Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Tomorrow...!

With Memorial Day being tomorrow, I wanted to share this thought with everyone!

We all know some veterans, I'm sure. This weekend would be a great time to tell them "THANK YOU" , don't you think? It seems like a very small thing to do after everything the have done for us!

That's all I had today. Want some fresh coffee? I can get us some and we can sit outside!


  1. Excellent video. May God bless them every one (and you as well).

  2. Thank You Jim for your time served also.
    I will be honored to have some coffee with you as always

  3. Hey Gorges...
    Thank you, sir, for your kind thoughts! I'm sure that all veterans everywhere appreciate it!

    Many thanks to you for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I sure am glad to have your company today, sweetie! Hope the weather is holding up for you!

    You have a wonderful day...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Dizzy...
    It is a pretty good video, isn't it?

    Nothing we can ever say or do will ever be enough for the men and women in the armed forces!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  4. THANK YOU, FOR THE VIDEO, FOR CARING. My Uncle was killed on Iwo Jima by a sniper, after the war was officially over. Every time I see that flag raising there I get kinda emotional.

  5. Hey Bob...
    Believe me when I say it is certainly my honor to do something in remembrance of the fallen!

    Of course, my thanks goes out to those still serving as always!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  6. Unfortunate that those who have paid the supreme price aren't honored like they used to be.

    Unfortunate that the American flag doesn't stand for what it used to.

    Unfortunate that America now stands for greed and self centered people who don't care what others have done to make sure that what few rights are still here were secured by those who gave all.

  7. The music and video were very moving. Made me cry. I always feel that I should be considered a veteran (when questionaires ask, especially) for the years that I served as a Navy wife. It is still the best "job" that I ever had.
    Thanks, Bubba, for your service.
    Love you.
