Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Some Divine Justice...!

Sometimes the very sword of justice appears from out of the blue to take over!

Many may say that some "Divine Retribution" took place here and they could be right! It would be nice to think that was the case! It's my opinion that we could all use any help we could get!

This story from the pages of the Houston Chronicle says it better than I ever could!

Rapist dies while attacking elderly South Texas woman

© 2011 The Associated Press
June 13, 2011, 5:25PM

REFUGIO — Investigators say a man died while in the act of raping an elderly South Texas woman.

The Refugio County Sheriff's Office identifies the man as 53-year-old Isabel Chavelo Gutierrez.

Sheriff's Sgt. Gary Wright says the incident happened June 2 after Gutierrez rode two miles by bicycle from his home to that of his 77-year-old victim in the tiny coastal community of Tivoli.

He says the 5-foot-7, 230- to 250-pound man sneaked into the woman's house and raped her at knifepoint. During the attack, he said he wasn't feeling well, rolled over and died.

His body was sent to the Nueces County medical examiner in Corpus Christi for autopsy.

Gutierrez was a registered sexual offender on parole from a sentence for aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a child.

I think that maybe some of the bad guys should know that the muses seem to be watching over some of us, especially in this case!

Coffee on the patio this morning!


  1. Years ago, there was a guy two-timing his wife who was parked along our little country road. He took a heart attack and his lover was spotted sneaking back to town in the darkness, minus a shoe. Our neighbor heard the guy screaming, so you have to wonder if it was from pain, or if he got a glimpse of the other side.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Guess that sooner or later, fate catches up to us all!

    Good reason to live each day as if it were going to be the last...for some day it will be!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  3. lets hope some bureaucrat doesn't to send the bill for the EMS team to the woman.

  4. Justice was certainly served. Sure hope he was in pain when he died!

  5. A short over weight guy riding a bycycle for miles and then engaging in stimulating activities. . . the expected happened. But I would prefer to believe it was divine justice.

  6. To bad he didn't die before he attacked the poor old lady. And when will the sentence for attacking a child become a life time in prison.Or sexually attacking anyone. Bunch of dirt bags.

  7. Hey Russell...
    For sure they would do exactly that if they thought they would get away with it!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I don't know about the pain, but we know from his own words he wasn't feeling good!

    I imagine there aren't a lot of folks that are concerned with how he felt!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey DD...
    I would prefer to think of it that way myself!

    Sort of gives a more comforting mood for the day!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Well, at least she got to see him pass away! Got to be some satisfaction in that!

    I don't think this jerk will be missed!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  8. Also read that today, and God forgive me, I had to laugh!! Served the B,,,,,, right.

  9. Too bad it doesn't happen every time! Sure would alleviate a lot of pain and suffering in this old world.

    I'll bring the cookies, found a new recipe for jam filled cookies and it looks like a keeper!

  10. Hey Trouble...
    I couldn't help but be grinning a bit when I read this myself!

    What a surprise he faces at his judgement!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Judy...
    I just love a woman that brings cookies!

    To me, cookies are a food group on their own! But you already knew that, right?

    Many thanks for coming over this morning!

  11. I think they should put all this type of scum in a large compound with moats and alligators surrounding it, give them the stuff they need to raise their own food and forget about them, just like Devils Island. Also let them self govern themselves, seems right for rapists to determine punishment fot rapists

  12. This just breaks my heart. Can you imagine that poor old lady's horror. What kind of monster abuses the helpless. I'd like to revive him just to torture him abit and I'm not a violent lady. Just hope he enjoys whats waiting for him now!
