Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Sorry, Can You Repeat That...?

It's really getting crazy in this world when some Amish youngsters get drunk and then run from the police! In a buggy, no less!

What a sad state of affairs when even the Amish kids are falling under the spell of the crazies out there!

4 Amish charged with illegal alcohol possession after buggy collides with police car
Published: Monday, March 12, 2012, 9:10 AM 

SHERMAN, N.Y. — Authorities in western New York say they've charged four young Amish adults with illegal possession of alcohol after their buggy collided with a police car responding to a report of a drinking party under way.

The Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office tells media outlets that the crash occurred around 7:15 Sunday in the rural town of Sherman, near the Pennsylvania border in New York's southwest corner.

Officials say deputies were responding to reports that people were drinking in several Amish buggies on a country road.

As a patrol car arrived on the scene, one of the Amish buggies changed lanes, colliding with the police vehicle. The buggy flipped onto its side, causing minor injuries to one of the people on board.

Police say several other buggies fled the scene.

Get you get that last part? Not just one buggy, but several other buggies fled the scene! I don't know if this whole story makes me laugh or makes me sad! All I can say is CRAZY!

Fresh coffee on the patio this morning. Warm and dry so far!


  1. I heard something about this on the news tonight. I thought the Amish were supposed to be T-totalers. LMAO!

  2. was the horse that was pulling the buggy drinking also?

  3. Hey Bob...
    I guess that even the Amish kids want a taste of the wild side!

    At least they weren't driving a car!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Griper...
    The article didn't say, but he might have been eating a bit of loco weed!

    Hey, thanks for the visit this morning!

  4. Hey, some of those buggies can really move!! Ever seen Scurry Racing?
    What's this World coming too when even the Amish are running amok and harnessing the Cops? :-)

  5. What is this world coming to? (grin) Teens will be teems no matter who their parents are.

  6. Before they join the church, they can get in all kinds of trouble just like us 'English'. A while back we had 4 or 5 fellows that were caught selling drugs. I'm sure the Amish parents 'hold their collective breaths' until their children give up the worldly stuff and come back to the fold.

  7. Sorta wonder what an "APB" on those getaway buggies sounded like..."Be on the lookout for a...buggy...uhm...black in color, driven by a white male early 20s, dressed in black...buggy pulled by horse...and there's 5 or 6 buggies, same description on all..."

  8. About a year ago or maybe its more they had a special on about these kids leaving home and the Amish way. they mostly became alcoholics
    or druggies or both. Some realized their mistake and went back. Other's just I guess became homeless others made their way in the world.
    But it is sad parents have no rights anymore so control is gone.

    It does look like another nice day today. :)

  9. I know "kids will be kids". But it is sad when even the Amish kids run amok. Very sad indeed!

  10. Hey Ben...
    I know that some of those buggies can really move, but the image of a police chase involving one just strikes me as strange, to say the least!

    Thanks, buddy, for the visit this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I guess that's very true!

    Thanks for coming by, Dizzy!

    Hey Sharon...
    I reckon that many of the concerns are the same no matter where you are. Still, I would think that this is not as common as it is in the "real world!"

    Crazy...just crazy!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Lamb...
    Now that would be a recording I would like to hear!

    Probably got the attention of more than one person hearing it.

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    I guess that there is no way, other than setting as good example as possible, to keep some of the kids from leaning toward the wild side!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    The Devil is making his presence known more and more, I think!

    Glad I'm not raising kids in this day and age!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  11. Im like you, dont know whether to laugh or be sad.... think laugh is getting the better of me,,,lolol

  12. hahaha. . . It's the pigs, hoof it! I see a bunch of Amish teens drag racing their buggy's.

  13. Hey Trouble...
    Guess we all need a touch of humor in our lives!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phelan...
    Sort of calls to mind the buggy race in the movie "Friendly Persuasion", doesn't it?

    Wonder if the hooch was homemade?

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  14. "Sorry officer but I put my hand on her thigh and got all goofy."

  15. Well I don't know Jim, it is a bit of shock to the system at first, but I'm laughing. Guess they're entitled to have a little fun too. At least they're not driving a motorized vehicle. lol. They're just like everyone else I guess. There are good amish and then the bad ass amish I guess. Funny story, you know, as long as no one got hurt I guess.
