Sunday, April 10, 2011

It Doesn't Look Good, Folks...!

As the prices continue to climb in food stores, the gas pumps, and practically everywhere else...this news comes out!

Of course, most of us already knew this was going to be the case but weren't aware of the exact numbers! I don't know about you, but I am getting sick and tired of having to pay more and more of my meager funds to just get by!

It makes me especially mad when I hear that the president is planning to raise ONE BILLION DOLLARS to get re-elected! But I guess that's the way it goes in politics! Never mind that the average working man is having a harder time putting food on the table, never mind that so many of the jobs have disappeared that paid for that food on the table, never mind that the cost of medicines and health care has risen to the point that many of the elderly are having to choose between food and medicine!

This story just shows that things are not looking too good for the near future!

US corn reserves expected to fall to 15-year low

– Fri Apr 8, 10:40 am ET

ST. LOUIS – Rising demand for corn from ethanol producers is pushing U.S. reserves to the lowest point in 15 years, a trend that could lead to higher grain and food prices this year.

The Agriculture Department on Friday left its estimate for corn reserves unchanged from the previous month. The reserves are projected to fall to 675 million bushels in late August, when the harvest begins, or roughly 5 percent of all corn consumed in the United States. That would be the lowest surplus level since 1996.

The limited supply is chiefly because of increasing demand from ethanol makers, which rose 1 percent to 5 billion bushels. That's about 40 percent of the total crop.

But the increase didn't alter the agency's overall estimate, mostly because livestock producers are expected to scale back their corn purchases.

The Agriculture Department estimated that demand from livestock producers fell 1 percent to 5.15 billion bushels.

Crops prices rose about 1 percent to $7.67 during morning trading, shortly after the report was released. The price of soybean rose 1 percent to $13.80 a bushel. Wheat was virtually unchanged at $7.76 a bushel.

Corn prices affect most products in supermarkets. Corn is used to feed the cattle, hogs and chickens that fill the meat case, and it is the main ingredient in cereals and soft drinks.

Those home gardens are looking better and better all the time! I do hope that everyone has at least 6 months worth of preps in the pantry, but having at least a year would be better! I can only urge those of you that don't have plenty of food and necessary items set please get them together now! Find some way to stock up! Things are NOT going to get any cheaper for a long time, so do what you need to do to take care of you and yours!

The future, such as it may be, is there for you to plan for, understand?

How about some fresh coffee on the patio? Don't worry, I've got enough to share!


  1. If what I've read is correct, it still tales more than a gallon of fossil fuel to make, process and distribute one gallon of ethanol which then provides less energy than the fossil fuel that it took to produce it. PLUS, it will ultimately be bad for most engines that burn it, especially two-cycles.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Most bio-fuels can be made with so many other things besides corn, I don't know why we can't save the corn for food and use something else for the fuel?

    Better yet, why not come up with a totally different source of fuel altogether? We've had the knowledge for years to do this, so why not work on it?

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  3. They are mixing ethanol in with our regular fuel. Husband figured this out last year because of what he was seeing in the motorcycles coming in. It erodes the gaskets and some of the rubber seals in motorcycle engines. HD had certain parts on backorder because of this problem. Then about a week ago our local news was talking about it.

    It would have been nice to know. It causes our bikes to run too lean, it takes more ethanol to make a bike preform the same way with less fossil fuel gas. We go through it faster, and in the long run costs us more money.

    I have enough food in using storage to last harvest to harvest (1 year)

  4. I try to remember the stations that do NOT have ethanol in their fuel when I need to fill the tank.

  5. momlady, do you have a list? The reason I ask is because my understanding is that all gas have 10% ethanol in them now, and if there is a company that is not mixing I will gladly support them to save damage on my bike. And I am not talking about flex fuels.All gasoline.

  6. As far as I am concerned, corn is only good for fuel. We should not eat it and it shouldn't be fed to animals. It is universally contaminated with mico-toxins from mold, even fresh out of the field. Mico-toxins can cause all sorts of health problems. Cattle and poultry should be range fed. I try not to eat anything that has corn or corn by-products in it. That really limits my menu.

  7. Sorry to say something yet again HJ.

    HR6 passed in 2005

    Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) (Section 1501): creates a renewable fuels phase-in, the Renewable Fuels Standard. The RFS requires that gasoline sold by refiners, importers and blenders must contain an increasing amount of renewable fuel, such as ethanol or biodiesel, starting at 4 billion gallons in 2006, increasing each year by 700 million gallons, and reaching a level of 7.5 billion gallons in 2012. After 2012, renewable fuel production must grow at least the same rate as gasoline production.

