Thursday, April 5, 2012

This Should Be A Crime...!

As most of you know, I love me some good ol' peanut butter!

P.B. and jelly, P.B. and honey, P.B. and butter...I didn't think you could come up with a bad combination using peanut butter! It seems like I was wrong!

Whoever came up with this idea should be severely punished! Severely, I say!

The answer to an unasked question: PB&J vodka
By staff

You may have thought that bacon-flavored vodka was bad – and if you tasted it you know this to be hangover-inducingly true. But that may be top shelf compared to peanut butter & jelly vodka.

Evidently, Van Gogh Vodka sees the need for alcoholics to embrace their inner second-grader. PB&J is a thing, as reported by BarBiz mag.

Van Gogh is proud to introduce their own take on the classic PB&J, transforming its timeless flavor into a delightfully smooth peanut butter and raspberry jelly flavored vodka. Master Distiller Tim Vos selected raspberry flavored jelly after taste-testing peanut butter sandwiches matched with various jellies. "For me, the raspberry jelly came out the best," he says. "It is fresh, fruity and mingles very well with the oily structure of the peanut butter."

We’re not even sure how to drink this? Straight up? PB&J-tini? As punishment for crimes in a past life?

For one of the first times in my life, I'm almost totally speechless! I mean it!!

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning! I have to stay close to the cookies baking! Want one?


  1. PB and Vodka? Damn, this sounds already like a crime! Enjoy your coffee!

  2. Hey Investnote...
    Glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks so!

    I really appreciate you coming by this morning!

  3. my bil puts peanut butter on everything he eats. i found it tasted pretty good on a hamburger.

  4. I buy 4 or 5 jars PB every month. We love PB toast in the am or maybe just PB bread. PB cookies are always good. PB Vodka...No.

  5. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)April 5, 2012 at 5:47 AM

    The best is: Make toast. Spread peanut butter on one slice and blueberry jam on the other. Then quarter a banana and put between the two slices,fold them together and enjoy! Bet 'ya can't eat just one!
    Cookies and coffee! Sounds great!

  6. All I can say is "yuck". I'll take my pb&j in a sandwich, thank you. Good grief, what's next, ham & cheese?

  7. I'm just trying to imagine why this would even be necessary. My vodka is drank with orange or tomato juice - its not just for breakfast anymore, lol.

  8. Hey Griper...
    Now that is something I've never tried! PB and hamburger!

    Thanks for the idea and for coming by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I have to admit I like it a lot, but I don't think I want to mix it in vodka!

    Two separate food groups, I think!

    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Sounds like a pretty good sandwich to me, but what do you have for desert?

    Thanks for making my stomach growl, and for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Seems to me that some folks have way too much time on their hands!

    I'm with you on the basics!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:47...
    Beats me why anyone would even try this, but I guess that someone felt there was a need!

    Some strange folks in this world!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  9. As I understand it many folks drink vodka because it doesn't put a smell on your breath when you return to work after lunch and who wants their breath to smell like peanut butter?

    Anyway, vodka is good at hiding other smells, just put a bit in a spray bottle spray it on something that smells, or on your armpits. :-)

  10. Hey BBC...
    I can think of many worse things for my breath to smell like than PB!

    I saw a Mythbusters show where they used vodka to kill smells! Interesting!

    Thanks for coming over troday!

  11. That is nasty. Why the need for this is beyond me. don't ruin my peanut butter.

    Coffee and a cookie? Can I eat just one? I would love to join you.

  12. I don't partake of either for the same reason, mico-toxins. My choice of spreads is almond butter.

  13. Interesting...
    I don't drink, well I do, but so rarely it can be classified as not drinking. LOL

    Given the opportunity,I would try this, just to see what it tasted like. I've heard from friends that the Cake & Chocolate flavored vodkas are good.

    Thanks, Uncle Hermit, and yes, I'd love to join you for coffee and a cookie. Have a wonderful day!


  14. Hey JoJo...
    I'm with you! Don't mess with my peanut butter...ever!

    Eat one or as many as you want, sweetie!

    Thanks for coming over for a visit.

    Hey Dizzy...
    I think I've tried that spread before. Still, PB is my favorite!

    Guess that's why they make so many different kinds.

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

    Hey Felinae...
    Why don't you try it and then you can let me know what it's like!

    I'll go with your review, OK?

    Thank you for the visit, my friend!

  15. I thought the same about peanut butter an dill pickles slices sandwich till I ate one now I'm hooked,also peanut butter an celery.I will probably never try it but it is an interesting thought.I tried mountain oysters once so it could possibly happen.
