Monday, December 6, 2010

A Different Type Of Graffiti...!

You know, normally I am against any form of graffiti, but once in a while there comes along an exception!

I'm thinking that this is probably a good way to make a large city a bit more pleasing to the eye! However, I guess that approving one type of graffiti means that you approve the others as well!

I would point out that using yarn or knitting to improve some structure in a non-permanent fashion makes a lot more sense to me than using paint! This seems to be an art form that's catching on all over the world!

Yarn bombing, yarnbombing, graffiti knitting, guerrilla knitting, or yarnstorming is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted cloth rather than paint or chalk.

While yarn installations – called yarn bombs or yarnstorms – may last for years, they are considered non-permanent, and, unlike graffiti, can be easily removed if necessary. The practice is believed to have originated in the U.S. with Texas knitters trying to find a creative way to use their leftover and unfinished knitting projects, but it has since spread worldwide.

While other forms of graffiti may be expressive, decorative, territorial, socio-political commentary, advertising or vandalism, yarn bombing is almost exclusively about reclaiming and personalizing sterile or cold public places.

Dave Cole is a contemporary sculpture artist who practiced knitting as graffiti for a large-scale public art installation in Melbourne Australia for the Big West Arts Festival in 2009. The work was vandalized the night of its completion.

The movement has been said to be "changing the face of craft" as stitchers are more and more frequently being viewed as fiber artists.

Only drawback I can see, is that this certainly could use a LOT of yarn! Just imagine how many scarfs I could knit with the yarn it would take to "tag" a lamp pole!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit!


  1. Mechanic in IllinoisDecember 6, 2010 at 9:57 AM

    Why don't they just knit mittens and gloves for the homeless? Seems like there would be enough to go around. Thanks for the great story.

  2. I agree that there are kids out there that could use a scarf or a hat than a pole.
    That yarn could have been put to better use.
    A woman in Spokane, WA knitted 100 scarves and hats to go with the coat drive for the needed kids.

  3. Hey Mechanic...
    That's kinda what I was thinking! I even do a little knitting myself and I know just how much yarn it takes to make hats and scarfs. Gloves and mittens would be great for those with no shelter during the cold months!

    Maybe by using this yarn to decorate with, they are leaving it around for folks that need it.

    Don't really understand the whole thing, but it's interesting!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. I better not show my wife this blog or she will be out crocheting something around all my trees (grin).

  5. Hey Andy...
    I don't think I've ever seen a kid that didn't like a new hat or scarf! Especially if the colors are nice and bright!

    Like I said earlier, seems like a waste of a lot of yarn!

    Thanks, Andy, for coming by today!

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    Gotta be careful cause this group is headquartered right here in Houston!

    Their name, by the way, is "Knitta,Please" and they have a lot of videos on YouTube!

    This might be right up your wife's alley!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  7. Just wish I knew how to knit... Grandma used to knit all of her 14 grandchildren new slippers every year and each of us got a afghan when we married.

    I have seen objects around here sporting knitted hats and scarves but did not know it was a nation wide movement. Thanks for the very interesting story of origin.

  8. Hey 2Tramps...
    I started using the knitting looms, and let me tell you they are so easy qand fun!

    Heck, even an old guy like me can have a lot of fun with them!

    Look up "knitting looms" on you tube and see!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  9. I remember when this started...

    There is (or was) an installation planned at one of our local museums - notice was sent out to all local knitters and crocheters to donate a small piece worked in a specific color of yarn to add to the whole. I think it was supposed to be made into a sort of seed pod.

    The intent of the original movement was twofold, as I recall - to reclaim public places and to use up odds and ends of yarn that wouldn't make anything else - not enough for hat,scarf, mitten, or bootie (I have a basket of such oddments). I guess some folks have taken to using whole skeins, which does seem wasteful...

    Nifty post, Mister Hermit, sir...but the trees and light pole around Casa de Crazy will remain without such adornment, as I promised the cats I'd turn the leftover yearn into a horribly tacky blanket for them one day!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey K...
    I think that all of us that knit or do fabric art of any kind...have enough odds and ends to make a really BIG project if we got it all together!

    I can usually figure out something with my scraps now that the grand daughter has started doing some knitting and crochet projects on her own!

    In fact, I gave her some more yarn last night when they came by! Good cause, I reckon!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  11. Want to an even bigger waste of yarn.
    A group of woman knitted a cozy for a water tower on top of a building.
    Think of all the scarves, mittens, etc. Just to be noticed for doing that.

  12. I have to agree with many of the others that commented, HJ, in that there has to be a better use for good yarn for people rather than poles. And it makes me wonder why these people would waste all that time and effort on a project that benefits no one.