  8. Jim,it is getting worse by the day.Most food crops,corn,rice,wheat,etc are coming in short due to bad weather,rust,ethanol,etc.Fuel goes up, everything goes up.Stock up now while things are relatively cheap.


  9. Hey Phelan...
    I know that it isn't good for car engines, especially the newer I can only imagine what it must do to bike engines!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Probably not a bad idea! I don't think I could find one that didn't use it around here!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    I've eaten corn most of my life, and don't know that I could stop having it on my menu if I tried!

    I sure do like corn straight out of the garden!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Phelan...
    Thanks for the information! Seems like I read somewhere before!

    I figured that if anyone I knew would be stocked up, it would be you! Way to go, as always!

    Thanks again for coming by!

  11. Hey China...
    Getting harder and harder to find any dehydrated or freeze dried foods from any of the normal sources. Fresh wheat and other grains are the same way!

    With all that's going on with the weather, things look to only get worse!

    Thanks fort dropping in, buddy!

  12. Linked your post; I wanted my readers to have the chance to think about it.

  13. Hey Gorges...
    I appreciate the link up, my friend!

    Thanks again for coming by today!

  14. It's like most human solutions to problems usually leads to bigger problems. Remind's me of the old story who swallowed a fly, then she swallowed a bird to catch the fly, etc., the problems just get bigger and bigger.

  15. Hey Phillip...
    I think a lot of truth is min what you say, and I reckon the reason is because we are always looking for a "band-aid" type fix. Instead of finding a workable permanent solution...we go after the fastest temporary solution!

    We are thinking short term instead of long term...and that ain't good!

    I certainly appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

  16. We've been growing our own fruits & veggies for a couple of years now. Like you said, many of us saw this coming & began to prepare.

    It's very difficult for me to stockpile any sort of canned goods; I cannot ingest additives or preservatives. This will be a huge problem not only for me, but for anyone who suffers from RA, lupus, lyme disease, fibromyalgia or any other kind of chronic central nervous system disorder.

  17. So I guess you don't think much of THE CHANGE so far?

  18. Hey Just me...
    Most of my relatives were good ol' country folks who put up what they grew every year, butchered their own beef and pork, hunted for extras when the time was right, baked nearly all their own bread, made their own clothes, used the clothes line to dry them...and over all did the things so many folks today call "going green"!

    They did it because it was more common sense to do so than anything else!

    Turns out they were more than "country hicks" as some folks said...they were just ahead of the times!

    Thanks so much for dropping by today!

  19. Hey Bob...
    I didn't think much of the "Change" before it was the "Change" and I certainly think less of it now!

    Don't know how many of us can stand another 4 years of "Change", but I guess we are about to find out!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  20. DD, its darn near impossible to find any products that don't have some type of corn product in them. Just g in a grocery store and start reading labels. My eX wife developed a corn allergy and shopping for stuff that didn't have any corn products in it was a nightmare! I think I've read where about 85% of all groceries in a store have some part of corn in them. Lets face it our food system is very dependent on corn.

  21. And I have been looking for a really good recipe for Corn Chowder! I think I make a fairly mean cornbread (jalapeno or regular) to accompany it.

  22. I knew you would be happy to have that garden.
    Smile today for me :)

  23. After having worked for the goverment for a number of years and ended up with nothing to show for it but busted knees and hips I can tell you the goverment loves nothing better than to doe
    10beat dead horse
    2)pursue programs that do nothing

    Great post.

  24. Check out this link for some of the stuff corn is used for and you can easily see how we are really getting screwed!

  25. When you start burning your food something is very wrong.

    Max from Illinois

  26. The elected thieves and enemies of the constitution in congress forbid us to grow hemp though hemp seeds are good food and hemp lends itself to the production of paper,
    cosmetics, building materials, textiles, non-toxic diesel fuel, paint, varnish, detergent, ink, lubricating oil, etc. Hemp is an unpretentious plant that can be grown in many climates.
    Read it and weep.
    Texas does not secede for the same reason steers do not make baby cows.

  27. What a great post, roused more so by all the fine comments. Have learned much from everyone.

    Just recently learned a lesson using ethenol when mowing; another hi$ fix-it. I

    love cut corn fresh, hot and buttered. GM modified cut that out of my diet.

    I'm beginning to feel we are being assaulted from every direction.

    5 stars for it today. :>)

  28. Since I'm an Ozzie I'll have a cuppa hot tea. The rich get richer and the poor poorer..but who are really the happiest?? the ones who know they have true friends and are loved for who they are.
    What about that oil discovery up north? Dakota?? somewhere there..the U.S. is the richest country in the world, yet the elite there are the meanest. There is no sharing and helping, just greed...
    Enjoy your cuppa.God Bless.
