Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just Some Saturday Thoughts...!

These two videos just sum up how I've been feeling as of late!

There is a lot of meaning in both of these songs, so who else to sing them with the emotion that they deserve than Johnny!

This next one is just so we won't loose track of who we are! I think this video pretty much says it all!

I hope the PTB are paying attention!

These are my thoughts for this Saturday! I have a few more things on my mind, but I can't voice them right now without using a LOT of profanity! So...I'll save all that for another time!

C'mon, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside! We can talk about the politicians self destructing!


  1. Good words. We don't have enough patriots these days, especially in Washington.

  2. Excellent choices Jim.We are in a sad state of affairs.I think as long as we have politicians it will be so. Our Govt was not meant to be run by career politicians.Rather by regular citizens for a term.I will stop now before the profanities roll out.Have a great weekend Buddy!


  3. I don't blame the politicians as much as I do the stupid people who elected them. Maybe we should raise the voting age to over 65.

  4. Perhaps it is time for a quiet revolution.

  5. We ARE the revolution. We are our only hope.

  6. Good Jim. I love Johnny. Waylon was a friend of mine. Through him I met Kris and Willie. Never got to meet Johnny, but I was in Waylon's bus and he remarked about a pack of Winstons. Told me Johnny had just left them. I missed him by 5 minutes. I kept the pack of cigs. lol

  7. Hey Gorges Smythe...
    True words. my friend! Patriots are one thing we always need more of, I think!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey China...
    That's so true, and so many folks have forgotten that!

    It would be different if they would come up with something to do besides raise taxes and spend money stolen from the American people!

    You have a great day...and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Has to be a better way than the one we have used so far!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I feel that we need something, quiet or not! Just don't know what it is!

    Hope you are getting some dirt time in...and I thank you for coming by today!

    Hey WWRWH...
    Unfortunately, until we can stand up as a united front the nothing positive will take place!

    Sure do thank you for coming by today!

    Hey Michael...
    That's a pretty good keepsake, I'd say!

    One thing about those ol' boys, they sang what they felt! We could use some more of that honesty now days!

    Many thanks for dropping by this morning!

  8. They call what we have Democracy, I prefer to call it an elected dictatorship, if there is such a thing! People no longer listen to what the candidate says, instead what party are they with, are they married, any personal problems according to the tabloids, what color are they. Even if we went back to the Republic of Texas, we would still have Perry to deal with. Canada, Australia, Terlingua, all looking better & better every day.

  9. Hey Bob...
    Hard to know what to call it anymore! I know there are a lot of us that don't have a lot of faith in the folks in all!

    Time to start searching for that "over the rainbow place" once again!

    I appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

  10. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 10, 2011 at 11:52 AM

    The videos motivate me get to Mayberry and a rope. Thanks for the info and have a great Sunday.
