Friday, April 13, 2012

Got A Piggy Bank...?

First of all, let me wish you all a safe Friday 13TH.

That's right! We have 3 of them this year, and that's really unusual. Usually the most we have in a single year is 2. Wonder if that is a good sign or a bad one?

Now, about this piggy bank thing. At one time or another, I'm sure nearly every kid has had some kind of piggy bank. Ever wonder where that name came from? I'm gonna tell ya!

Probably since the advent of coinage, people have been looking for places to keep their money. Sticking dollar bills under the mattress is a relatively new innovation, but putting valuables into jars stretches back centuries. And clay jars have been around for thousands of years, with pot sherds found in China dating back as much as 18,000 years ago, according to the Associated Press. So it only makes sense that early "banks" were simply jars of clay.

According to the Straight Dope, an orange type of clay was rather popular in the Middle Ages, and used for storage of everything -- including valuables and money. The jars made from this orange clay weren't shaped like anything special -- and certainly not like pigs. Rather, they probably looked like regular clay jugs, unadorned in order to keep them economical.

That orange clay used to make these jars was called "pygg" and the jars themselves were called "pygg jars."

Originally, "pygg" was probably pronounced something closer to "pug" than "pig," but as the language evolved and our pronunciation of vowels shifted, "pygg" became a homophone for "pig." And at roughly the same time -- a few generations different, give or take -- the modern meaning of the term "banking" came to be. Together, "pygg jars" became "piggy banks," and soon after, were stylized to look like the animals from which they do not get their name.

I gleamed all this information from a post over at "Now I Know" right here.

Isn't it fun to learn all this almost worthless stuff? Just never know when it might come in handy!

Coffee on the patio this morning. Maybe some biscuits and baked ham snacks to go along with it?


  1. awww now you just took all the fun out of phrases like "saving our bacon", "bringing home the bacon", "greasin' the palm of the hand that feeds ya"

  2. Hey Griper...
    Sorry about that! Just couldn't help myself...

    Guess I'm just a hog for this stuff!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Now if only I had a few bucks to put in a jar of any kind at all.

    Coffee with my daughter and her family this morning, so it's going to be a good one.

  4. It's the 13th so it's gonna be a good day. Always did wonder where the term "piggy" bank came from. I knew it wasn't because people stuck their money in their pigs so thanks for the info. Love useless trivia. Sometimes keeps conversations going.

  5. You talk about Piggy Banks and then go eat HAM for breakfast? Freudian slip maybe ? :-) I'll take one please. Got any cheese to lay on it?

  6. Ah so, I've always wondered where that name came from, I just figured it was just advertising hype. Pygg - who'd a thunk ?

  7. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)April 13, 2012 at 7:44 AM

    You always have some interesting tidbit!
    Thanks, breakfast sure does sound good .. your patio is gonna be crowded today!

  8. Thanks for the tidbit of info on piggy banks. You bet I had one or two. Still use a "bank" today (actually it's a tin jar). Breakfast on your patio sounds good this morning. Have a nice day.

  9. Recall having a bank as a kid but don't recall what it was. Now I just keep my coins in cans.

    I'll finish off this last piece of pineapple upside down cake I forgot to take camping with me.

  10. Hi HJ thanks for the reminder about today being the 13th. Since we were in the road for a fukk week, I lost track of not inky the days of the week, but also of the month!

  11. Hey Sixbears...
    Coffee with the kids is always a good way to start off the day!

    I certainly hear ya on the shortage of coinage to bank! Seems to be a common problem for many of us!

    Thanks, Six, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    You know me...a warehouse of almost useless information! Keeps me interested when talking to myself.

    You have a great day, and thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Does seem like a strange coincidence, doesn't it? Like you say, maybe a Freudian slip!

    Sure is a tasty ham, though.

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:34...
    I never would have guessed the origin of this if I hadn't read the post.

    Goes to show, there nearly is always a reason behind the name!

    Thanks for coming by today.

    Hey Phyllis...
    The more the merrier on the patio!

    Glad you can find something interesting here to help with the day!

    Many thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I use an empty coffee can for my change. As you might imagine, I seem to always have one or two around!

    Glad to share what I can with my friends!

    I appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey BBC...
    That seems to be where my change ends up as well.

    Pineapple upside down cake used to be my favorite. I think it was the brown sugar!

    Thanks, friend, for coming over today!

  12. Hey Beatrice...
    Well, at least it wasn't an age thing that caused you to forget! That seems to be my problem more and more!

    Glad you could come by today!

  13. What a fun post this morning.

    Thank you and I will be there for breakfast. Was so busy yesterday my food intake was messed up bad and I didn't stop to eat. Had peanut butter toast for dinner. I will try to do better today even if I am still busy.

  14. Hey JoJo...
    Don't get so busy that you forget to eat something. You need to keep up the energy level and get plenty of vitamins!

    Of course, there is certainly nothing wrong with peanut butter toast for supper! Sounds good to me!

    Take care of yourself, sweetie, and thanks for coming by!
