Saturday, June 2, 2012

Emergency Room Visit...UPDATED!

Had to take Mom to the emergency room after she had a fall in her house.

I won't be posting until I find out something.


Sorry about the delay in getting this posted, but you know how it is when you go to the emergency room!

Mom had an MRI done on her head and all checked out just fine! What happened was that she was walking from the den to the kitchen without her cane (or her walker) and she tripped on a carpet runner. She landed on her left knee and left elbow, went sideways and hit the back of her head on a pie safe that was near-by!

She wasn't close to her call button (which she won't wear) or the phone, so she crawled into the laundry room and started yelling to try and get my attention. Luckily I heard her and went in to help her get up into a chair and we started checking for immediate injuries.

Because of the big bump on the head and the size of the knot, we decided that the ER was where we should go. This was before 9:00 pm and we managed to get home about 12:50, which all things told wasn't too bad!

Main thing is...Mom is OK, but will be sore for a couple of days. I just wish I could convince here to always use her cane, even indoors!

Thanks for bearing with me on this one. Normally I pre-post on the night before the post is dated. This one started out on Friday night, and here it is just after 1:00AM Saturday!

Don't know about you, but I need some fresh, STRONG coffee this morning! I'm getting way too old for all this adventure!


  1. Hey Gorges...
    Thanks, my friend! Prayers are always welcome and needed!

    Thanks for coming over and for the concern!

  2. he grins, us oldies don't like to give up our independence very easily. you young'un just have to put up with our ornriness and stubborness, amigo. :)

    glad she is ok though.

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)June 2, 2012 at 4:00 AM

    Gosh, your Mom was luck to get away with just a few bumps and bruises; it could have been a lot worse! Maybe now she will wear her call button. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

  4. Glad it's nothing more serious.

  5. I too will pray for a good outcome.

  6. Glad it wasn't any worst. I absolutely understand your frustration and worry as My mother did the exact same thing,BUT she cracked some hip bone and was never able to return to the house.
    As much as she and we hated it she had to move into assisted living house with 24/7 help available.
    I do understand you and your mom and I'm thinking about ya'll

  7. Whew,glad your Mom is ok! Very glad you heard her! My prayers will be with ya both!


  8. Hey Griper...
    I understand exactly what you're saying, and I don't blame ya!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Yep, all things considered we were lucky this time!

    Hey, thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I appreciate the thoughts, my friend!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    The thoughts are certainly appreciated this morning.

    My thanks for coming over!

    Hey Ben...
    We both are sure hoping that it doesn't come to that!

    Broken bones can sure be a problem for the older set as can head injuries!

    Thanks, buddy, for the concerns and the visit!

    Hey China...
    It sure could have been a lot worse!

    I appreciate you coming over today!

  9. Older folk don't like to lose their independence which, I reckon, includes going without cane or walker. Hope your mom will now use both when needed. She is lucky to have you so near.

  10. Hey Momlady...
    Maybe now she will use the cane even inside! I sure don't want her to fall again!

    Thanks for dropping by today, my friend!

  11. So sorry to hear that she took a fall but glad to hear that there was no serious damage. She will be sore for a while. My wife and I fear falling since are bones are not as strong as they used to be when we were younger.

  12. Hey Dizzy...
    The soreness will be a lot easier to deal with than broken bones!

    Our main concern was the head! So many complications can come from that!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  13. Sorry to hear this. But so glad mom didn't break anything. And I am so glad you are close enough to hear. Maybe a good time to pick up the throw rugs they can be a hazard even to not so old folks. But I do know stuborn. Keep and eye on her for a few days and I will be praying for you both.
    I bet a nice strong cup right now is much needed.

  14. Hey JoJo...
    Guess you could say it was a close call!

    I have some rearranging to do in Mom's house and try to get some things more fall resistant! Can't have too many more of those!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  15. I'm so glad she's ok! I guess feeling sour after a fall like that is quite ok after all, it could have been so much worse!


  16. I'm glad that Mama Hermit, is going to be ok and just got some bumps and bruises. It's fortunate that you live within shouting distance and were able to hear her.

    I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs to you both
    ~Fel~ :)

  17. Hey Christer...
    Yeah, being sore is much better than being broken!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Felinae...
    I think we were very lucky this time. Bumps and bruises we can deal with!

    Thank you, girl, for coming over today!

  18. You Are a Wonderful Son, being there for your Mother!
    She & you are blessed to have each other.
    ~Blessings & Prayers

  19. Hey Kare...
    Your kind thoughts are certainly appreciated this morning.

    Thanks for coming over!

  20. glad your mom is going to be ok. Take a deep breath and slow your breathing, I know how it is.
    the rat

  21. That's really something to worry about as you age. You don't have to be old, either. It just happens in a heartbeat! Glad your mom is ok.

  22. Been there and done that, taking care of an elderly parent. Now I'm the elderly one, although I hate to admit it. Glad Mom is ok.

  23. Get a whistle for her. It can be heard a long way. She can blow it much longer than she can yell without being hoarse. I am 79, carry a whistle, my knees are shot. I do sets of pushups with hands on kitchen counter to maintain upper body strength. so far I can pull up on a chair, table etc to stand from the floor. You can buy your mother a whistle. It would help her much if she will do pushups as I described.

  24. Glad to hear your mom is doing well and I hope that you were happy with the hospital and their care.

  25. So glad she is none the worse after her fall. Things could have been much worse. Somehow you will just have to convince that stubborn lady to use her cane or walker. Will keep her in my prayers.

  26. Good that your dear Mom is okay. Tramp 1's parents have the wear-around-the-neck type of alert and we have never seen them wearing them. I suppose we might be like that when we are their age, too... They are both 90!
