Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unusual Teamwork...!

One of the many things we could learn from Mother Nature is that sometimes, teamwork is beneficial!

You probably would never think of ants and Butterflies working as a team, but it does happen! Not all the time, but on certain occasions and with specific groups! I know it sounds strange, but take a look at this example I found over at!

Large Blue caterpillars feed on wild Thyme or Marjoram flowers for the first few days of development. Afterwards, they seek out the nests of a specific species of red ant, and hibernate inside their tunnels. The caterpillar will spend a further 3 weeks transforming into the Large Blue butterfly adult. After its change from caterpillar to butterfly, the insect emerges from its chrysalis and leaves the red ant nest to find a mate. Usually, red ants will escort the newly emerged butterfly to the surface, taking it to a low plant or shrub nearby. The red ants will encircle the butterfly and ward off any predators that attempt to attack the butterfly as it dries out. After the butterfly is ready to fly away, the ants will retreat back into their nest. To make itself less of an intruder to the red ants, Large Blue caterpillars will adopt the red ant’s scent and mimic the ant’s sounds, in addition to providing the ants with honeydew. Once the caterpillar is inside its chrysalis, it will rub its head against the chrysalis walls to make a scraping sound that the red ants make. Failure to complete any of these disguises will often lead to the caterpillar being eaten by the red ants.

That, my friends, is one way that nature teaches us that we can survive an otherwise deadly time if we only work as a team! It won't happen every time, but if the pairing is right from the start, the chances of surviving are quite good!

Don't believe me? Just ask the large blue butterfly!

Coffee outside on the patio this morning! No cold front came through, so it's back to Spring/Summer type weather!


  1. Weird Bed Fellows for sure.
    Ain't nature amazing?

  2. Nature isn't always about competition. Cooperation is important too. There's a lesson there for all of us.

  3. Temps 90 here again today in Orlando. Keeping the air on again today.

  4. Just goes to show that sometimes it takes strange "bedfellows" to survive.

  5. Well, butterfly's don't have guns. LOL

  6. Very interesting. Red Ants are nasty so that caterpillar better get right. Sure does turn into a beautiful butterfly.

  7. Hey Ben...
    That it is, buddy! That it is!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Too bad we never seem to learn from Nature!Or from each other, as far as that goes!

    Thanks so much for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    Think I have your weather here! In the 80's and raining!

    Talk about humid! It is!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Have to be flexible, that's for sure! A little "honeydew" never hurts, either!

    Thanks, my friend, for taking the time to visit!

    Hey BBC...
    Seems like no guns needed with the level of co-operation they have!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Not much room for error, that's for sure!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  8. I bet that wouldn't work with our fire ants. I swear they would eat anything.

  9. We have a species of butterfly that does just that too, fascinating!

    I've just seen videos of those nasty tornados You've had in Texas, I hope You wasn't close to them!


  10. Learn something new and interesting all the time here, HermitJim.
