Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Caught Red-Handed This Time...!

Sometimes you just have to wonder at the total lack of good sense shown by those in power!

Just because they have gotten away with illegal acts for so long here in the US...some of our so-called "leaders" decided that they didn't have to follow the laws of other countries either! WRONG!

It appears that Argentina has no problem with called a spade a spade...and certainly plans to enforce their own laws regardless of who the law-breakers are!

Cargo sparks dispute between Argentina, U.S.

By the CNN Wire Staff
February 15, 2011 1:43 p.m. EST

Buenos Aires, Argentina (CNN) -- Tension between Argentina and the United States continued to simmer Tuesday as the two could not see eye-to-eye on the seizure, by Argentinian authorities, of materials that arrived on a U.S. Air Force cargo plane last week.

Argentina has accused the United States of trying to sneak weapons, drugs such as morphine, and communications equipment into their country without permission. The United States says that if there was a problem with the items, it should be resolved privately between the two parties.

The spat revolves around the arrival of a U.S. cargo plane in Argentina. Its mission was to provide materials for a joint training course with Argentinian federal police on hostage rescues. Argentinian Foreign Minister Hector Timerman said the Americans did not properly declare about a third of the items that were aboard the plane, violating local laws.

The material had not been included on a list from the U.S. government that the Argentinian government approved.

Such material cannot enter the country without proper authorization, Timerman told CNN en Español.

"Argentina has suffered two terrorist attacks, and we have very strict laws about what can enter and what cannot enter the country, to prevent a third incident," he said.

The items that were not declared included wiretapping equipment, communications equipment and what Timerman described as "secret things."

American troops on the cargo plane at first blocked Argentinian agents from examining some of the undeclared cargo.

"When finally, after six hours of talk, we convinced the American soldiers to open this famous green suitcase, they pleaded with us not to open it outdoors, but in a closed space, because if it were photographed by spy satellites, U.S. security would be at risk," Timerman said.

He added, with emphasis, "What were they bringing? That's what the Argentinians want to know."

U.S. Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela denied that the United States had not declared certain items, and said that everything on the cargo plane was for use during the hostage-rescue course.

"We're surprised by Argentina's reaction to this issue," Valenzuela told CNN en Español.

His view is that if there was any problem, it could have been handled privately, "with respect," and not in the public sphere.

"There was no intent here to violate Argentine laws," he said.

The United States also wants its cargo back.

"It's absolutely necessary that those materials be returned immediately," Valenzuela said.

Timerman said the items would be returned only after investigators are done examining them.

It would appear that the big boys don't like getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar! What's worse, they must be really embarrassed to know that they can't push Argentina around in a way that has been the norm by the PTB here for so long!

You know, so many of these uncomfortable moments for the government could be avoided if they would only try and obey the same rules as everyone else! However, that would seem to be something that's not going to happen!

This time, though, it's going to be talked about in the light of day. Not in the back office shadows, but in the light of the day! Pretty refreshing for a change, huh?

Now, my friends, how about some refreshment on the patio? Another beautiful day ahead!


  1. Mechanic in IllinoisFebruary 16, 2011 at 8:50 AM

    About efing time someone stood up to the PTB. We the people need to take lessons from them and get our kohonnies back. Thanks for the story and have a great day.
