Friday, June 1, 2012

This Bit Of American History May Suprise You...!

Just when you think you have this early American history all figured out, up pops a surprise!

I'll be the first to admit that this info took me totally off guard. I don't know why, but maybe because this settlement has been here so long and is still active!

Forget Jamestown. The oldest settlement in the United States is Acoma Pueblo.

It’s no revelation that Native American settlements predate European ones, but it may surprise some people that Acoma Pueblo, west of Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been continuously occupied since the 12th century. The Acoma still inhabit their “Sky City,” a settlement of about 4,800 people that sits atop a 365-foot high mesa. 

Traditionally hunters and traders, the Acoma people now make their income from a cultural center and casino complex. Coincidentally, the oldest state capital in the United States is Santa Fe, which recently celebrated its 400th anniversary.

Well, like I said...short and sweet today! It really doesn't take long to find a topic that makes for interesting study. I'm thinking that would make an interesting settlement to research.

Better have our coffee in the kitchen this morning, just in case the rain comes back!


  1. Finally! You posted about place I have actually been too!! :-)

  2. Hey Ben...
    Guess it was pretty impressive, huh?

    I'd like to see it one of these days!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  3. I have actually been to Acoma Pueblo. It is a very impressive place especially since it is still inhabited. A must see on every travelers list. Thanks for posting about this site and have a great weekend.

  4. Hey Linda...
    Looks like more folks have been to this place than I would have imagined! Now I know I need to go see it!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Interesting story. Had never heard of it before. If I get that way I need to see it.

    I'll take a refill please.

  6. Hey JoJo...
    You should really go by there, since it's in your neck of the woods!

    One refill coming up!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by this morning!

  7. I have been through N.M. but never have been to that place. I will have to get there some day.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Does sound like a place that needs to be visited, doesn't it?

    Maybe you and ol' Ben could get a caravan of RV's and make the trip!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  9. Take that you Englophiles! Its about time the Injuns got some credit! 8^)

  10. A gentle reminder to all those that are planning to visit Acoma Pueblo, DO NOT FORGET that this is not some Indian ruins, but is someone's home. You can get into a LOT of trouble by just wandering into the dwellings.
