know, I enjoy doing certain craft type things as much as the next person.

I do know just when I'm close to going over the edge, though! I have not quite reached the point of doing something to the extreme, like this guy has!

My idea of fun doesn't include standing on a sky platform, knitting with two aluminum light poles in the middle of a rain storm!

I'm sorry to say, I think this is a bit over the edge! Don't you agree?

While I do appreciate the gesture and the subject matter, I do question the man's sanity! Still, you really have to admire his spunk!

Wonder what a piece like this sells for? Bet it's more than I can afford!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit!


  1. Aw, H.J., that just has to be good old Texas size knitting...

  2. Too funny...at least they can knit...me nada~~~

  3. Hey 2Tramps...
    It does look like something some of my crazy cousins might try!

    In my younger days, I might have given it a shot as well! Too old now, I'm thinking!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Diane-Sage...
    I knit, but only with a knitting loom! I've seen pictures of this guy using 2 loaded double barrel shotguns!

    Like I said...gotta love his spunk! Pretty amazing stuff, actually!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

  4. To what purpose I wonder. I suppose he calls it art.

  5. Takes all kinds huh? Wonder what he does if he drops a stitch?

  6. Good Morning My Special Friend,
    Now thats a flag. I wonder who taught him to knit, bet he makes them proud. I don't know about the load shot gun.
    Coffee sounds good then I must run MRI results todsay.

  7. Hey Momlady...
    Guess that nearly anything passes as art now days!

    Just hope he doesn't get struck by lightening!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I'm thinking that would be a real problem, considering just where he is located!

    Never know what some folks will come up with!

    Thanks, man, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Good luck with the MRI results! Guess we'll have a party later to celebrate the good results, huh?

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  8. I can't even muster enough to learn with small knitting needles, that is way to much! Thanks for sharing, but it shows me that some people just have far to much free time on their hands,*wink*
    Blessings for your week Hermit,

  9. Hey Kelle...
    Makes me feel a little intimated, that's for sure!

    Ambitious guy! And I agree...he has way too much time on his hands!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  10. Hey, somebody's got to do it, right? As long as they don't try to get me involved, it's all good.

  11. Hey Marjie...
    I would think this would make a great spectator sport! He knits, we watch!

    Good way to spend the day!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  12. Mechanic in IllinoisDecember 7, 2010 at 10:22 AM

    Thanks for the neat story. Have a good day. It's snowy and cold here in Illinois, about 10 degrees. I hope your weather is better.

  13. Hey Mechanic...
    10 degrees? Man, that's way too cold for this Texas boy!

    I'll stick to my 70's and 60's, I think!

    Keep those feet warm, buddy! Thanks for coming by today!

  14. I think that guy needs to find a new hobby. Way too crazy!!

  15. Hey Rae...
    That's about the way I felt about it. I'm not sure I would even attempt what he is doing, myself!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Sissy...
    It's getting to be that nothing surprises me anymore, either!

    People can always find a way to show how crazy we are becoming!

    Thank you, my friend, for dropping by today!
