Friday, February 18, 2011

Now This Could Be Confusing...!

Most of us don't have any trouble remembering what our birthday is.

Poor ol' George Washington might get a little confused because of how many times the celebration of his birthday was bounced around! Guess that's what happens when you become president! This article in the Almanac talks a little about it!

George Washington's Birthday (observed)

Although George Washington's birthday is celebrated on February 22, it is observed as a federal holiday on the third Monday of February. To complicate matters, Washington was actually born on February 11 in 1731! How can that be?

During Washington's lifetime, people in Great Britain and America switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar (something most of Europe had done in 1582). As a result of this calendar reform, people born before 1752 were told to add 11 days to their birth dates. Those born between January 1 and March 25, as Washington was, also had to add one year to be in sync with the new calendar.

By the time Washington became president in 1789, he celebrated his birthday on February 22 and listed his year of birth as 1732. Upon entering office, Washington was not convinced that he was the right man for the job. He wrote, "My movements to the chair of government will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit, who is going to the place of his execution." Fortunately for the young country, he was wrong. You can read more about Washington at the official White House Web site.

I like things to be much simpler than all this. Probably one reason I'll never be president, ya reckon?

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a while!


  1. Poor ole George, all I know about this day is that it was the birthday of my favorite Aunt, Mother's sister. She used to say it was George Birthington's Wash Day. :-)

  2. Wow, I never knew about those birthday dates being fiddled with, thats crazy!

  3. Leave nothing alone and make sure everyone is left scraching their heads. LOL
    I'll bring left over birthday cake I had 2 yesterday. My birthday hit right at on time.

  4. Good ole George, too bad some more just like him don't come along once in a while.

  5. Dang Jim, now you got my head a spinning and it is just too early in the morning to figure out when ole George was born. Let's have a cup. . .

  6. Hey Ben...
    That's pretty good! Your aunt must have had a great sense of humor..

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey Anon 7;20...
    Sometimes they just don't let things alone! I would get way too confused if they moved my birthday around like that!

    Hey JoJo...
    Sounds like a pretty fair description of what happens, alright!

    You had 2 birthday cakes? I didn't even know it was your birthday! When you get 2 cakes, does that mean your two times as old?

    Belated birthday, sweetie, and thanks for coming over!

    Hey Bob...
    Boy, ain't that the truth! It would have to be an improvement over what we have today!

    I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    If we are confused, just think what ol' George must have felt!

    Of course, those were confusing times! Many things were changing, mostly for the better!

    Sorry to confuse you this morning! I just didn't want to be the only one!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

  7. Boy, can you image the first five presidents trying to run for office today? Bet they wouldn't get to the primaries!

  8. Hey Judy...
    Most of the early presidents didn't even want to be president!

    Back then, though, they all took the job very serious. It wasn't just about the power or the money like it is today!

    I guess folks were just more honest!

    Thanks for coming by today!
