Monday, June 13, 2011

Flag Day 2011...!

Tuesday is actually the official Flag Day, but I wanted to remind everyone today.

I know most of you already know the history of this patriotic holiday, but I wanted to cover it again, just in case! What better place to find out about the history of a day such as this...than the Almanac!

Flag Day—June 14

Next Tuesday is Flag Day in the U.S. What we know fondly as the “Stars and Stripes” was adopted by the Continental Congress as the official American flag on June 14, 1777, in the midst of the Revolutionary War.

Colonial troops fought under many different flags with various symbols and slogans—rattlesnakes, pine trees, eagles, “Don’t Tread on Me,” “Liberty or Death,” and “Conquer or Die,” to name a few.

The first flag had 13 stars on a blue field and 13 alternating red and white stripes for the 13 original colonies. Now there are 50 stars, one for each state in the Union, but the 13 stripes remain. Flag Day was first celebrated in 1877, on the flag’s 100th birthday.

Remember, there are certain guidelines already in place for the display and handling of the flag. Of course, you already knew that! Just thought I would mention it again for any new comers, ya know?

C'mon, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside this morning!


  1. Proper handling and disposal of the American flag used to be taught in public schools beginning in grade school. Sadly, I bet that's not the case anymore!

    : (

  2. Hey HB...
    You just know that it isn't on the agenda any more!

    They won't even allow prayer at the football games anymore in some places!

    So many traditions are being lost thanks to the twisted ways of the governing bodies. Very sad!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I'll haul down the Texas Flag and run up Ole Glory tomorrow Morning early.

  4. Speaking of flags, since TX was a country and chose to enter the union, it is the only state that it is legal to fly the state flag at the same height as the national flag.

  5. I have my flag ready. I fly a small one other days and the big one on the special days.

  6. Hey Ben...
    That's have that really nice flag pole in your yard!

    I forget, Ben, how tall was your flag pole again?

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I think I remember hearing that somewhere, probably in the Almanac!

    Thanks for coming by, DD.

    Hey JoJo...
    You go, girl! Somehow I knew you would have one available!

    You take care, sweetie, and thanks for dropping in today!

  7. Your posts always have a nice way of reminding us what's important. Thanks!

  8. My boys drew a full sized replica of the Star Spangled Banner in our courtyard a few years back. It was absolutely Mammoth! We enjoy a good flag celebration.

  9. Hey James...
    Good to see you again!

    I appreciate the nice comments, buddy, and the visit today!

    Good to see you back with us!

    Hey Marjie...
    That's a pretty good project, for sure!

    I believe that having the kids involved in celebrations is so important! Makes history a little more real to them, I think!

    I appreciate the visit today!
