Thursday, February 17, 2011

Think I'll Avoid Florida...!

I'm not sure, but I'm thinking this guy's wife may just be having a hard time trusting the medical profession!

At their age, being pronounced "dead" just once usually does the trick. Then, just a short time later to find out your spouse isn't really dead could lead to a healthy distrust of medical folks!

Man declared dead twice in four days

By Barbara Hijek February 16, 2011 06:57 AM

A few weeks ago Leroy Tarver, 70, was pronounced dead by EMS after collapsing with chest pains, but then woke up when the mortician arrived, reports WBBH News-2 in Fort Myers.

According to a Fort Myers police report, the paramedics began CPR to resuscitate Leroy, but pronounced him dead about 30 minutes after the 911 call.

Mortician Horace Barrett says he will never forget that day when he arrived at the home to get Leroy's body: The body began twitching and gasping for air, WBBH reports.

Barrett told WBBH News he ran to get Leroy's wife and said, "He's not dead! He's not ready for me yet."

The Tarvers called 911 again — almost two hours after Leroy was initially pronounced dead.

But the miracle was short-lived: Leroy only lived another four days.

Could Leroy have been saved if the paramedics had rushed him to the hospital on their initial visit?

Officials with Lee County EMS say they are investigating the paramedics' actions.

Now, I'm only hoping that they double check before they begin an autopsy on someone like this! In fact, just to be sure, I'd want to have another opinion just before they put him in the ground!

In a case like this, I'd much rather be safe than way too sorry, ya know? But then, that's just me!

Just to celebrate being above ground this morning, let's get some fresh coffee and sit out on the patio! Life is pretty good, all in all!


  1. Could just be a case of affirmative action, or maybe he just doesn't want to leave his wife...

  2. Hey Catman...
    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking!

    Gotta be some red faces in the EMS headquarters, ya reckon?

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

  3. Here's a story, told for the truth way back in Viet Nam. Seems a grunt was shot to hell and gone and declared dead. He was shipped off to the military morgue in Saigon. He came wildly awake as the coroner made the first incision of the "y" cut.

  4. Amazing in this day and age for something like that to happen. If you think I'm dead, wave a plate of fried chicken under my nose and look for brain waves!!!

  5. Guess we will have to bring back the old parctice of holding a wake, just in case. My cousin lives in Ft. Myers, so I must send him a link to your blog this morning.

  6. Good Morning My Special Friend.
    Now that is scary. Hope I don't have such a problem.
    Beautiful sunrise this morning and coffee on the patio will be awesome.

  7. Hey tjbbpgobIII...
    I'm thinking that might just wake him up, alright!

    It's a shame in this day and age for something like this to happen!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I'll certainly keep that in mind! You like white or dark...or mixed?

    That's one treatment I think I could handle!

    I appreciate you coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Might not be such a bad idea! Like I said, better safe than sorry!

    I am glad you came by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I hope you don't get faced with this for a long time, either!

    I'd miss ya! Coffee coming up!

    Thanks, sweetie, for the visit!

  8. Florida's a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Thanks for the story and have a great day.

  9. I'll bet it was getting too close to quitting time for the paramedics. Shift change time maybe. I will try not to ever have a heart attack to close to Friday night. I'll maybe try for a Tuesday later in the morning or something like that instead. lol. I don't know, it sounds kinda scary to me.

  10. Paramedics in Florida can declare you dead?

  11. Considering it was only 24 minutes from the time the call came in until they pronounced him dead, they barely made the minimun of 15 minute code time which left very little time to properly assess for death. I also wonder how much race and socioeconomic status played into the quick decision along with the fact that Paramedics still think they can be competent with medical decisions doing 24 hour shifts. It was near the end of their shift. No one wants to transport to a hospital and clean up a truck when you're about to go off shift.
    Scary, scary bad.
