Saturday, April 14, 2012

Way To Go, NASA...!

There are times when it really sucks to be a Martian! This would definitely be one of those times, I'm thinking.

While reading this story, I was just wondering if this was going to happen to us? I mean, why should the poor little Martians be the only ones to suffer? Up until now, I always had the impression that the folks here on planet Earth were the good guys...sorta. Now I'm having to go back and rethink all my prior ideas.

BUNGLING Nasa chiefs are believed to have found tiny Martians — but KILLED them by boiling them alive.

Two spacecraft that landed on the Red Planet in 1976 are now thought to have detected live microbes in Martian soil.

Scientists at the time failed to spot the signs of life — and COOKED the bugs at 160°C during experiments. Now an international team has used modern techniques to re-examine data collected by the two unmanned Viking probes.

And biologist Joseph Miller, of the University of Southern California, said: “I’m 99 per cent sure there’s life there.

“To paraphrase an old saying, if it looks like a microbe and acts like a microbe — then it probably is a microbe.”

During the 1976 mission, nutrients were added to the Martian soil. It would have a similar effect to putting plant food on a garden. The soil gave off a gas, believed to be mainly carbon dioxide.

Experts dismissed the possibility that the gas came from bugs. But new tests indicate it DID. Unfortunately, the soil was heated in the original tests, killing any microbes.

Dr Miller wants Nasa to send a craft back to Mars to film the minute creatures.

Man, not only did we invade another planet...but we kidnapped some of the lawful residents, brought them back here, and then murdered them in the name of science! I hate to say it, but this really sounds like the makings of a low budget science fiction movie!

To top it off, now we want to go back and get some more of them? We might not get a friendly welcome this time around!

We better have coffee in the kitchen this morning. Rain and hail in the forecast and I really don't like hail in my coffee!


  1. It COULD be a strain of the Martian Flu.

  2. Send the rain this way, but keep the hail. Coffee sounds great. Let's leave the Martians alone.

  3. I guess we don't come in peace.

  4. Leave it to science. UGH!

    Yes coffee indoors this morning its so nasty out.

  5. The hail just cools it down way to fast. Not only that, its hard to drink if it is windy. White caps!

  6. If we do find life anywhere else we'll want to know if it is part of the food chain. Ditto if life out there finds us.

  7. This is the first time I have heard about this. Wow, we are the Space Invaders. . .

  8. Hey Gorges...
    I never thought of that! Pretty good!

    It's this sort of thing that might just bring us down!

    Thanks for coming by today, sir!

    Hey Momlady...
    Like you, I don't mind the rain but don't want the hail!

    I have a feeling this is only the beginning!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    That's probably just what the martians are thinking!

    Wonder if they will come peacefully? I'm guessing NO!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    It's not bad here yet, but nasty is on the way!

    Gotta just LUV Springtime in Texas!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey John...
    Nothing like having white caps in your coffee! You must have been to the Texas coast recently!

    Don't need any hail like they got in the Amarillo area! 4 feet deep? Way too much!

    Thanks, John, for coming by today!

    Hey BBC...
    Wonder if it involves being part of a taste test? We might not really want to know the answer to that question!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I thought you might just find this story interesting. Keep a close eye on the stars for us...! Don't want any surprises heading our way!

    Thanks for dropping over today!

  9. “During the 1976 mission, nutrients were added to the Martian soil. It would have a similar effect to putting plant food on a garden. The soil gave off a gas, believed to be mainly carbon dioxide.”

    So we introduced a foreign substance to an alien world? Maybe not the smartest thing we ever did.

  10. It's never polite to visit a neighbor and then kill them :-) and as You say, it does sound like a bad scifi :-) :-) :-)

    They can send as many spacecrafts as they wish as long as they don't bring anything here. I guess those aliens would like a revenge :-) :-) :-) and perhaps they should be more careful next time so we don't boil any more of them :-)

    Have a great day!

  11. Hey Bob...
    I certainly have to agree with you on that! Doesn't seem like a nice thing to do, does it?

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    Sorry to see that some more of your comments went to the spam box. I thought I had that all fixed!

    Hopefully, it is all good now!

    Revenge might be on the agenda for us, and I think we should be careful in the future!

    Maybe that's why we get so many reports of UFOs?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  12. Sounds like just another day at the federal office...

  13. Hey Craig...
    Seems to me like someone really screwed the pooch on this one!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  14. It sort of figures that when we found life the first thing we did was kill it. Hope those microbes don't have any relatives higher up the food chain.
