Sunday, December 9, 2012

Some Bugs Bunny On Sunday 'Toons...!

I think many of the older cartoons just far outshine the 'toons of today, don't you?

I don't know what it is about the older cartoons, but why would the characters still be recognized after so many years if there wasn't a special quality to them?

Even the cartoons with a "hidden agenda" are still pretty cute, by today's standards!

Maybe just one more for good measure!

Guess that's enough of the silliness for today! Don't want to overdo it, ya know?

Coffee on the patio again this morning. I have a few more peanut butter cookies left, if ya want one!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 9, 2012 at 4:25 AM

    Quality never goes out of style. Thanks for the three 'toons today, Mr. Hermit! Peanut butter cookies and hot coffee sounds perfect!

  3. Thanks for the 'toons, HJ. You know a lot of us recognize certain classical music because of them.

  4. They may have had a little battering going on but they did in a way that made you laugh. They were just plain funny. Todays so called cartoon are just not funny they are down right dark and scary.
    Pass the pot please.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    You are certainly more than welcome, my friend!

    The older ones do seem to have a special "something", don't they?

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I think you're right! In fact, sometimes when I hear a certain piece of music, some of the images that come to mind are 'toons that I've seen!

    Funny how that works!

    Thanks so much for dropping in today!

    Hey Jo...
    The slap stick comedy in the old 'toons was never deadly, but always ended in fun! Certainly not like today!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  6. "Coffee with the Hermit" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  7. Hi, I'm visiting from Jerry's blog today, and enjoying my visit. Nice to meet you. I look forward to coming back.

  8. I love the old cartoons. I still laugh out loud at their antics. Now, cartoons just make me shake my head. Even my 17 year old daughter prefers the older ones as she's watched them since she was young. I'm also sent by Jerry ;-)

  9. Hey Jerry...
    I appreciate the visit this morning and the link up on your blog!

    Always nice to have some new friends drop in! Thanks!

    Hey Denise...
    Welcome to the coffee group! I always enjoy meeting up with new folks!

    I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Kden...
    A real big "Howdy" to ya! I'm like you on the older cartoons. More entertaining than the newer ones, in my opinion!

    I sure do appreciate you coming over today!
