Saturday, May 28, 2011

We Could All Learn From This...!

This is one of those times that teaches us humility!

Here is a country, still reeling from one of the worst disasters in their history, that somehow finds the ability to offer a helping hand to strangers in need!

We could all take a lesson from the fact that these folks cared enough to offer help to another group in trouble. Still in the cleanup in their own country, they cared enough to reach out and offer what assistance they could.

Japan donates $120,000 in relief supplies to Alabama

By Paris Jackson
Published: May 05, 2011
» 5 Comments | Post a Comment

MONTGOMERY — The Japanese Government is helping Alabama tornado victims.

They are donating emergency supplies including 8,000 blankets and 150 tarps worth more than $120,000.

On Thursday, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA, had the emergency supplies transported from their warehouse in MIAMI to a FEMA incident base in Montgomery.

Japan Consul General, Takuji Hanatani, says this gift is in appreciation of what the aid United States offered during their earthquake and tsunami.

"We are very much grateful for your strong support. Not only the U.S. government assistance, but the American people. The businesses, corporations, and individuals that provided assistance, made a donation and simply offered a prayer. We will never forget this friendship," said Hanatani.

Japaneses officials, FEMA staff and Alabama Attorney General, Luther Strange celebrated the arrival of the goods.

I am totally taken aback by the very caring gesture of the Japanese. In this day and age, it's nice to know that sometimes the best of human nature makes itself known!

Thank you for caring, Japan! Thank you very much!

Coffee on the patio this morning, my friends!


  1. I don't see any of our rich Arab "friends" helping any!

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Guess they don't have anywhere near the "class" that the Japanese have!

    True character shows at times like these!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Fantastic!
    Thinking of how bad it has been in Japan this is great of them!

    Have a great day!

  4. Hey Christer...
    It's one heck of an offering, that's for sure!

    I hope folks realize how special that is!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. It goes to show that the will of the people is what it takes to come back from the abyss. Over here, the folks are saying that Japan is done, tell that to them...
    We are finished in America, because we haven't a soul anymore...

  6. Impressive. What can we do but bow our heads and say thank you? Makes me feel a bit better about the human race in general.

  7. I wonder, is this the first time any other country has sent aid to the US?

  8. I witnessed the strength and integrity of the Japanese people first hand and am not totally surprised by this gesture. There was a town there that Americans could not enter except under armed guard (throw-back to WW11) but even the citizens of that country were apologetic about that. I had to go there once. I am still not sure whether it was a Japanese sentiment or American one. Plus, I am sure a lot has changed since the 60's.

  9. Warms the heart. They have had their own disaster and yet they are there for others. Great people.
    Pass the pot please.

  10. very humbling.
    don't know how i can post to ur blog and not DDs. But found out i'm not the only one. Also, i'm not the only one missing some of my side bars.
    sry about posting that, but maybe will let others know about blogger messed up.

  11. I agree with Dizzy-Dick's question about whether this is a first ...for OTHER countries to send aid to the United States. I wish there was a way to say thank you that I knew would reach the Japanese people.

  12. I can post just fine on about half of the blogs I follow as myself, on the others if I post as anonymous I get through. I have checked everything I can think of, anybody got any ideas. NO Ben, it is not my browser.

  13. This is a very heartwarming article to me, being from Alabama; thanks for sharing Jim. It doesn't surprise me that the Japanese would do this though. They are a much more caring people than a lot of Americans give them credit for.

  14. Thanks for posting this, which is a wonderful inspiration and a personal reminder to me to open up and give more, to give myself to others, monetarily, physically, and emotionally. Best wishes to all.

  15. Read this on the news yesterday, sort of took my breath away. Such a troubled nation at the moment and they take timeout to do this. I have to agree with Gorges Smyth above, where are the wealthy Arabs?

